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Awesome content, Columns III Guy is peak
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I'm excited that studiopolis is finally in in either kart, and this map is amazing, layout wise, and the background details!
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another peak track!

really enjoyed this one, you cooked!!
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Every part of this mod is finely crafted and polished to a shine. From outside appearances, it looks like the sort of over-ambitious spectacle you'd see abandoned in the WIP forum from a young teen who just opened SLADE for the first time. In practice, though, it's a brilliantly-made sugar rush that weaves its many parts into a unified whole.

The moveset is relatively expansive, and yet so intuitive that one hardly notices. While automated sprite squash and stretch often tweaks my nerves, the way it's executed here is just subtle enough to make it work wonders. And, of course, the extra small things, like the ledge climb and victory animation, are always appreciated, and help to round out an already-great character. Admittedly, the victory animation and taunt don't quite help the indistinct personality - unique sprites could certainly help with that, and perhaps elevate this mod from great to legendary.

Mint doesn't bring too much new to the table, but she does what she does brilliantly, and is a delight to play from start to finish.
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How have i not seen This?! This is So good! lots of speedrunning tools here to shave off time! but yeah, try to at least make 1 sprite.
I would really, REALLY wanna make at least 1 custom sprite. But I can't do so, it's because I haven't thought of a redesign.
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Glad to see other BFDI character mods on the message board, although I do recommend making the characters size-accurate since not all characters have to fill up to the top of the kartmaker template.
Personally in regards to this I upscale the characters to fit in a bit more with the base roster, though I can see why others may prefer source-accurate scaling. There's a chance I might do more resprites beyond the one I did for Tiptup a while ago but I'm unsure when.
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To be honest, this is pretty good, even though it's sadly cancelled just like that one Five Nights at Tubbyland 2 Fan Remake, still, it was pretty enjoyable
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a great character, though he does feel a bit overpowered, as mentioned in previous reviews. one thing that caught my attention is that in his download page he's refered to as "ryder's little brother", which made me think - are they biological siblings or am i taking it too literally? if they are siblings, how come they're two different species? do they have lore or something i can read?
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Excellent work from the two creators. The map is fun, especially with a lot of people around to cause more chaos - the more the merrier as they say.

Kartware is a fast pace, fun map - quite far away from the regular races, which is refreshing to see.
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Unlike that other guy, I give this 5 stars since birb's actually efficient in speedruns, along with the fact that I worked on it too. Good job!
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i should really give the show a watch someday
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This is just that one Flicky mod, but with an mspaint character instead. I don't think I could say more here even if I wanted to. Nice joke mod, I suppose? I hope to see your skills improve overtime.
i have no idea what that one flicky mod is
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Can't say much here as there isn't much here, but I will say that this is one of the more higher effort recolor and vanilla character tweak mods. Still not that great, but for a beginner mod, that's a cool achievement! I hope you can improve your modding skills overtime. Terrible "names" tho.
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Pretty cool textures!
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This is one of those addons that lets you communicate without using the chat, and I like that type of addons cuz i don't use the chat frequently :P
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This has to be one of my favorite mods, the good ol' Skip with his crafting system and A Hat In Time gameplay, Jana channeling the Megaman Zero fanboy part of me and of course, the brand new funky mode, also know as Kou being extremely fun to play as, the parry mechanic has to make him one of the best characters for bossfights in the entire mod catalogue, the only issue is how buggy he is in general, like, sometimes you hit the parry, but somehow still get damaged, other times you hit an enemy with the dash punch and you end up launching yourself into the stratosphere, sometimes if you hit a parry you can just start spaming the spin button and become invincible until the first glitch I mentioned happens and just die for no reason, I'm pretty sure this and more issues I haven't run into yet will be fixed eventually, but for now it's still a really really fun mod, Jana will never not be my favorite, but Kou is still an excelent adition one of the coolest things I've seen in this game
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great mod, only one problem. they aren't in 1 pk3 file. it would be way more efficient to load just one single pk3, and not multiple wads
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this is what 3d sonic shouldve been/pos
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