Dammit, I got excited because of the stuff on the credits.

I was literally so excited to play this that I ended up skipping the title screen to host a server with some friends.

Huge pity that this will never be finished and I honestly believed that this was going to carry over the original incredibly well.

Ahh well. Hopefully what's here can be injected into something better without much bad will carried on it.
Seeing as how this project is apparently canceled, I suppose it would be best not to think of this as a proper criticism post, as no further progress will come of this level pack anyway. Instead, just think of this as a thoughts and impressions post. Specifically, I am referring to v6 in this post, and not v5.1.

With that out of the way, here are my said thoughts and impressions:
Visually aesthetically, this level pack is absolutely beautiful. Moreso in my opinion than the vanilla campaign. These levels feel more alive and vibrant than ever before. So much so that I would comfortably say that it is the main campaign levels that are in dire need of living up to these levels visually rather than the other way around. I especially like the new emerald alters, and wouldn't at all mind something similar being implemented into the vanilla campaign someday, perhaps as a method of obtaining some secret unlockable if all of them are found and activated.

In terms of level design, I generally feel as though these levels are a step up from their older counterparts, though the tendency of levels to be more uphill than downhill is still quite prevalent and noticeable, causing Sonic to still feel rather sluggish in many of these levels compared to the more vertically gifted characters. Nonetheless, the addition of slopes is a massive plus, and the general reimagined feel to the levels is utterly fantastic.

The boss levels on the other hand, at least after the first one, feel rather lacking. SRB2 has come a long way since the old days, and there are many new bosses in the game. I would very much have preferred to see some of those get used in some creative new way rather than just the Eggmobile getting reused several times over. This was something of a disappointment.

Overall, this generally tickles my nostalgia in a more positive light than a negative one, and I even somewhat find myself sad that we will probably never get to see the other levels get likewise reimagined. I can only hope that in the future sometime, the vanilla campaign can borrow a little bit from this visually.
As stated right at the start of the game, it is cancelled.


All because Mystic did something bad.


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i'm still bitter of what Mystic did and what eventually caused in the entire Forum from begin with.
now that this is over, you guys must be happy that this huge weight full of shame and regret (trust me, i went into this type of situation before) is officially over.
hope for something better to come (especially the possible Sugoi 4)
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it's good to see this mod finally get the update it deserves, even if it won't ever be finished
Nope, Dave made new monitor textures. As sorta a homage to how they used to be.
Aww, sad that it's canceled. Hope it gets picked up again someday, either by the same team or others. Mystic Realm has gotten pretty complicated in its dev cycle over the years hasn't it.
I won't ask for this to be completed but...
Could you at least release a non-Halloween version of the v6.0 demo?
Those levels are way too dark and pretty discouraging to explore, but I would like to play the normal ones without having to spend +10 minutes in that dark mess, hunting for emblems and smashing my face against every wall while trying to Time Attack them :u
I won't ask for this to be completed but...
Could you at least release a non-Halloween version of the v6.0 demo?
Those levels are way too dark and pretty discouraging to explore, but I would like to play the normal ones without having to spend +10 minutes in that dark mess, hunting for emblems and smashing my face against every wall while trying to Time Attack them :u

If you use the custom gamedata mod and load it after the level pack, you can bypass having to play the halloween versions at all assuming your custom gamedata has at least one cleared save slot.
I played the first zone, honestly im not a big fan of the level design. I kept seeing myself getting lost. Especially in act 2. I didnt really like the use of the pumcodedemon. The emerald shrines were pretty cool though. It sucks that the project got fucked over due to the stuff with Prime. At the very least, hopefully working this project gave you some practice and knowledge that you can put into other projects.
woop woop

update time.

* -All emblems are now collectible (lol)
* -Fixed line overflow in Extras Checklist
* -Blue Emerald is now more easily accessible
* -New ending artwork by DaJumpJump
* -Loads of polish and bugfixing
-Emerald Key when starting the campaign
-Edits to the custom capsule at the end of TVZ3
-Inner Sanctum is accessible through Record Attack and Level Select
Mystic Realm V6.0

1.09.4 First Released

---------- Post added at 08:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 PM ----------

First Release the created sonic team junior