Egg Robo (also known as "Eggman Robo" in Japan), debuted in Sonic & Knuckles as a major antagonist, and has also made appearances in Sonic R and Sonic Generations. Now the flying robo brings his skills into SRB2, zapping everything in his path with his trusty laser pistol.




This character is compatible with SRB2 Battle.

Egg Robo sprited by toaster and DrTapeworm, edited by CobaltBW.
Egg Robo gun and laser sprited by SuperPhanto.
Egg Robo character select art traced and colored by CobaltBW, off of Sonic & Knuckles manual art.

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  • eggroboportraitlarge.png
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Great rendition of how the character would play. I think he could use a few more sprites for some actions. Only character I've played so far, custom or otherwise, who doesn't have an ending constellation, but that's easy enough to overlook. Less easy to overlook is the fact that he uses Sonic for his NiGHTS stage sprites.

Still really fun to play, though!
Upvote 1
I can't really say I would suggest this mod to anyone... It works. It's not inherently bad but... there's some problems

+ The idea of not being able to touch the ground (Meaning having to always deal with bad air control) is an interesting idea, and it works!

/ Eggrobo can't use the Chaos Emeralds
/ The laser stops you in your tracks. I get Eggrobo is more of a runner than a fighter, but it can be a pace killer...
/ You are required to FALL onto buttons to press them. Annoying, but manageable.

- No new sprites, aside from life boxes, character select and continues. The signpost is just his idle slapped onto there, he just stares during the continue screen, and during NiGHTS stages he just turns into Sonic!
- Unable to slide or break walls. This makes Haunted Heights and maybe even some map packs unbeatable.
- (SPOILERS) Lacks an ending constellation, and just uses a basic star which I can only assume is a placeholder (SPOILERS)

The only reason I didn't remove him was so I could have every character from Sonic R in by SRB2 roster. Again, not a bad or unstable character by any means. He just... boring, that's all.
if you want to improve him, try your hand at custom sprites. I'm no artist myself, so maybe grab a friend or someone else who would be willing to make more sprites for Eggrobo.
Upvote 0
This character is fine for a bit of utility if you need to do some scouting in levels, but that's about it. Flight is about the most boring method of level traversal in SRB2 level design and this guy has an infinite amount of it, and then a homing laser, and that's pretty much all you get. Rigid, stable, and effective, but with no style or grace to anything he does. I suppose that's only fitting for Eggrobo, really.

This character feels like it was mostly made just because Eggrobo sprites happened to already be in the game, and a little bit extra was done for it with the Eggrobo Tag custom gamemode, so this guy was just thrown in on the side. I can certainly see why this character is the way he is in that case, but that won't stop me from rating 2 stars. It's alright, nobody should really expect the best of the best with Eggrobo in the first place.
Upvote 1
Really polished mod, and that is good, who wants an Egg that isn't polished?
Upvote 0