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Version 1.1 is now out!

- Compatibility issues with Acrobatics and other similar mods have been fixed. The characters now properly rotate and SPB behavior is no longer overwritten. Still funny that this even managed to happen, but thanks Yoshimo for letting me know.

- This mod is now fully compatible with splitscreen! Thanks, Zwip-Zwap Zapo, for bringing the MFE_DRAWONLYFORPx flags to my attention.

- All of the effects now work properly in flipped gravity.

- The first and second colors for the drift smoke has been changed from Orange/Red to Yellow/Orange to more accurately reflect the source material.

- Landing will now cause dust to appear and play a sound effect. Land hard enough and you'll shake the screen, as well as cause the word POOMP to appear out of thin air!

- Take over voice lines will now only play from your opponents outside of splitscreen. This reflects how it works in MK64.

- You can now jump with the drift button!? Well, not quite. Much like everything else in this mod, it's simply visual flair that does nothing other than look cool. Your character is still treated as being on the ground during the entirety of this animation, so don't go trying to skip over offroad, gain extra height off a jump, or build up a bunch of speed. If this effect is a bit too distracting, you can turn it off with the mk64hop command, which will save your preference using I/O.


  • kart0070.gif
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This is AMAZING. Now I can play SRB2Kart and MK64, my 2 favorite racing games of all time, at the same time! It'd also be cool if we had those MK64 mod characters come to SRB2Kart like this [or at least the ones that aren't in already].
Version 1.1.1 has now been released.
...hopefully nobody mixes that version name up with v1.1.


- The screen shake from landing a short distance is no longer global.

- Jumping now properly accounts for scale.

- The takeover thing I mentioned in the previous update now actually functions, since it didn't do anything before. Oops.
I really like this mod good work, my only complaint is that if you save a replay in which this mod was used and try to see it the game closes
This is such a freaking great mod, the only thing I would say to improve this tenfold is to make just the hud stuff and the actual characters separate but other then that the whole package is pretty cute! nicely done.
Version 1.1.2 is now out.

Simply edits a global MobjThinker to not be global anymore to reduce a large amount of lag caused by the mod.

Also fixes the WHIRRR text being affected by any level's encore palette.
So, really love this character pack for being a real love letter to the 64 era especially with the changed sounds/music for characters, the only downside I find sadly is how it breaks replays for maps outside of the vanilla maps with the rpt showing this as the problem mainposition.isra.0.
I think this was mentioned already but the file breaks replays which makes me sad since I can't use any replays while using the characters due to replays causing sigsegvs and I don't know why, they're really good but I've been avoiding using them on my servers due to people complaining about that , hoping that issue gets fixed eventually

From Toad's Memetic annoyances and Mario "Yipeeman" Mario to Rev "Power Move Power Move" Dong and Spamtastic SNES Yoshi noises and Laughable Quips of Wario Wario. I respected the Character Pack for the 25-year legacy.
Is there a way to disable the way this mod reworks the title screen? I really like the characters but I'd rather not have the title menu get completely changed when I use them.

Mario and friends robo blast from the past into a 8-skin character pack that includes the full rotation sprites from Mario Kart 64!

Exclusive jingles, effects, and sounds that are only played for these characters are also included to enhance the experience.

Don't worry about the fact that these characters contain Lua, everything here is purely visual/auditory, no gameplay aspects are changed. This means you can have proper competitive races even with these characters added!

In order to keep the colors of these characters intact, they do not support being recolored normally. Instead, using any color other than that character's prefcolor (accessed by pressing backspace on the character select screen while selecting a color) you will be completely tinted that color.
Mario: raspberry
Luigi: emerald
Yoshi: emerald
Peach: salmon
Toad: blue
Wario: yellow
Donkey Kong: rosewood
Bowser: orange
mk64hop is also included as a command with I/O support. It lets you turn off the completely visual hop that these character perform upon starting a drift if you find it too distracting.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this fun little experiment of mine!


Man, the fact that I had to manually rip Toad's and DK's sprites myself because no sprite sheets existed of them was an absolute pain in the butt...
Absolutely amazing mod! How did you go about ripping DK's and Yoshi's sprites? I've been considering making a Dry Bowser in the Flame Flyer from Mario Kart Wii but don't know the first thing about porting sprites from one game to another
Absolutely amazing mod! How did you go about ripping DK's and Yoshi's sprites? I've been considering making a Dry Bowser in the Flame Flyer from Mario Kart Wii but don't know the first thing about porting sprites from one game to another
Well, first off, it was DK and Toad that I ripped.
Secondly, what I used was simply a texture dumper in one of the graphics plug-ins for Project 64. This exports the different sprites and model textures to image files I can then access and edit. Since with MK64 all the characters are just sprites, so you can rip them using this method. Although, each sprite comes in two parts, so you often have to scour through the entire texture list to find both halves, and it's not always certain whether they match or not. The tedium of that is part of why I only ripped what I needed and didn't create a full sprite sheet out of it.
If you're looking to rip Dry Bowser on the Flame Flyer using a similar can't. Just straight up. Mario Kart Wii uses models for its characters, not sprites. You're going to have to use an entirely different method of ripping the models and their animations, then prerendering them into sprites usable by SRB2. Doing so is much much harder, and I do not know how. You're probably better off just making your own original sprites for something like that.
Well, first off, it was DK and Toad that I ripped.
Secondly, what I used was simply a texture dumper in one of the graphics plug-ins for Project 64. This exports the different sprites and model textures to image files I can then access and edit. Since with MK64 all the characters are just sprites, so you can rip them using this method. Although, each sprite comes in two parts, so you often have to scour through the entire texture list to find both halves, and it's not always certain whether they match or not. The tedium of that is part of why I only ripped what I needed and didn't create a full sprite sheet out of it.
If you're looking to rip Dry Bowser on the Flame Flyer using a similar can't. Just straight up. Mario Kart Wii uses models for its characters, not sprites. You're going to have to use an entirely different method of ripping the models and their animations, then prerendering them into sprites usable by SRB2. Doing so is much much harder, and I do not know how. You're probably better off just making your own original sprites for something like that.
Good to know, thanks for the advice!
Please try to "correct" the player sprites when the camera looks in like...
North-east, east, south-east, south-east, east and north-east.
They use the turning sprites to the corresponding angles. please Turn them a little bit, for example: Northe east, you turn the player sprite to north-east (not turning the image but rather creating a custom one based in the original).

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