character: miles "tails" prower

  1. Cosmic

    Alt Tails

    OK so we have Alt Sonic right? Now it is the time for the power of Tails to shine within us! He's almost complete, just need a few suggestions and ideas for final touches and polish.
  2. Void Animates

    Emerald Abilities! V1.0.2

    This was originally an ability for sonic but became MUCH bigger, I present to you... Emerald Abilities!™ Sonic has the: Emerald Thrust! and the: Chaos Stomp! next up... Tails! Tails has the: Flight Dash! and the: Emerald Bounce! finally , the treasure hunting echidna... Chuck- I mean...
  3. Mega


    Today, we shall start a fluffy boy meeting. All foxes are allowed. (Tails, Fluffy, Skip, you name it) Anyone that can host, message me. THE FOX BOYS SHALL TAKE OVER! -From Fox Master
  4. Sussy

    Srb2 2.9.9 android bugs

    1.When you turn on OPENGL it shows a black screen 2.You can't add your addons or save data please fix this
  5. Voidy2246

    [Open Assets] Dummy Ring Bomb for Tails 2

    While I was bored, I decided to implement something cool for Tails using code from both an extremely old version of FL Chan and Ember. That's right! His Dummy Ring Bomb attack (most notably) from Sonic '06 makes a return here in SRB2! For those who have played '06, you might notice that it works...
  6. D00D64

    [Open Assets] Espibee & So-Called "Friends" ("SPB-chan" + DVoices) 2021-03-06

    No one can save you now. ~ Espibee the... SPB I had the idea of making an SPB as an android girl for awhile (after a few people actually made their own anthro SPBs), but after seeing A Mod That Ruins SRB2, I was like "Okay, I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna make one myself!" As part of my resolution...
  7. SMS Alfredo

    [Open Assets] SRB2 Chars v2

    Sonic, Tails, and Metal Sonic ditch their karts and go on foot, showing everybody else what they're really capable of! SRB2 Chars features physics and abilities from Kart's source game, Sonic Robo Blast 2! With Lua ports of the jump, thok, flight, dashmode, float, spin, and spindash from its...
  8. LonelyFoxz

    LonelyFoxz's Remixed 2.2 Models V1

    "It's about time!" Finally after months of work the "Oddball" pack has been given a fresh coat of paint and has been renamed to Remixed. Many of the things you remember has been given some form of an upgrade. [ most of them.. R.I.P DerpV2 you will forever be missed. till you get added in after...
  9. Jammin'

    [Open Assets] Sonic R abilities

    A very simple script that changes most of the vanilla characters abilities to match their Sonic R counterparts. and plus this goes pretty well with circuit race so thats fun. if you arent familiar with how Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Metal work in sonic r, Sonic double jumps, Tails just floats rather...
  10. pastel

    [Open Assets] Reveries Lite 4d

    -Reveries Lite- This mod adjusts the physics and shields to match Reveries as closely as possible using only lua. The shield and physics changes are in different files. Reveries Physics Momentum is preserved on the ground Slopes have been denerfed and no longer cut your launch speed in...
  11. D

    [Open Assets] More Tails - Tails' tails for Others!

    It's a simple script that spawns Tails' tails for every character excluding Fang, and anyone that has a followitem (Tails, Metal). This should work with custom characters as well, but I haven't actually checked.
  12. NeonSRB2

    [Open Assets] More and Better Super Forms

    Version 2 completes everything I had on my todo list, (minus jumpboost) future updates might become uneventful as a result. First off, I've changed the name, as it revamps every character's super form (even if they don't have one) apart from Knuckles, instead of just Super Metal Sonic. To be...
  13. Zoraxua

    [Open Assets] Super Run V3.0 - The Battery update 3.0

    Inspired from Sonic 2 3D / AGES, where beating the game with 7 Emeralds would unlock a mode called Super Run, which starts you off with 50 rings and all emeralds. Due to the nature of Sonic 2's jump to transform, it would basically start you off as Super Sonic. This version of Super Run...
  14. Icezer

    The Doomsday Challenge

    Right before I got the chance to finally put this in submissions, I found out about a 2.1 mod known as the Super Sonic Challenge, which basically does the same thing as this. However, since I already coded this whole thing, I figured why not submit it anyway. The Doomsday Challenge consists of...
  15. Krabs

    [Open Assets] KRework v0.5 - Beta moveset overhauls 0.6

    This addon is no longer in development. Thok is for nerds I've been toying around with custom sonic and tails movesets for a while now. While they're unfinished and probably somewhat buggy, I thought I'd release this to explain what I think Sonic could look like without the thok. There's also...
  16. HitCoder

    [Open Assets] Hold fly

    So in 2.1 someone made this, and I never used it. I've introduced a bunch of new friends to srb2 recently and decided that this would help improve their gameplay as Tails, as this is the "adventure style" of flight. I rebuilt the thing on my own accord, after a 4 year break from coding lua for...
  17. EeveeEuphoria

    [Open Assets] Super Tails Flickies 2021-09-22

    Welcome to...Super Tails Flickies! This mod adds in the flickies that Tails had from Sonic 3 & Knuckles when you got all the super emeralds. They attack any enemies that are currently near the player! This mod also allows Tails to go super if he wasn't allowed to already, to ensure this mod...
  18. Hydro

    Emerald Abilities - A Replacement for Supers

    Ever felt sad the other characters didn't get a reward for the emeralds? Ever wanted something more than just a super form? Well, with my first ever lua to be released on here, and with some inspiration from a thread on the debate on supers, this script will give you just that! Currently, this...
  19. Mystic Akito

    [Open Assets] MultiAblility for Everyone!!! Version 3.1

    Some people may have thought Holdfly for tails was going to be in Vanilla SRB2, well sadly he didn't get it... Well then I came out of nowhere and Created this. Introducing Multi Ability for Everyone! This script allows you to use everyone's ability more than once, which can lead to some funny...
  20. GameBoyTM101

    [Open Assets] Hyper Abilities

    With permission from both MotdSpork and HitCoder, I have polished up and ported this script to v2.2.x. Now you too can enjoy the full glory of the seizure-inducing Hypersonic Hedgehog and friends! BONUS: For those looking to create custom characters that wish to use this script, I have...