custom gametype

  1. Spectra

    [Open Assets] SRB2Smash - Alpha v1.0.3

    Disclaimer: This is not the final version of Sonic Robo Smash - it is an old version designed around vanilla srb2's multiplayer Sonic Robo Smash has been widely anticipated by many and we thank you so much for your support! To celebrate nearing it's 5th year indev we've decided to release one...
  2. thesrb2fan12

    [Open Assets] Hangout Gametype V1.5

    So, Are you tired of running into enemies even when your just trying to chill with your friends in a hangout server. Well Say "No More" since now it has been made a gametype with just one lua script Gone are Enemies and the ending signpost. feel free to explore to your hearts content Here are...
  3. S0nic1983

    [Open Assets] Minecart Racing v1.2.1

    MINECART RACING NOW IN MESSAGE BOARD This version does not use non-reusable (not Open Assets) content This game mode brings in minecart races where you just ride the minecarts. You compete to see who will be the fastest and who will come to the finish line the fastest! Differences from the...
  4. Niko Reiesu

    [Open Assets] [SRB2Infinity] SkinStats! v0.1_ALPHA

    This addon is not for vanilla SRB2, and can only be used with SRB2Infinity. SkinStats is an addon for Lat's SRB2Infinity that adds basestat modifications for every character in the SRB2's base cast! Every character has a different stat build, further modified by the type they play as, and their...
  5. ZackKyMurr

    Can I make a Total Conversion mod with SRB2? and Would anyone like to collaborate?

    I wanted to make a 3D platformer based on super mario 64 I finally got zone builder to work after so many tries, and I've been testing out a test zone with mario and sonic. I would like someone port my 3D model of my OC to SRB2 for free, While I make custom levels I want Zekar to have a sm64...
  6. JABSphere94

    [Open Assets] Battle Mod JAB Edition V1.3.4

    Hi This is just some edits I made to battle mod 9.3 plus some things from Jab Patch (no wall combos...for now) If you have no idea what battle mod is please check out the original Reuse Disclaimer Receive permission...
  7. Lat'

    SRB2infinity - A Phantasy Star knockoff! 1.10.3

    In the distant future, without villain or hero, the world is left in a complacent state and is powerless against an unexpected resurgence of Badniks colonizing the planet in little time due to the lacking defence systems. Survivors who have managed to flee to the Low Orbit Station, used for...
  8. JABSphere94

    [Open Assets] Race Comp v1.1

    Its like competition you play through a stage and then are ranked on various categories to determine a winner but with a some changes... - All players start off with a pity shield. - Activating a checkpoint rewards 10 rings. - Flashing invulnerability at the start of a race is extended. -...
  9. CL_Supersonic923.wad

    Supersonic923's W.I.P's

    This is now a thread for all of my current W.I.P's, just so I don't have to make any more. New SuperVirus You guys remember New Blue Spheres? You also remember Super Virus right? Well I'm combining them into 1 game mode. New SuperVirus. Features include Singleplayer support Mod support...
  10. luigi budd

    Soap the Hedge! (Legacy)

    Introducing... After about a year of hard work (and procrastination), Soap the Hedge is finally here! Soap features many different abilities, all of which work together to make Soap the fastest thing alive! Soaps can attract rings, even without an Attraction Shield! This makes collecting...
  11. Youngod

    Taz Mode v4.4

    Taz Mode This mod is inspired from a few Taz games There are 3 different versions of it: TazMode has a custom save unlike TazModeNGD TazModeLite is a basic version without the Looney Tunes stuff The main thing is making scenery objects destroyable and some of them solid too "Soft" objects...
  12. Blacknide

    Luigi Invasion V1.1

    Luigis are invading and Marios need to run for their lives! This is a type of tag made specifically for the Super Mario Bros. addon. The rules are simple. If you get tagged you become one of the Luigis, so try to avoid them. When theres 30 seconds left, you will glow and start making...
  13. Suicune

    Custom Gamemode Idea(Possibly in the works or not :/)

    The game mode idea I've been trying to make is called Juggernaut after a conversation in the SRB2 discord. One person out of the whole server has to reach the end of the stage or hide until the timer ends with the server hunting the character down (cause the character stole the last donuts or...
  14. Fyrid19

    Ring Attack V1

    Just a very simple gametype that drains your rings as you go through the levels. I expected to be coding this for a lot longer. Yet it took 2 hours. In hardcore, there is another way to get rings. Destroying enemies will grant you 2 more rings. (I only added this because the timer in hardcore...
  15. Twins'R'Okay

    [Open Assets] Encore Mode v1.3/v1.2

    Coming straight from Sonic Mania Plus, is Encore Mode. An alternative gametype that aims to recreate the titular mode with a few enhancements and compatibility for mods & level packs. This mod comes in two parts: The script and the level pack. Both must be added if you want the True Encore...
  16. Frogge...

    DriftNitro 2.2.12

    SRB2Kart DriftNitro Mod: Perfect Driving is the key!! Generally SRB2Kart is chaotic in nature. Like most other kart racers, random items will always play an important role on who gets what outcome. But, what if we removed the RNG factor from the game? To see who is really the fastest, the most...
  17. Youngod

    Taz the Tasmanian Devil

    Youngod submitted a new resource: Taz the Tasmanian Devil - Taz came to show how to spin correctly Read more about this resource...
  18. TheLastKitchenGun

    [Open Assets] Super Clash v3 and a half 2, again, again, 2

    Have you ever wanted to fight other players while super? No? ok. This mod adds two gamemodes: You start super, and if you're not super you die. (Except Super Mystic Sonic or Samus.) Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Metal Sonic have extra abilities in this mode. The Weapon Rings have also...
  19. CloneFighter

    Slinger Speed 1

    Have y'all ever heard of Jungle Speed? Slinger Speed is a recreation ofthe card game Jungle Speed in Sonic Robo Blast 2, packed up neatly for your enjoyment. This should hopefully liven up the custom gametype sub-forum. Have fun ripping the Totem out of your friends' hands!
  20. Flame

    SRB2 Rollout Knockout v1.1.1

    pEJ1qnR0voA SRB2 Rollout Knockout Version v1.1.1 Twitter Intro Rollout Knockout is the imagination of Mario Party's Bumper Ball minigame in SRB2. If you're familiar with that Mario Party minigame, or bumper cars, you'll get feel for this game mode pretty quickly. Gameplay You spawn in a...