Custom Dashmode

[Open Assets] Custom Dashmode 1.0.3

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Ever needed a custom dashmode for your character? Or just wanted to break SRB2 with one?
If yes, then you have come to the right place.

This is a simple yet customizable dashmode script for your characters to use.

Here are the basic settings for the dashmode.
local TOPSPEED = 100*FRACUNIT -- Cap speed for dashmode.
local RUNTIME = 20*FRACUNIT -- How long do you have to run for to activate dashmode.
local DEFNORMALSPEED = 39*FRACUNIT -- Put your default normal speed here.
local OVERRIDESPEED = 85*FRACUNIT -- Automaticly activates dashmode at a certain speed.
local MAXJUMPHIGHT = 1*FRACUNIT -- Maximum jump power when in dashmode.
local SKIN = "sonic" -- Your character's skin name goes here.

You can add, remove, or change these settings to make them your own. Just make sure you credit me in one way or another.

Have Fun!

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Latest updates

  1. Fixed Peelout Bug

    Long overdue update. Fixed Peelout from showing up when super. Side Note: Thank you for over...
  2. Update for All Packs!

    Hello again! This one is a tiny update, but a worthy one nonetheless. That's all for now. I...
  3. Oops.

    I accidentally put two of the same Peelout and dashmode. That is now fixed.

Latest reviews

this mod is very very good and a lot of fun, but are you able to change the settings, if so, how do you change it?
Just open the lua file in a text editor. The settings should be at the top. If its a pk3, you're gonna need slade to open it.
Upvote 0
This is awesome. I'm totally gonna use this for my custom character and you did a great job making it beginner-friendly, and this is helping a lot on my journey of learning SRB2 lua. It's better to learn from experience, am I right?
Upvote 0
Cool mod!
Am liked the Peppino custom dashmode

Just asking (for Peppino custom dashmode) Can you make when mach 2 reached,then make sonic Invincible?
(Cuz it gonna be like pizza tower)
Upvote 0
this mod is really fun

the only problem i have is when i use a custom character the custom dash
dosent work

is the custom dash only meant for sonic? or is there something else like a bug or limitations.
It's only meant to work on sonic. You can change it in the lua file.
Upvote 0
this is really good and i used it for my first (not approved yet) mod
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do i need something to edit the settings? by the way nice mod very cool
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This is great especially in big, open levels
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