You can either put music files into the file named "SRB2P-music.pk3" or you can use the addon menu to insert your own wad/pk3 music pack. (The former is usually the best option, just don't make any extra folders or the game gets mad lmao)
You'll most likely need Slade3 for this. Also remember to stick to music name format if you're adding in your own .ogg / .wav / .mp3 file (Starts with O_, 6 chars long max)
Then, by going into
Settings > Sound Options > Custom Battle Music
You can define the custom music to use. Just select the track list, pick any of the boxes below, and then type in the Lump name (such as "BRUH" for a lump named O_BRUH)

Hope this helps!
Can you explain me how to properly put a lump thing into the music i wanna put? Cause it says that the lump i've put may had been the wrong one. I tried using a .ogg file
sorry Lat´ Look
I LOVE this mod. it's actually what got me interested in the Persona series as a whole. though I am kinda bummed out that the Persona 1 battle theme, A Lone Prayer, isn't a track in this mod. my favorite Persona games are Persona 1 and 3.
Whenever I load a file it says "A file was loaded with a warnings. Check the console log for more information." What does it mean by that?
To prevent infinites, As two people can be the weakness to an entire player's team, Allowing them to perma stun and stall until they win.
Note that a 1More is only triggered when you knock an enemy Down, not just when you hit a weakness. So the most damage you can do through Baton Passing and knocking everything down is following it up with an All-Out Attack, which passes the turn to a third player.
Even then, the most you can do is 4 All-Out Attacks in a row, if everyone has every enemy's weak point.
What causes the reaper to appear? It only happens after a battle for me but I don't know how to consistently keep him from appearing.
What causes the reaper to appear? It only happens after a battle for me but I don't know how to consistently keep him from appearing.
You can't, There's a secret in game timer to determine when he appears, It ticks down both inside and outside of battle.
Is there any chance I can get an explanation for every event in Tartarus? I'm not sure what they're officially called, but a couple include the reaper appearing shortly and shadows being airborne.

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