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    • bennascar reacted to Tracker_TD's post in the thread Ring Racers Suggestions with Cool! Cool!.
      Alternative controller displays/glyphs should be incorporated into the main game. Even as someone who actually does use a SEGA Saturn...
    • bennascar replied to the thread Ring Racers Suggestions.
    • bennascar reviewed the resource CDSonic (Whispon Edit).
      4.00 star(s) Nice to see this out on the message board! While some sprites could definitely use some work and/or be added (falling animations are a...
    • bennascar replied to the thread SRB2Kart.
      I may have given Ring Racers quite a bit of flack, but I wanna say right now that some of the presentation this game has is top notch...
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    • bennascar reacted to RedLilyQueen's post in the thread SRB2Kart with Cool! Cool!.
      This makes everything make sense. And reading in that twitter thread that rivals cheat in MK8D, too... Giving the rival better AI than...
    • bennascar replied to the thread SRB2Kart.
      I often don't always have faith in winning first in Ring Racers (especially online) because I know some random nonsense will come up and...
    • bennascar reacted to Chungy's post in the thread SRB2Kart with Cool! Cool!.
      I'll be having the best race ever in Ring Racers and some CPU comes out of nowhere with every powerup on the planet while making perfect...
    • bennascar reacted to Willytor's post in the thread SRB2Kart with Cool! Cool!.
      you can't get the chaos emeralds on gear 1
    • bennascar replied to the thread SRB2Kart.
      Problem is Gear 2 is marketed the Normal mode and is the default. Plus, that doesn't excuse the blatant unfairness of the game at...
    • bennascar replied to the thread SRB2Kart.
      Someone (Tracker) recently made a post on Twitter regarding the Rival AI in the game and why it feels so punishing. Turns out, they're...
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