There is GOOD REASON this is one of the character mods with the most ratings.
Let's just get the visuals outta the way and say they are excellent, especially the chaos snap animation.
Speaking of chaos snap, this is one of (maybe my #1) favorite ability I've ever used in this game!
Having 2 per jump just feels SO cool, being able to hold spin and go down super fast (but not bounce) is so sick... It's an incredibly stylish, sick ability and I would love it even if it didn't retain momentum.
but it DOES retain momentum.
That is... so, so cool.
I just... cannot praise chaos snap enough. I'm in love with the implementation and how it adds to gameplay. On a minor note I kinda wish I couldn't snap straight up just because I feel like the level design in this game is based on having to earn your elevation (besides tails who is ez mode like in the classic games), but honestly the ability is so cool and fun that I can forgive that and let it slide. Heck, it's still less broken than tails flight because if you snap up you can only move a little forward.
Unfortunately, my intense love of chaos snap is at odds with the existence of the homing attack. When I first got my hands on shadow I would try to snap all over taking into account my momentum only to find I had snapped right next to an enemy and now I'm homing attacking when I didn't want to.
If homing attack or snap were on a different button so I could choose which one came out, that would be the best of both worlds.
The ability to homing attack built into a kit isn't really something I'm a fan of, as I feel like the devs locked it behind the elec shield for a reason. But I'm ok with it being in Shadow's kit, as it adds to how cool he feels.
My problem lies in being forced to homing attack when I want to snap, or being forced to just drop because I rather not homing attack. Just kind of kills my flow and vibe.
I WILL however give credit in that if you have 0 snaps left and homing attack, it refunds a snap. That's super cool, and feels really good! I say go even further with this train of thought and really intertwine the two.
Let the Homing Attack also refund if you used one snap, putting you back at two. I feel this would lessen the sting of being forced to either drop in the air cuz I don't wanna homing attack or forcing me to homing attack instead of snap.
Or as suggested earlier, just put snap on a different button and everybody wins, it's all the same to me.
I wish I could give 4.5 stars because the mod really is amazing and even with the homing attack problem I have loads of fun with this character, but they don't let me give out half stars and I want my score to reflect my feelings so I'm rounding it down to a 4/5, but do NOT let that fool you.
This is one of the BEST character mods, period. Thank you so much for making this, it's so cool.