I've since grabbed V2.1 and played a few cups, and looked through the tutorial changes. This version fixes most of the issues laid out in my previous post.

Given most of my problems with Ring Racers were front-loaded into the new player experience and the opening moments of the game, giving the players a ramp off of the tutorial after the rings section (which I agree needs to be taught) is a very good thing.

Other than that, the tournament mode unlock is exactly what I needed. A way to temporarily unlock everything for multiplayer, and to give me a chance how to unlock certain characters so I have some in-game goals to aim for. While still giving me the secret hunting experience elsewhere. Thanks to that this game is in a state where I'm much happier with it now. Yall have done an amazing job at Kart Krew with this release.

Also, thanks for the accessibility options. These are great and fix a problem I've been having. I'm not sure what's causing it on my end as I have multiple different vision problems, but I was finding my vision was tilting and waving after playing a few rounds. (A little bit like dizziness, without the loss of coordination). But so far I've found that disabling screen tilting seems to help, it's something I will need to experiment with a little more though to find out for sure.
I'm happy a updated version of kartmaker comes with v2.1, I would have ported my Steve mod if it wasn't for the fact my PC was giving BSODs right after the boot screen (something about ReFS.sys on system32, which is very worrying)
idea for the next version:

A classic mode, where it behaves like the 1.0 versions of srb2 kart, such as
no rings
countdown is now a traditional mario kart instead of sonic riders style one
some powerups such as ball hog and ghost will behave like the old ones
no new exclusive powerups
no rivals
respawing is now like being respawning in a set location instead of be carried similar to lakitu in mario kart 8
and some more maybe undocumented
Now that I've spent a good while with Ring Racers, I'm ready to throw my own opinions in the mix. There'll be spoilers. There's your warning.

First and foremost on my mind at the moment- there's way too much arbitrary time-consumption. Way too much. Having to go into grand prix to unlock basically anything is a complete pain in the ass. The emeralds, fine, I get that, but you shouldn't have to go into grand prix to do prison egg unlock stuff. Let alone, WHY THE HELL can't you use the mystic melody properly in match race. That is so baffling, frustrating and annoying to me. The challenges don't mention anything about it. It's so arbitrary, it's almost like you went out of your way to make the game more obnoxious. Not to mention the lives system in grand prix. Again... I get it... But it is sooo annoying, frustrating, and deeply souring to have to keep replaying the same grand prix over and over and over just for a chance at trying to get the emerald again. Let alone how ball-blistering the super emeralds get. LET ALONE how you might not even get the chance in the first place before having to replay the grand prix AGAIN because, oops, the AI is still pretty ridiculous even on normal even after the patch! There's just so much wasted time, and imo, anything that ends up exclusively wasting time, in an unenjoyable manner, is some of the worst shit you can put in a video game. And as is, Ring Racers is fucking loaded with obscenely horrid amounts of time wasting, if you ask me.

Please, let unlocks that aren't directly related to grand prix be unlockable outside of it, and please at minimum, add an accessibility option to disable lives, if not outright remove the lives system altogether. If I had infinite retries for the emeralds I'd be 100% fine, make it as difficult as you want. But as it is, all this piled up is making me kind of hate the game- and the keys and passwords aren't really a good enough bandaid for the challenge stuff, imo, when I'd like to do... yknow... some stuff legit. Most, even. In concept, hunting the shrines sounds fun! But having to go through a whole grand prix just to get to City Escape so I can actually activate the shrine I'd already located in a match race... Nah. No thanks. Don't get me wrong, I greatly appreciate how much singleplayer stuff there is, as someone who didn't play SRB2K much cuzza the lack of it, but... frankly, the game feels big enough without the artificial padding of having to redo so much shit all the time. I really just have to question why it was made this way.

With that out of the way... Well, I feel like that sums up my thoughts pretty well, actually. The game is jam packed with stuff, but it's all gated behind so much that's arbitrary and obscenely annoying and time-consuming and difficult that it's a turn-off. One thing or the other isn't so bad on its own, but the way it all stacks up is hugely unpleasant to me, and it'd make me very very happy if all the time wasting aspects of things were removed.

EDIT: So... I was wrong about the mystic melody, turns out, it's just touchy about its activation, based on position and time spent sitting still, maybe? Weird, but... well... that's one issue already dealt with. Maaaybe make horns- or the melody when around shrines, at minimum- less touchy about when and how they activate, though...

I was in a particular state of mind when I wrote this last night, so I realize my criticism was pretty focused. And critical. And I do more or less stand by what I said re: wasted time, but I didn't mention my thoughts on anything beyond how unlockables and the mechanics surrounding them are, so... lemme do that.

The game at its core is definitely fun and enjoyable. I sort of echo the sentiment that the driving is just way too slippery all around, but I think Rings help with that matter, and it's not intolerable to the point of it making the driving totally unenjoyable. I'd prefer it if it were tighter, but I can live with it as it is, it just takes a lot of getting used to. And speaking of Rings, I think they're by large pretty genius as a concept. They incentivize not holding onto your items all the time, which I find quite unique and a nice layer of depth to the usual kart racer item system. It can get a little frustrating when you're knocked into the negatives, though, because then you're pretty screwed on recovery...

Which leads to my next point, in that it feels... maybe not overly difficult, but too inconsistent on whether you can actually manage to catch back up or not. Maybe call it a skill issue, but I find myself pretty constantly getting Ring boxes when I'm in the back half, where Rings are magnitudes less useful when compared to the other items you could get- especially when the front of the pack is way out there. I wish there was some sort of system where you're certain to get an item if you're far enough behind, but I wouldn't know how realistic that would be to implement. Maybe scale back the Ring box rewards per position, and make the item box replacements both Ring and item boxes? I.e. you roll for rings, then for the item- or both at the same time. Sounds like an interesting mechanic to me that way, gives a choice of what the player would rather get more benefit from.

I did mention it in passing before, but to reiterate and expand: I think the Grand Prix AI on normal is too difficult. Yes, even post-patch. I consider myself to be pretty good at games in the general sense. Maybe that doesn't apply for Ring Racers, but I feel like I should be able to pretty much consistently place first on normal, and I don't. I find myself having to use continues multiple times, in fact, and that's not counting the emeralds. Again, maybe a skill issue, but it gets really really frustrating. And I'll admit, I am prideful, I don't want to switch to easy- I mean, I dunno what I can unlock there or anything, considering the emeralds don't show up on the menu when I switch to it- but still. If I, who has played games all my life, has a pretty damn good grasp on them in general, and considers myself pretty good at them overall, still struggle A Lot with the AI on normal, I weep for the less skilled and as prideful. (The Rival feels particularly egregious, btw. I'm okay with losing to them sometimes, but it feels like I do half the time if not more. Again... on normal. I can't count the number of times they've swooped in on the last lap, or right before the finish line, to steal first. It's kinda infuriating!) To put it short, If Normal is feeling like Hard, where the AI is concerned... Then the AI levels should probably be lowered until they don't feel like that. Place the old Hard AI on a new Extreme difficulty, and make easy, like... Easy. (I dunno how easy it is already first hand, but...)

Hand in hand with the AI and Ring box issues, I find the items, and item roulettes... kinda weirdly imbalanced, and probably overpowerful and chaotic. The green casino night bumper is ridiculously strong in pretty much all cases compared to bananas or eggman boxes, when you can get them all in the same pool. In hand, it's sort of surprising how seemingly early in placement/position you can get the marble garden top when it can net you a shortcut, deals insane tumble when it hits, and is all around pretty good- when you can also get it in the same pool as rocket shoes, growth, and invincibility, where it's magnitudes less useful. I like the concept of having control over the item you receive out of a roulette pool, but it feels like it's sorta easy to end up totally screwed over on it as it speeds up, and/or becomes more difficult to focus on, throughout a race- compounding with the Ring boxes issue. Meanwhile the AI (rival especially) is, more often than not, probably going to get the invincibility/growth combo and shoot right into a distant first with it. I appreciate that power ups like that pretty much get cut off once you hit first, though.

For clarity's sake- I've yet to play any multiplayer at all, so all my opinions are colored by my experiences with the Normal AI specifically. There's not anything else super pertinent on my mind. I will mention that, while I didn't have any personal qualms with the tutorial, I totally see where everyone is coming from with their complaints over the length and such. I also think it'd be better handed out piecemeal as you play through some of the grand prix cups. I know I didn't retain all the details of it- like the specifics of overcharging your racer on Rings, for instance (although that doesn't feel difficult to intuit regardless)- and that could definitely end up a problem.

Which does actually lead me to probably my last thought- it'd be nice to have somewhere you can just read up on all the mechanics and items. There may be one and I don't know of it- memory serving, SRB2K had an unfinished one tied to pressing F1?- in which case it should probably be made more apparent (like, add a menu option called "manual" under tutorial in extras 'n put it all there). Having an in-game repository of all the details without having to go through the whole tutorial again... feels essential, honestly.

Putting all the negativity and criticism aside, I really do think Ring Racers is a wonderful game at its core- the 5 years of work shows in every facet. The graphics, from aesthetics to effects, are incredible, the bevy of mechanics are fun to play with, and the catalogue of unlockables, secrets, and singleplayer content all make me a very happy person. Not to mention the track count!! If I calculated right, it's 140, which is NUTS to me, and that's not counting battle/prison egg or emerald courses. I love how much stuff there is in this game, completely. It gets bogged down by a lot of circumstantial difficulty and time-wasting, but that can be adjusted, and I'm highly looking forward to the game's continual improvement. Cheers, Kart Krew.
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Someone (Tracker) recently made a post on Twitter regarding the Rival AI in the game and why it feels so punishing. Turns out, they're ludicrously buffed compared to the player; objectively superior in their speed and items.


Seeing the smiley face next to this gives me the impression they knew this, which is baffling to me on so many levels. It really only cements my prior claims about the game hating you and the want to filter out players for the sake of this weird bubble. It's hard to argue that it's for competitiveness either, since the game is so chaotic right now that I feel like nobody would even wanna touch it in that light.

(As an FYI btw, I don't think the 2.1 patch has really fixed any of the issues. These were all issues that shouldn't have existed to begin with, and stuff like the passwords being bundled in with the game now as a txt file feels like a band aid solution for how insane many of the game's unlocks are. And of course, the CPUs themselves are still a big problem; if they weren't this post wouldn't exist.)

OG post:
If you are new to the game, then having the AI on Gear 1 allows you to progress normally without the rival being overly difficult to beat. The rival does not become a pushover though so do not be overconfident in your lead if the map shows you well ahead.

I get the impression that Gear 2 is designed for seasoned players who know how to work the controls. There is reportedly a Gear 3 for hardcore racers, but it appears to be something you have to unlock first.
If you are new to the game, then having the AI on Gear 1 allows you to progress normally without the rival being overly difficult to beat. The rival does not become a pushover though so do not be overconfident in your lead if the map shows you well ahead.

I get the impression that Gear 2 is designed for seasoned players who know how to work the controls. There is reportedly a Gear 3 for hardcore racers, but it appears to be something you have to unlock first.
you can't get the chaos emeralds on gear 1
If you are new to the game, then having the AI on Gear 1 allows you to progress normally without the rival being overly difficult to beat. The rival does not become a pushover though so do not be overconfident in your lead if the map shows you well ahead.

I get the impression that Gear 2 is designed for seasoned players who know how to work the controls. There is reportedly a Gear 3 for hardcore racers, but it appears to be something you have to unlock first.
Problem is Gear 2 is marketed the Normal mode and is the default. Plus, that doesn't excuse the blatant unfairness of the game at points. There's also what Willy has said too, which pretty much renders Easy mode obsolete anyhow.

Poor game design shouldn't be excused by saying "just choose an easier difficulty!!!", especially if said easier difficulty bars off exclusive sections. That's the game's fault.
I'll be having the best race ever in Ring Racers and some CPU comes out of nowhere with every powerup on the planet while making perfect turns to swipe 1st at the last second. Their little icon moving at top speed on the mini-map towards your location is horrifying, lol.

View attachment 118263
I often don't always have faith in winning first in Ring Racers (especially online) because I know some random nonsense will come up and start a chain reaction of getting hit to send me to like 6th place or something
firstly. lovin ring racers, especially after the patch

second. we need a separate mb or at very least a new thread for ring racers/kart krew, its getting wayyy too crowded in the discord with how quickly thinkgs move in there 😭

third. been looking for days, but does anyone have isolated backgrounds for the title screen and menus? been trying to get them so i can make assests with them, including a steam banner

finally, made an isolated logo for the game with the tails and eggman sprites. the installer shows theres a high quality vector version of the logo too though, so if possible id like to find a way to get that also. heres a link to the isolated logo edit on imgur:
have a good one, ill probably do an impressions/ suggestions post later on going over all the stuff im loving and things i think still need working on so far
following up on this, ive been able to make some ring racers steam assets using the logo, and i got an in game screenshot to use for the banner! uploaded all of these to my imgur and google drive, feel free to download and use em for yourself. these'll go up on steamgriddb when the game page for ring racers is up also. credit is appreciated when showing these to others but its not nesscesary

imgur: https://imgur.com/user/Mush64/favorites/folder/12276937/dr-robotniks-ring-racers-steam-assets
google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18OALaVYR_tBYISpmL5Z_KRFUNQc8VnLI




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Problem is Gear 2 is marketed the Normal mode and is the default. Plus, that doesn't excuse the blatant unfairness of the game at points. There's also what Willy has said too, which pretty much renders Easy mode obsolete anyhow.

Poor game design shouldn't be excused by saying "just choose an easier difficulty!!!", especially if said easier difficulty bars off exclusive sections. That's the game's fault.
Yeah, that's my thought as well. The "for seasoned veterans" should be Hard or even Master difficulty, not Normal.

I'll be having the best race ever in Ring Racers and some CPU comes out of nowhere with every powerup on the planet while making perfect turns to swipe 1st at the last second. Their little icon moving at top speed on the mini-map towards your location is horrifying, lol.

View attachment 118263
I understand making rivals more challenging to make players not quite so comfortable, but making the AI outright cheat is just not fun.
View attachment 118234View attachment 118235

Someone (Tracker) recently made a post on Twitter regarding the Rival AI in the game and why it feels so punishing. Turns out, they're ludicrously buffed compared to the player; objectively superior in their speed and items.

View attachment 118236

Seeing the smiley face next to this gives me the impression they knew this, which is baffling to me on so many levels. It really only cements my prior claims about the game hating you and the want to filter out players for the sake of this weird bubble. It's hard to argue that it's for competitiveness either, since the game is so chaotic right now that I feel like nobody would even wanna touch it in that light.

(As an FYI btw, I don't think the 2.1 patch has really fixed any of the issues. These were all issues that shouldn't have existed to begin with, and stuff like the passwords being bundled in with the game now as a txt file feels like a band aid solution for how insane many of the game's unlocks are. And of course, the CPUs themselves are still a big problem; if they weren't this post wouldn't exist.)

OG post:
This makes everything make sense. And reading in that twitter thread that rivals cheat in MK8D, too... Giving the rival better AI than the rest is one thing, and giving them a little extra advantage for a little extra challenge is another, but this stuff is just ludicrously excessive amounts of advantage to me. Double ring boost AND double tether power?? On top of the items? That's ridiculous.
This makes everything make sense. And reading in that twitter thread that rivals cheat in MK8D, too... Giving the rival better AI than the rest is one thing, and giving them a little extra advantage for a little extra challenge is another, but this stuff is just ludicrously excessive amounts of advantage to me. Double ring boost AND double tether power?? On top of the items? That's ridiculous.

Claiming MK8DX rubberbands just the same is inhaling grade-A copium, it's just not true at all. While they get more red shells and mushrooms closer to the runner compared to the player, the differences are marginal. Their speed and i-frames depend on the combo they use and their track knowledge is mediocre at best, letting experienced players break away so far that multiple blue shells won't let them catch up. Not to mention their AI was dumbed down further between 8 and 8DX...

I sincerely hope the devs are listening to the criticisms instead of brushing it off as "they don't get it" (I'm not in the KK Discord, so I wouldn't really know). It could be difficult to see such a harsh reception to releasing something you worked on for so long (5 years?) and not get upset, but it is what it is, that's just the reality of the internet. The 2.1 patch is a good start but it still requires significant balancing changes.

I'm only reacting to what I've been seeing as I haven't played the game myself and don't really plan to. There's way too many mechanics (overly slippery physics, cheating AI and obscenely difficult special stages that are mandatory to progress, to name a few) that I know for sure would make RR extremely difficult for me to enjoy as I've always preferred to game casually.
View attachment 118234View attachment 118235

Someone (Tracker) recently made a post on Twitter regarding the Rival AI in the game and why it feels so punishing. Turns out, they're ludicrously buffed compared to the player; objectively superior in their speed and items.

View attachment 118236

Seeing the smiley face next to this gives me the impression they knew this, which is baffling to me on so many levels. It really only cements my prior claims about the game hating you and the want to filter out players for the sake of this weird bubble. It's hard to argue that it's for competitiveness either, since the game is so chaotic right now that I feel like nobody would even wanna touch it in that light.

(As an FYI btw, I don't think the 2.1 patch has really fixed any of the issues. These were all issues that shouldn't have existed to begin with, and stuff like the passwords being bundled in with the game now as a txt file feels like a band aid solution for how insane many of the game's unlocks are. And of course, the CPUs themselves are still a big problem; if they weren't this post wouldn't exist.)

OG post:
who thought this was a good idea?????? this is one of the most boneheaded design choices I've seen in any racing game. was there no quality assurance/testing or did they only get experienced players to test?
Claiming MK8DX rubberbands just the same is inhaling grade-A copium, it's just not true at all. While they get more red shells and mushrooms closer to the runner compared to the player, the differences are marginal. Their speed and i-frames depend on the combo they use and their track knowledge is mediocre at best, letting experienced players break away so far that multiple blue shells won't let them catch up. Not to mention their AI was dumbed down further between 8 and 8DX...

I sincerely hope the devs are listening to the criticisms instead of brushing it off as "they don't get it" (I'm not in the KK Discord, so I wouldn't really know). It could be difficult to see such a harsh reception to releasing something you worked on for so long (5 years?) and not get upset, but it is what it is, that's just the reality of the internet. The 2.1 patch is a good start but it still requires significant balancing changes.

I'm only reacting to what I've been seeing as I haven't played the game myself and don't really plan to. There's way too many mechanics (overly slippery physics, cheating AI and obscenely difficult special stages that are mandatory to progress, to name a few) that I know for sure would make RR extremely difficult for me to enjoy as I've always preferred to game casually.
Ah, I didn't know the specifics of MK8D's rivals, I wasn't meaning to imply they cheat to even nearly the same extent- I know firsthand they *definitely* don't, in fact. And it's a lot easier to use items to defend yourself in Mario Kart too.
Okay, after a very difficult time waiting for Friday night to come, me, my sisters, and my mom threw a massive party centered around celebrating Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racer's launch that spanned across a three day weekend, starting Friday night and concluding on Sunday! I hope you all don't mind the massive amount of text that's going to follow.

I have so much to say, but it's so hard to even figure out where to start. Maybe I'll just start with the "irl" stuff we did in anticipation. My mom surprised me with a gaming floor chair that's racing themed, and we happened to spend one of the final afternoons before release day putting it together. How serendipitous is that? My sisters and my mom prepared a menu that they let me pick out. I had really wanted to have chili dogs for dinner, but we don't really eat processed food anymore (and have been feeling better as a result), so I wanted to get creative to figure out how to make nothing break our diet. We made them with this wonderful homemade chili my sister makes with mayocoba beans (my favorite ever kind of bean), bell peppers and corn, over the top of Aidell's sausages, Ezekiel sprouted grain bread, cheese, and homemade onion "rings". It exceeded my expectations (a running theme for these evenings) and was the greatest "hot dog" I've ever had in my entire life.
In addition to the chili dogs we had in honor of Sonic himself, to represent Eggman, my mom made a couple of platters of her famous deviled eggs that I've loved since I was a small child, and before I developed a taste for any other kind of egg. We had a homemade chocolate cake, topped with homemade butter mint frosting that my sisters had made in reference to Tails' favorite food, mint. Finally, release day lined up with cotton candy grape season (the greatest grapes ever, imo), so we got some of those to snack on throughout the evening because grapes are Knuckles' favorite food. It was all heavenly, and I'm so grateful to my family for being so into celebrating with me that they were willing to put in all the effort to realize my vision for the day.

Okay, as for the game itself. That opening had my jaw drop when I first heard the dialog start, and the rest of the tutorial had me smiling from ear to ear, and not realizing it until my facial muscles got sore from it. I used to have a Sans profile picture here for a very long time, so I probably don't have to tell many of you, but I am a huge Undertale fan. It's one of my favorite games ever made, and that Undertale-esque presentation for the dialog made my heart skip a beat! Also the fact that that enabled you guys to use the Adventure voice cast for new dialog was absolutely brilliant! What an inspired idea. Most long, unskippable tutorials can make me antsy and ready to do just about anything else, but the way each new element was presented with such witty dialog and new areas of the beautiful Sunbeam Paradise to explore, I couldn't wait to see more! It really felt like a little Adventure mode, and it just had so much heart, that it warmed my heart too. My family loved the writing and humor, how in character Tails and Ivo were, and the fantastic presentation too. The "what's YOUR favorite color?" line in particular they said "was very cute and wholesome". This tutorial had its hooks in me from start to finish, anticipating what was around the next corner with such excitement. This has some serious implications for how well you guys would pull off a proper Story mode too. I hope so much to see that happen too!

As for actual gameplay, the momentum aspect of the game is a breath of fresh air to me. I've never really thought about the fact that in every kart racer I've ever played, driving on flats, uphill, downhill, it all feels pretty much the same. Even anti-gravity in MK8 doesn't really provide anything new either. This element of Ring Racers both made the game much more dynamic to play, and is a faithful racing game adaptation of classic Sonic physics! You know that when just driving around is fun and interesting, you're onto something good.
Speaking of dynamic systems, I love the Rival system/bots. When they bully me, it really feels personal and activates my competitive spirit. In the end, I feel much more invested in racing them and they are all the more satisfying to try to beat!
Okay, Rings themselves might be my favorite mechanic in the entire game so far. In every other racing game, I have a tendency that makes playing them less fun for me, but because nothing stops me from playing this way, I always fall into it. I am typically very defensive with little reliance on good item play and I purely out drive my opponents most of the time. Now if I ever try to do that, my rings are blocked from being used while I have items sitting in my item slot, so I have to be at least somewhat aggressive if I want my sweet ring boosts again.
Also in other racing games, you're usually encouraged to approach every track the same way. Hugging the inside of a turn is always the right answer 99% of the time and there's very little to change this up. With rings, as well as special item pods, smartly placed boost pads, alternate paths, etc., I find that I always have to take what would typically be an "inefficient route" to get ahead instead. Between this and how differently angled terrain changes up how to approach driving, I find that maps now have the tools needed to always keep me on my toes, and prevents my brain from getting complacent and doing the same "not fun, but efficient" things over and over again.
Speaking of alternate paths, I also think it's so cool how there doesn't appear to be any one right or wrong way to approach tracks, and there's enough mechanics at play that one can get really creative while racing. This is something that also hearkens back to classic Sonic games. It really feels like the only limitations are your skill, and moreover, your imagination!
Something I was willing to give a fair chance, but wasn't completely sold on were the Break the Capsule Special Stages that are sprinkled throughout a Grand Prix. Playing them in the actual context of the game, I can say that I really enjoy them a lot. The pacing of GP as a whole is stellar and the Special Stages are a big part of that. After all the intensity of regular races, it's nice to have a different change of pace and a chance to recuperate those lost lives.

Moving on from the core gameplay experience, I was so overwhelmed and delighted the first time I saw that Challenges menu! The way challenges/unlockables are implemented really takes me back to a childhood favorite mine, Kirby's Air Ride. Oh my gosh, and I can't believe you guys actually made the Welcome to the Machine code correlate with getting a Glyph follower! When I first was greeted by the beautifully sprited menus, that was the very first thing I went and did!
I also think the followers doubling as the new horn system is such a novel idea. 9/10 times I race with my little Glyph, and I love hearing it's little tune every time I look back.
Hunting for unlockables in Free Race, exploring the different maps with my sisters totally took me back to childhood memories of scouring every square inch of Sonic R's tracks to find different secrets and Easter Eggs hidden throughout. Over the weekend while we were waiting for my mom and eldest sister to be available to play with us, me and my other sisters had a blast working together to try to figure out and fulfill different unlock requirements as a team on previously played maps (we've been waiting to dive into new GPs for the first time until everyone is available though). It's been and will continue to be a great bonding experience for us!
The original tracks are certified bops and are such good fits for their different contexts. "Qualified, Set, GO!!", the Chao key song, and "Back of the Box are particular favorites, while "File Select (Reception Mix)" is my absolute favorite so far. I think I could listen to that one for hours and not get tired of it.
You guys just generally have superb music taste in my opinion, with the Withering Chateau song being a particular highlight. It just has so much heart that it's hard to not feel something while listening to it. WC is my family's favorite track so far too, speaking of which. My eldest sister listens to the song even when she's not playing the game, and the track as a whole made my mom misty eyed, which rarely does she ever cry, so that's something that takes some doing.
Oh my goodness, and speaking of my mom, I was so happy on her behalf when we unlocked Big, Froggy, and especially Mail! And you guys used Melissa Gulden's voice lines for Mail too! Me and my siblings all insisted that mom needed to be the first to play as her and she thought it was amazing to be able to hear the voice of someone she knows in real life inside of Ring Racers!

Aaahhh, and my heart fluttered when City Escape first showed up, especially with Security Hall as the lead-in! That is another big track highlight for me. Press Garden and Hydrocity, my favorite Mania and 3K levels were a delight, and the Sonic Gems Museum and Joypolis were delightful too. When we were kids, me and my siblings would spend hours looking at galleries in games we grew up with like the Trophies in Melee, the Sonic Mega Collection Gallery, and notably the Sonic Gems Museum. We really loved and appreciated the Sonic Screen Saver artwork in there so both of those levels were particularly nice to revisit together! Speaking of Sonic Gems, Regal Ruin is a blast in RR! I'd argue that it's a more fun Ring Racers track than it was in the context of Sonic R! Excellent work on that one too!

I also just wanted to touch on the starting roster too. Despite unlocking enough racers to have the cast nearly doubled so far, me and my family's favorites are actually still a part of the core nine characters! My little sister mains Tails, my older sister mains Rosy, and my eldest sister and my mom both main Knuckles! Personally, I don't know who my favorite is yet, but I do suspect it'll be someone in either the A, B, C, or F engine classes. I've definitely spent the most time as Tails and Bean (in hopes of getting the 100 win requirement for what I think unlocks Bark). By the way, my sisters love Fang's choice of voice. My little sister actually thought Fang's voice came from an official Sonic game with voice acting that she'd never heard of, it was that good to her.

Overall, my family absolutely loves the game. They have found the later page 1 cups to be quite hard though, so I can't wait to try out the rebalanced 2.1 bots soon! My older sister actually completely unprompted told me that she already knew that Ring Racers was the greatest racing game she'd ever played! I think this game is incredible and has been that great new racing game I've longed for for upwards of a decade now. My love for this game has been to the point that when I've been trying to go to sleep, I haven't been able to stop thinking about the game, preventing my active mind from sleeping! When I went to tell my family that I couldn't stop thinking about playing it again, and that "my mind was racing", we realized my accidental pun and it became an inside joke shortly afterwards! My little sister the following night, when telling me I needed to get some sleep, said to consider it my "pit stop" for some more racing the next day. Something hasn't made me so excited to the point of restlessness like this since I was a child! This game has made me feel like a kid again in many respects.

Following completing the Extra Cup, me and my family were happily watching the credits roll. They collectively gasped, sat up in their seats and started cheering, applauding and hollering, and to my amazement, I saw my name up there in that Special Thanks! My heart leapt and I was in such disbelief. I had told them while we were enjoying some Sonic gummies afterward that "I feel so happy, but I also feel weird", and my mom said "Yeah, it's because you're in shock!". It took a while for it to sink in, but that following night when "my mind was racing", I was overcome with tears and joy and all I could do was thank God for this blessing, and petition Him to bless all of you guys sevenfold for how much you've touched and blessed myself, my family, and thousands of others like me.
You guys have been so kind to me, so I knew I was accepted and appreciated by you guys, but I never could've imagined that you guys could've valued me so much as to put my name up there with all these other wonderful people that contributed so much to Kart Krew, Ring Racers and its community. Being up there in a game's End Credits has been a life long dream of mine, and I wasn't sure if it'd ever really happen, let alone in my most anticipated game of the decade.
On behalf of me and my family, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you! God bless you, God bless you, God bless you all! Speculating about this game and anticipating its release has been such a joyous ride, and I'm so grateful for all the connections and friendships I made along the way.

I hope I was able to convey all my thoughts and feelings well. Believe it or not, I tried to tell as much, while keeping it as compact as possible! I just have so much to say and to be thankful for. Thank you all again. My heart is touched and I have so much respect and affection for you guys. Congratulations on crossing the finish line, Kart Krew!
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I may have given Ring Racers quite a bit of flack, but I wanna say right now that some of the presentation this game has is top notch.

That special stage theme is PEAK.

The original environments the game has are also so good. There's many times where I wish "MAN, I wish I could play these as regular SRB2 levels."

That said, the game graphically isn't perfect. If anything, I think where the game really stumbles is its characters and the lack of form a lot of them have.


Ring Racers uses a lot of specular highlights, and I mean A LOT of them. And truth be told... it doesn't always work or make any logical sense. The form of characters themselves can also be wack. Beyond Sonic's face looking like he's got stung by bees, it's strangely lacking in the sort of spherical shape his head is meant to have.


Some characters also just feel unfinished or rendered in a different style. Fang and Bean for instance feel rather flat in shading and contrast compared to characters like Knuckles or Tails. (The latter of which hasn't been touched up from Kart, so he still has some crust artifacts.)

Even with these things in mind though, I think the presentation is still the most solid part of the whole experience. I'd love to see some of the level textures used for regular SRB2 maps if possible.

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