
map layout design is my passion
Mario Who?


Here's the first release of SRB2Xtreme, a project I ended up starting with a port of Jade Gully Act 1 (which is the main feature of this demo), with the namesake of planning to have levels from Sonic X-treme; the cancelled Saturn/PC Sonic game that never came to be, but that we got some glimpses from these years.

The current plan is to have two acts per zone; the first act being a port of the original level, and the second one being almost brand new, but based on the first one with the assets, some layout/building patterns, and of course the distinct theme it has; like an X-treme level except more fleshed out, finished, and extended than the original maps.

Fresh from new year 2020, the Jade Gully Demo 1.5 features an playable Jade Gully Act 1, straight from Sonic X-treme, with some extra details added that weren't there in the first demo, the ability to double-jump with Sonic, an (currently work-in-progress) lobby map for stage selection, the X-treme HUD, an ring emblem on top of the 5 emblems for JGZ1, and a secret level (which is currently unfinished in this version)

NOTE: Due to the cumbersome process and reported issues regarding the X-treme camera usage, I've decided to retcon the previous information about that here; and would advice to not use anything inside the X-treme camera folder in the archive (which should be removed in the next proper update).

(NOTE: The following footage is from an indev version, so it may or may not be outdated to the current version)

Jade Gully Demo 1.5
-Unfinished Crystal Frost Act 1 added as an unlockable extra level
-Changed leftside text on titlecard to "SRB2XTREME"
-Fixed X-treme in logo going offscreen in 320x200 and 640x400, and there's an HD logo for highest resolutions
-Removed conveyor property from water in the highest area
-"Good Job!"
-Fixing that the end has an small area where you can fall off
-Fixed an non-translucent bridge FOF on the highest part
-Extra foliage and textures
-Slightly lowered/raised most bridges to add depth
-New stage clear jingle!
-Fixed an untextured linedef somewhere
-Raised walls and the sort in highest area
-Made space behind starting area larger
-Raised Blue Sonic emblem
-Relocated the Red Diamond and Pink Heart emblems
-Still need to fix another HOM/linedef
-JGZ1 now plays Quartz Quadrant Good Future JP
-X-treme HUD added
-Work-in-progress lobby/stage selection map added
-Record Attack now needs you to have completed Jade Gully 1 to unlock
-Dithered Jade Gully sky texture
-Replaced Whirlwind Shield monitor with Elemental monitor
-Fixed missing/underground rings
-Added Ring emblem
-Added some more unlockables

Jade Gully Demo 1.0
-Initial release

Known issues and things to-do:
There aren't any Time emblems yet
Titlemap has some misaligned dirt and mushrooms :(
Add more to the lobby map (and to you-know-what)
Change Sonic's character select entry to reflect his double jump

MrMystery: Looping OGG for Space Queens
Skye: Assistance on creating the custom tree object
Dead: Idea for using X-treme's Options music in SP character select, and assistance on unlockables
Everyone on SRB2 Discord and Sonic Team Junior staff for all their assistance, feedback and tips in there
Matthew Callaghan: Creator of SX Engine Level Viewer, which I used for reference
sanik: Creator of level viewer for X-treme files that I used for MORE reference
Andrew75: POC footage for Jade Gully (take care!)

I hope you enjoy this release! This one took me some more in the process of doing bugfixes and the extra stuff, so I hope that it was worth the wait for you guys!


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Really cool idea. Although it does make you quickly realize how much of Xtreme's core design really relied on that Fish Eye lens to sell its levels. Really cool way to explore maps which are otherwise hard to find elsewhere.
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Here's hoping this project has better luck getting completed than axsx had.

That project just got officially canceled.
Here's hoping this project has better luck getting completed than axsx had.

That project just got officially canceled.
I had to sprint like mad over to Retro to see it for myself. I understand the guy's reasons, but it's still a shame, I was really looking forward to it. :(
This needs to be modified. I get the port aspect, but you need to take artistic liberties with this.
It's extremely too blocky, and the level design needs to be reworked at least a little. And probably get rid of the water conveyers, because that prevents you from spindashing to the ending spring.
This needs to be modified. I get the port aspect, but you need to take artistic liberties with this.
It's extremely too blocky, and the level design needs to be reworked at least a little. And probably get rid of the water conveyers, because that prevents you from spindashing to the ending spring.

I was watching someone else's gameplay and I saw that the water conveyers confused him for a bit, so I may end up replacing them with scrolling water that DOESN'T move you.

About the level design, I'm aware that the level is kinda blocky and short (as in the source); but I was intending to have an "remixed" version of Jade Gully as the Act 2, complete with some extra scenery, expanded level layout, and probably some more stuff; as in an expanded and more SRB2-like version of the same level and theme (one example would be using translucent water on the lower plane instead of opaque and extra geometry as an example of visual enhancements). But as it stands, Act 1 may end up just getting some extra visual stuff from the original (and maybe an nod to the v30 version of Jade Gully, if not an section for it).

[...and yes, for now it is mostly just on the plans but I should be working on that soon if I can.] Thanks for your feedback!
Why I don't have a custom title screen?

I assume that you must be using an rather high resolution (like 1920x1080), and at that point SRB2 uses a different, higher-resolution rendition of the logo. I wasn't aware of that until a bit before release, which is why "Title screen logo also seems to go slightly offscreen in 320x200, 640x400; and the HD variation of the logo is still needed" is marked in the to-do stuff, specifically the missing HD logo.
This is pretty wholesome and I dig it. I always wanted to see Sonic Xtreme in action one way or another lol. I also like the idea for the Act 2 variant you are going to put your own spin on it and I'm looking forward to future updates. Might I suggest changing Sonic's ability to a double jump to accommodate for the level design?
I had fun getting all the emblems.
Also I tried getting all the rings in record attack, I got 116/119,
I checked in zone builder and I think 3 rings are placed in a wall.
Heads up: I'm making a poll to determine what camera approach to use/force in following versions; this is more than everything to determine what approach would I use to design the new Act 2 levels: If to make them playable with SRB2 camera style in mind, or with the X-treme camera style (with cam_still on, different height/dist settings, and OPTIONALLY using fisheye with ReShade).
(with SRB2 cam)
(with Xtreme cam + reshade fisheye)

[NOTE: I apologize for not uploading the images as attachments; I attempted to do so but for some reason they currently refuse to upload.]
Because of the small, circular nature of XTreme maps, I think bundling FickleCam with this, as well as having fisheye, would be fantastic.
I really like this one, even if Jade Gully seems kinda small, its really fun to explore it, I hope to see the rest of the levels in this pack.

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