Egg Robo (also known as "Eggman Robo" in Japan), debuted in Sonic & Knuckles as a major antagonist, and has also made appearances in Sonic R and Sonic Generations. Now the flying robo brings his skills into SRB2, zapping everything in his path with his trusty laser pistol.
This character is compatible with SRB2 Battle.
Egg Robo sprited by toaster and DrTapeworm, edited by CobaltBW.
Egg Robo gun and laser sprited by SuperPhanto.
Egg Robo character select art traced and colored by CobaltBW, off of Sonic & Knuckles manual art.
Supporters / CoAuthors
This character is compatible with SRB2 Battle.
Egg Robo sprited by toaster and DrTapeworm, edited by CobaltBW.
Egg Robo gun and laser sprited by SuperPhanto.
Egg Robo character select art traced and colored by CobaltBW, off of Sonic & Knuckles manual art.
Supporters / CoAuthors