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    • Cross_2901 reacted to daniel.xian's post in the thread Modern Sonic V5.12 with Cool! Cool!.
      There is a lot of difference here, obviously in speed, if we compare Rush-sonic(sa-sonic) with modern Sonic V5, these 2 have the same...
    • Cross_2901 reacted to nx77's post in the thread Modern Sonic V5.12 with Cool! Cool!.
    • Cross_2901 replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      Without the rush settings he might have a chance using his max speedrun capacity
    • Cross_2901 replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      There is lots of rings there and modern sonic increases speed with more rings he will easily reach more than 300 rings and then blast...
    • Cross_2901 replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      Modern Sonic v6 adventure sonic is slow compared to him just put them both on speed highway and you will see what i mean
    • Cross_2901 replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      I think its because of that why its taking so long they want to have 0 bugs so this will be the last update 1718548446 We are going to...
    • Cross_2901 replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      Who else thinks that mb will crash when msv6 launches due to the number of people accessing it?
    • Cross_2901 replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      Seriously i am freaking hyped for both modern v6 and 2.2.14 (i need the new sprites and moveset the vannila chars looks so ugly and...
    • Cross_2901 replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
    • Cross_2901 replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      I literally memorized all msv5 hud commands 1718546705 Hudstyle3 is the forces one 1718546779 I wanna abuse him on every freaking...
    • Cross_2901 replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      I know i know but the v6 version of the hud is 300x times better
    • Cross_2901 replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      I dont wanna be rude but man why cant this guy launch faster the mere existence of msv6 makes the v5 looks like trash i want to use that...
    • Cross_2901 replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      Imagine if on the continue screen instead of having just one frame for the sprite to have it all rotating in sync. Like having 8...
    • Cross_2901 reacted to kaz²'s post in the thread Modern Sonic V5.12 with Cool! Cool!.
      v6 is not getting any new additions!!! >:3 No major additions or new moves are going to be added, it is too far into development to...
    • Cross_2901 reacted to nx77's post in the thread Modern Sonic V5.12 with Cool! Cool!.
      Just a guess, but probably not. It's okay, just make sure not do it again. Looks like Modern Sonic has skidding sprites.
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