single player

  1. kriby

    [Open Assets] Castle Cal-Zone 1.0

    The Cal-Zone Crew presents: Castle Cal-Zone! Welcome to Castle Cal-Zone, a two level map pack (technically :P) that me and a few friends have been working on for a few months! This is a half Sonic-themed level, half Pizza Tower-themed level. It has quite a lot of content for what is...
  2. Rogerregorroger

    [Open Assets] Sol Sestancia 2 1.4

    Finally, after way too many years, we're back at the sun drenched island of Sol Sestancia 2. First, you were there for a quick tour. Second time, you had a relatively quiet romp trough the island's many attractions...
  3. Riolucariolu

    Stealin' Sonia 1.0

    It's a boring life for the hedgehog triplets ever since they broke their TV set. But Sonia has a clever idea! Why wouldn't she just steal a flatscreen from Robotnik? He's the lord over everything robotic, or at least used to be, so he's sure to have some high-tech television sets. The stages...
  4. TehRealSalt

    SUGOI 2.2a

    Download (Google Drive) Download (MEGA) (It's too big for SRB2MB, so use any of the links above if you want to avoid split zip nonsense.) Shut Up and Get On It, or SUGOI, was a community project meant to encourage people to make a level. And so was SUBARASHII, and KIMOKAWAIII. Over the years...
  5. malom

    Sonic Robot Blast ! Project Junio

    Sonic Robot Blast Project Junio is a mod with Junio Sonic as the main character(obviously) made by: MotorRoach . The Map Pack was supposed to be level 20. I decided to divide it into updates which will generally be 5 levels but it will still take time since I also make maps for frontiers . main...
  6. GomaTheMascar

    [Open Assets] Lunar Satellite + Moon Nucleus v1

    Hello, I don't have much to say aside from the fact this map has been requested a few times to be released as it's own thing, which I already wanted to do, with a big update and everything... Well, turns out that update is gonna be bigger than I anticipated and that's gonna take a little longer...
  7. "MIDIMan"

    [Port] House 1.0

    DISCLAIMER: It is highly recommended that this addon be played with an fpscap of 35 for the best experience, due to some visual bugs caused by interpolation in the latest version of SRB2. A port of an old 2.0/2.1-era map by sims. Changes made to the addon to make it work in 2.2 can be found in...
  8. dashdahog

    Spleenik the game beta 1.2

    this is thje awesome beta of spleenik the game from oldc 2023 r1the beta of spleenik the game beta is very well known for being extremely trash. so i am making all of you suffer with me too Now you can experience! the reason why roykirbs said "not yours"! Less Gameplay value! the original...
  9. Vortalie

    [Open Assets] Technical Lab Zone (V1.1) 1.1

    It's Just a Level I made when I was bored.
  10. NOTRAL

    Venture Book 1

    This a map pack created from my inability to choose what theme I wanted to make. Bellow here are maps demade into srb2 limitations. Zones Emerald Coast from SA1 Oasis City from SATSR (originally titled Sand Oasis) Military Forest from SA2 (originally titled Greenforest) Titanic...
  11. MrBoingBD

    MrBoing's Levelpack v1.4b

    This Is a levelback that Have worked for about almost 2 months. This Pack includes 5 levels and 1 boss stage. I structured it like a mini campaign. Hope you have fun playing these! Note that this is experimental and the level design is kinda jank. Please give me some feed back so I can use...
  12. Water_Scout

    Destiny Island: Springy Beginnings demo Version 1.1

    This is the first mod i have EVER released to the message board, and since it's a demo things are obviously going to be subject to change, so don't be grumpy when your favorite section in a level is gone Anyways, the story is soon after Sonic and Tails stopped Robotnik from stealing the master...
  13. MrBoingBD

    Green Valley Zone v1.1

    A Single level That I worked on for a week. Using the GreenFlower Theme. (I know not the most unique.) This is the second map I've ever made. however the first has never been posted on here. And I will most likely not ever upload it, since its terrible. (Trust me) PLEASE give me feedback so I...
  14. pizza2me

    orball 1.0

    This ball is a cool ball called orball (because its orange and a ball). This ball can speed thok: This ball can also spindash: and thats it.
  15. MoonlightGB

    SRB2 Sunset City [not worked on anymore]

    First of all, hello there. This is where I'll be sharing info on my main project: SRB2 Sunset City. This is one of the only projects I have that I actually work on actively rather than working on it once a month or something. Anyways, onto the main post. So, for the past 2 weeks or so, I've...
  16. El-fire

    Emerald Coast in SRB2! 1.3.1

    are you ready to go on a two level adventure? no?... well too bad! heres Emerald coast in SRB2! "This is absolutely what sa wouldve been on the saturn." -lucasl5591 on one of my WIP vids. in this two level, level pack! you can play Emerald Coast!... i-in SRB2!... IDK this also includes a...
  17. M1STQ

    THE HUNT... not an emerald hunt I swear

    Hello there my fellow srb2 player... what happens if you gave an SRB2 addict that had been playing the game ever since the Final demo who never made maps before. a chance to make a levelpack, here is the level pack in the works I will not show more pictures then this.. after all I want...
  18. yfyfyfyfyfy

    Under Construction Demo 1

    This is an old level that I wanted to make for nights-level pack in 2021, but due to problems I had to postpone it. Under Construction - this is an attempt to make something similar to the level of the same name from the NiGHTS into dreams. This level is unfinished has only 2 mares and...
  19. greennick78sh

    RAMPAGE: Christmas Demo

    WARNING: THIS MOD CONTAINS THE USE OF UH OH STINKY WORDS LIKE F(__)K AND SH(__) AND B(__)CH. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THAT THEN GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!! Hey everybody! I'm back (again (again)), for real this time, no taksies backsies this time (sorry for that last time mods!). So what is the RAMPAGE...
  20. pizza2me

    Stick Cat 1.1

    a cute stick cat with 9 lives. he can also swim Fastly out of water. but be careful: