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Please read the rules below before filling in the field above.

Welcome to the SRB2 Message Board!

This is a place for discussion of the game and modding the game. It's a place you can show off your WIP mods, talk to other modders, get tech support, and discuss the game in general.

Before you’re ready to participate, take a moment to read over some of our rules.

Firstly, this is forum for people who are 13 or older. It's illegal for people younger than 13 years to be using this forum! Keep your conversation suitable to that. There are all sorts of people here, so stay polite for a general audience. Don’t throw around hot button topics or rude language.

This place is primarily for discussion of playing the game and modding the game. Try to build each other up instead of breaking each other down. Good, detailed criticism helps people become better at what they’re doing, whatever it may be. Don’t try to incite negative reactions out of people! There’s a passkey you’ll have to type into the box above to be able to pass, you’ll find it below.

Respect the artist! People put a lot of time and passion into what they make, and if you don’t have permission to edit something, then don’t be posting such edits. This includes the edits themselves, and also screenshots of the edits. Think of it like digital art! You might not like someone tracing over your drawing, right? Additionally, don’t ask other modders to make content for you. DO ask for advice on how to get started making your own mods. That's always welcome!

Keep the topic of a thread in mind! The forum is not a chatroom, it's more like sending a letter to someone. Remember what the topic is about, try to stay on topic, and make sure what you're posting contributes to the conversation and doesn't make the thread harder to read. If someone complains about you being spammy, take the hint. The key we referred to earlier is the two words pico park. Lastly, no financial transactions. We won't stop you from performing commissions on your own in private or elsewhere, but you're on your own if you do. We can’t have your back if a deal goes bad.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this all! We want everyone to get along and have a fun time playing and making things. Help us create a comfy culture around the game by being kind to each other and remembering that every name has a real person behind it.

Let us know if you see someone acting questionably, and we'll handle it. Feel free to use the Talk to the Staff forum or the Report feature to ask questions about the forum, report something which you feel is wrong, or make suggestions. You're not a bother to us at all, it actually makes our job easier when people voice their concerns. We're all just volunteers who do our best to make a good community, and your ideas might be ones we've never heard. You aren’t annoying us, don’t worry! There's always room for discussions.

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Enabling this option displays extra information such as "Join Date" and "Location" in the user information of the postbit.