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    • Galacticen replied to the thread SRB2Kart-Galaxy.
    • Galacticen reacted to MetalSonicDash's resource MSD Pack with Cool! Cool!.
      This is a pack of my favorite characters into one which people may be familiar or heard about. Credits to: Evil Sonic for making the...
    • Galacticen reviewed the resource LOGMAPS.
      5.00 star(s) First map out of Logan's ring racers map and it's very solid, flows very well and has banger tunes, would play again
    • Galacticen replied to the thread SUGOI.
      So I tried the new update and while it fixes the levelload crash, the dedicated server still can't save progress on a new map and I...
    • Galacticen replied to the thread SUGOI.
      So I wanted to point out that even though there's a sugoi.dat for the srb2 folder, it seems dedicated servers can't save the progress...
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