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    • Zeno replied to the thread [Open Assets] Sol Sestancia 2.
      it appears that the first emblem in island cross is unobtainable due to something missing/broken in the soc file for it
      • srb20994.png
    • The marble zone textures weren't made by me, (i'm not a artist, nor will i ever be one) instead i got them from this really old texture...
    • Indeed, yes that was the intention since the entirety of the red side area had contained either parts of level's that no longer exist in...
    • Zeno replied to the thread SUGOI.
      a curious thought crossed my mind while i was going through this the evening it came out but, but is there any particular reason as to...
    • Zeno reacted to TehRealSalt's post in the thread SUGOI with Cool! Cool!.
      TehRealSalt updated SUGOI with a new update entry: v2.1 release Read the rest of this update entry...
    • Zeno replied to the thread SUGOI.
      Words cannot be expressed how happy i am after waiting for so, so long to finally see my favourite mappack(s) make it into 2.2
      • 1ualhp.jpg
    • Zeno updated The CyberDime Realm (Virtual Simplicity) with a new update entry: 1.5.7 Update Read the rest of this update entry...
    • 1.5.7 Changelog: Made some small changes to the first half of act 1 for Nightlight Gully. Made a relatively small amount of changes in...
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