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Gotta love postbloating with little kiddies that don't understand a single thing here
Seriously, we really should get at least a 15 & up age requirement or something - something that tends to fix these stupid issues and arguments
Gotta love postbloating with little kiddies that don't understand a single thing here
Seriously, we really should get at least a 15 & up age requirement or something - something that tends to fix these stupid issues and arguments
the forums are meant to be 13+ only, ofc doesn't mean kids younger than that wont join though
Let me put in my two cents.
1. He may not have read the front page of SMS. Give him some leeway.
2. While I dont agree with saying slurs, let it be known that the r slur was thrown all the time in the past years. It's only as of late its considered a slur. Which is curious to me. (I still dont like it being used tho, so please attempt to keep it out of this place.)
Gotta love postbloating with little kiddies that don't understand a single thing here
Seriously, we really should get at least a 15 & up age requirement or something - something that tends to fix these stupid issues and arguments
im not going to lie i always see you be negative
i get that people react to negative things and want to speak about it but please
this isn't twitter or discord you don't always need to get your two cents in all the time with witty remarks and solutions that fix nothing
the underlying issue is not the age requirement being too low, because kids will always lie about their age thats just part of children being on the internet and its an issue with no real solution
anyways lets get actually back on topic
i suck at playing as sms!
he's well designed but i just cannot play at his full potential
legend mode does make things easier though

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