Lat' updated [1.3.5] SRB2 Persona: Multiplayer Demo with a new update entry:

SRB2P Patch 1.3.5

Can't have a patch without it breaking and needing another patch, heh!
This patch fixes controller issues introduced in 1.3.4 with the usage of input hooks.

    • Fixed Controllers not working on menus anymore as of 1.3.4
    • Fixed tutorial Amy having missing sprites
    • Fixed an issue where the new redefinition of freeslot didn't return values, breaking the few mods that make use of such return values.

Read the rest of this update entry...
  • New Skills 'Gry', 'Gryva' and 'Grydyne' (and their multi-target variants) have been added to the Velvet Shop as Skill Cards.
Just looked on the Megami Tensei Wiki to see what this skill is, and...

...ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MIND!? It says that in P2 this deals bloody ALMIGHTY DAMAGE. That's right, A L M I G H T Y.
Just looked on the Megami Tensei Wiki to see what this skill is, and...

...ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MIND!? It says that in P2 this deals bloody ALMIGHTY DAMAGE. That's right, A L M I G H T Y.
and that's unbelievable... how? lmao
Almighty-type damage only provides the ability always hit for neutral damage and breaks Makarakarn and Tetrakarn. Unlike the Megido line, the Gry line has the same power values as regular magic such as Agi which is why it's readily available for purchase in the shop.
Almighty-type damage only provides the ability always hit for neutral damage and breaks Makarakarn and Tetrakarn. Unlike the Megido line, the Gry line has the same power values as regular magic such as Agi which is why it's readily available for purchase in the shop.
I see.
Just looked on the Megami Tensei Wiki to see what this skill is, and...

...ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MIND!? It says that in P2 this deals bloody ALMIGHTY DAMAGE. That's right, A L M I G H T Y.
its to help the people in the bionis mod which changes some of the properties of srb2p by adding gry as gravity as well as metal poison plant and earth
Why reaper settings was removed?
(I mean in new versions, "Spawn Reaper" and "Reaper Timer" was removed)
I know this sounds stupid, but I legitimately have no idea how to install this mod. I have the separate files (Thanks to 7-Zip) but I don't know how to load them all at once. Or, am I being stupid and you just have to load the pk3s in a certain order to get it to work? I've tried two times to load the files, and everything's messed up. I didn't wait at all, but I couldn't find a way out of the starting map. I just need some help here. Thanks.
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I know this sounds stupid, but I legitimately have no idea how to install this mod. I have the separate files (Thanks to 7-Zip) but I don't know how to load them all at once. Or, am I being stupid and you just have to load the pk3s in a certain order to get it to work? I've tried two times to load the files, and everything's messed up. I didn't wait at all, but I couldn't find a way out of the starting map. I just need some help here. Thanks.
AH, never mind. I figured it out. :)
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A very small but annoying bug a friend of mine found to get past, when talking it still select things as soon as you post it or when backspacing it cancels moves. Such as modes character selects or even All Out Attacks


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Hold the Phone... Isnt Blaze supposed to be Strong against Fire???? Why is she weak against Fire and strong against Ice???
Hold the Phone... Isnt Blaze supposed to be Strong against Fire???? Why is she weak against Fire and strong against Ice???
Personas reflect oneself, not their abilities.
Blaze was always a calm and composed character, sometimes closed off and a bit cold (Sonic Rush), thus it makes sense for her Persona to reflect her calm mind and use Ice." copy pasted from discord

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