[v1.3] CrossMomentum - A complete gameplay overhaul

[Open Assets] [v1.3] CrossMomentum - A complete gameplay overhaul 1.3.4

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Some QoL commands would be nice but more than that I think it just needs a small compatibility update for 2.2.13 to fix the skin conflict and the hyper sparkle sprite conflicts.
the hyper music doesn't stop playing until you revert back to normal. also, idk if this is connected or not, but turning digital music off while hyper causes the game to try loading the song every frame.
I know this is open assets, but i wanted to ask if i can put this mod inside a level pack im doing? Since the levels are designed for this mod
ok this looks very cool based on the xmomentum sonic angel island tour tas on youtube, but i can't figure out how to enable the xmomentum things or use the moveset, everything i do doesn't work, expect for the xmomentum thok, and the spindash. and if the creator is seeing this, then reply to this message so you can help me
dear frostiikin... i am trying to use the mod and beat the game with it with all chaos emeralds (now that srb2 FINALLY added modded save files), but i try to use the custom action and the other stuff, the only things i can do is jump, up-wards thok, spindash, and move..? please help me i want to play with this and mess around with it SO bad, i might even use it with the pizza tower x srb2 mod when it comes out. please? love... zuneh
Rule 17: Be respectful to artists, musicians, modders, etc. This mod is brought to you for free out of their free time, so don't be rude.

Worth trying. Play asap.
whats that map
I first wasn't a fan of the vanilla abilities change but after playing a little bit with it, it's kinda fun. Jump thok kinda overshadow the normal thok tho, in my opinion.
this mod is so good. a super junio form AND hyper aswell? amazing mod. super and hyper neo sonic would be a great addition tho.
I dont know if i am going to be heard because even ova knux is abandoned (he only need an multi glide and break walls again why you abandoned him frostiikin) also we really need an compatiblity update for 2.2.13 because every time i load this mod some kind of error happens also make tails flight thrust go down the same speed it goes up sometimes its an downwards thrust and sometimes its the vannila descend i have to press the spin button 2 times or just make an fly drop thats refreshable when bouncing on enemies or monitor it looks cool and also just take out the microwave i know its an joke but its just carring space on the mod and i just cant ignore an microwave out of nowere also make metal sonic's dash mode invincinble i just want to tear through every badnik on RVZ while flying just like cosmetal Its an great mod but all those bugs and fixes needed really take this mod down
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Wierd thing when i use this mod with the 3d models on, literally all the models work besides tails. For some reason tails is a 2d sprite with blue shoes and 3d tails. Uhhh know how to solve this issue...anyone?
Wierd thing when i use this mod with the 3d models on, literally all the models work besides tails. For some reason tails is a 2d sprite with blue shoes and 3d tails. Uhhh know how to solve this issue...anyone?

CrossMomentum adds a console command to change Tails' shoes from red to blue and vice versa. "blueshoes" is the command. Use that and it'll revert to red shoes, which should have a model attached to it.
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Don't really want to double post but this is general info unrelated to helping that other user;

In regards to the issue I had with hyper sparkles popping up as error signs, the solution that I found was to simply load XMomentum after any characters and maps, rather than in between those two things. Probably has to do with 2.2.13 making mods "legal" and thus changing the way things are pulled? I don't really know. Unless things have changed I know the old load order was supposed to be characters > everything else > maps, so hopefully tacking XM onto the end instead doesn't cause issues, but it hasn't so far, so.
hey, uh, quick very slow question here, I'm trying to edit "LUA_XMOMENTUM" using SLADE3, to add an exclusion for Talez (the new one, not legacy), but am having issues when saving the PK3, SLADE doesn't like having multiple MAINCFGs in the SOC folder, and also has issues with the many P_SKINs, what did you do to get around that when exporting?

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