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text thing by RitzyJuice885 iirc
Spleenik Taileels
After a Darn long time spleenik and taileels are finally coming out because they are pretty much done!!!!!!
Okay so he can walldash or climbdash or dropdash whatever you want to call it but I think that the true name is the doofus-dash-thokking-luckyinator3000. why? because there's a super duper secret technique that can allow you to be super duper fast via speed thonk!.
Yes he has a super op thonk. isnt that super original?
That's amazingly not all folks he also has a dashmode... a lua dashmode!!! ooooh!!!! ahhhhh
isnt he so fast????????
And lastly the bomb
this goes super bonkers when super is on. oh yea he cam swim too
he can fly too which is pretty amazing how you can fly unlike every tails ever11!!!
Speccy - the swimming lua
Bluetorch - the custom dashmode lua
MotdSpork - Bounce lua
Simon_T - Bomb Throw ability
Kirb - Climb dash
Buggie The Bug: Player Grab
Rafael - Beta Testing
Avalice - Beta Testing
Splurpenic - Moral Support.
Everyone who joined the spleenik master server server - Beta Testing
Steve Burlander - SRB1 Pro
Bluetorch - the custom dashmode lua
MotdSpork - Bounce lua
Simon_T - Bomb Throw ability
Kirb - Climb dash
Buggie The Bug: Player Grab
Rafael - Beta Testing
Avalice - Beta Testing
Splurpenic - Moral Support.
Everyone who joined the spleenik master server server - Beta Testing
Steve Burlander - SRB1 Pro