
  1. El3ctr0h3ll

    an 3(+) character team soc (or pk.3 idk) file, is it possible?

    i had an idea for an "team recolour" whit some of the tails recolours on the MB i figured out how to use a soc for a duo but i was thinking of a trio. my question is how can i make a trio whit a soc file and or some lua code as well. :wonderful: thats all :3c
  2. redhot69

    how to learn lua tutorial !

    so,you prob came here bc you want to learn lua easily right? this is the right place for you! 1 step:the basics. Lua has a lot of functions and its pretty hard to remember them,the first thing you should learn is if,else,elseif,do,then,and,not, also the hooks,playerthink,thinkframe,etc. 2...
  3. HenryCorniferD

    where the flags go

    just need to know where STR flags go in these lines of code so i can make my char bust floors, power spring and break spikes with the bounce
  4. User.Mpgx

    PLAN C - Boss Phase Thing v1

    Alright, Somehow you pissed off the bosses and gave them a new plan A PLAN C THAT IS!.... What I'm not funny? Ok, All this does is make it so when you defeat the boss, They get revived and is faster... They also have an extra hit point.. And they move sporadically. The only upside here is that...
  5. TheOneGoofAli

    [Open Assets] A TOGAthering of Utilities (RR) RR Port (1.21R)

    Basic port of two scripts that provide assistance/information with maps and/or characters with changes of values to search and use. Originally made for Kart, I no longer see fit in not having a RR version of them be available. Use maputils / mu and skinfo / sk in console. You still can list all...
  6. KirbyAnniv

    [Open Assets] Classic Engine Version 0.9111

    Ever needed a way to play SRB2 closer to the classics? No? Then skedaddle! Yes? Then your in luck! Introducing... [/SPOILER] This mod is completely reusable for your own means, and you only have to credit the people in the credits, not me.
  7. Pikα

    need help on Custom HUD :c

    Hi everyone, I was making a custom hud to my mod (with custom sprites), and when i tried to put those in game, i realise that the sprites were too big, so i wanted to know if there's ways to change the size of the sprites by code. (also sorry if i sound rude qwq)
  8. Espyo

    [Open Assets] Co-op Tweaks 1.0

    Co-op Tweaks is a simple addon I made to improve the co-op experience. I recently started playing the campaign with friends online, and while I know the game well, they've never touched it before. So as I figure out some points of friction in our experience, I'll try to develop some tweaks to...
  9. User.Mpgx

    [Open Assets] DeathScreens v1 of deathtopia

    This is a simple mod.. All it does is give you a black screen whenever you perish. with 2 other things. That's all how I can explain it soo.. Here some videos This also supports modded characters! (Sonic's death here actually sounds a little disturbing with this mod on) So go on ahead and...
  10. S

    Rocket Arena Zone Playtest 1.2

    based on a variation of Rocket Arena from PHIGHTING! Eggman decided to create a new evil scheme to commit. Behold, the EGG LAUNCHER!! There is up to 4 emerald token's to collect (2 per each act). NOTE: There's bunch some unfinished stuff actually. Also I advice using OpenGL, cause of the...
  11. KirbyAnniv

    [Open Assets] 10-Line Momentum Version 1.1

    Does exactly what it says, Momentum in just 10 lines of code This is completely reusable for anything you do, don't even need to credit me.
  12. frontiercs

    [Port] Slow Super Glow v1.2

    This is the Slow version of the Super Glow, A simple script that makes the Super Glow much easier on the eyes by making it blinking way less faster, and going from a light shade to a dark one progressively and vice versa, pretty much like Sonic 2 and Sonic Mania handles it, hence its name. All...
  13. Sls64LGamingBro

    How can you make shields drown the player?

    I'm trying to keep the bubble shield from drowning. And I don't know how it works exactly, I've used SH_PROTECTWATER so that it can work with p.powers[pw_underwater]. I'll show you the code if anything is wrong with this. You can help me adjust the code. addHook("PlayerThink", function(p)...
  14. Z

    [Open Assets] Zdrmonster's Hangout Pack [BETA] 1.0

    NOTE: This pack is still very unfinished, with only one (complete) map right now. You might be able to get to an incomplete secret map if you know how, even. This release is mainly to allow Tails's Workshop to be used in Hangout servers. Welcome to Zdrmonster's Hangout Pack! A combination...
  15. SSNeoMint

    [Open Assets] Music Change v1.0.0

    Music Change allows server hosts to change the music for everyone using "musicchange" command. (i.e musicchange THZ1) TODO: make it so if an entry is invalid, an error message is received.
  16. Rogerregorroger

    [Open Assets] Sol Sestancia 2 1.4

    Finally, after way too many years, we're back at the sun drenched island of Sol Sestancia 2. First, you were there for a quick tour. Second time, you had a relatively quiet romp trough the island's many attractions...
  17. EeveeEuphoria

    Tails' Khaos Kontraption 1.0

    Welcome to... Tails' Khaos Kontraption! While everyone was having fun with the brilliant work that Dr. Eggman and his lab partner created, Tails decided to... have a little bit of fun with an add-on he can install to the karts' Kartridge ports. Who's the villain now? This is the sequel mod to...
  18. Angelo0290

    Quick Time Events!

    Hi! This thread is to showcase this mod and post updates before the final release. Just like the title says, Quick Time Events! So far I only have done the ramp logic, sound, different types of difficulty(only 3 for now), and 2 types of HUD. The map maker can chose between the difficulties. My...
  19. B

    Quake viewroll v1

    May cause motion sickness. Port of viewroll and kickroll code from id Software's Quake to SRB2. As the code is licensed under GPLv2, this addon is also licensed as such. You may re-use code from this addon under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. It adds adjustable...
  20. Unmatched Bracket

    [Open Assets] Mimic v1.0
