Formerly "RomioTheBadass"
Apologue is a Singleplayer / Co-op level pack I've worked on for SRB2, turned into a neat short little campaign-style experience.
Link for 2.1g:
Link for 2.1g:
- Moved MMZ1 checkpoint away from death pit to prevent players falling into it after they respawn.
- Moved TWZ1 checkpoint away from death pit to prevent players falling into it after they respawn.
- Fixed REDWALL texture getting replaced with wrong texture for improved compatibility with other mods
- Added Saloon Door to MMZ1 to prevent tails bot from following player on foot and added more player starts and Mine Carts for Multiplayer
- Slight tweaks to many levels here and there
- Amy, Fang and Metal Sonic are now unlocked from the get-go.
- Renamed game data.
- Fixed ? getting unlocked before players complete unlock requirement.
- It is now possible to complete all levels with Amy and Fang.
- Theme overhaul for GPZ, and a new little gimmick added to distinguish it a little more from other levels.
- GPZ music now loops properly (Thanks VILEWORX!)
- Fixed HOM in GPZ (Thanks VILEWORX!)
- Fixed some objects buried under a FOF in GPZ (Thanks VILEWORX!)
- Removed sector-based spike floor left-over from 2.1 version in GPZ (Thanks Simon_T!)
- Minor gimmick added to the final section of TWZ (to be expanded in the future)
- Restored 2.0 music for FHZ (without replacing current version) because it fits the level better.
- Quick object placement tweaks in MRZ.
- Removed unnecessary flow-breaking bustable block in QCZ, and fixed camera getting stuck in the first slope tunnel.
- Several visual tweaks to multiple levels.
- Fixed some loading errors.
- Fixed some minor oversights.
- Lots of visual tweaks to several levels.
- Music now loops properly for MRZ and TWZ.
- Various changes and reworks to several questionable areas to make the levels flow better.
- Re-ordered the levels to make the difficulty curve more consistent, no more easy levels late in the campaign or difficult levels early on.
- Slightly altered MMZ Theme so we don't have theme overlapping, to give each level its own identity (Thanks Frostiikin!)
- Extended FHZ with an additional section near the end and added a short alt path near the start to bring it to a length similar to the rest of the levels (Thanks Ace Dragon!)
- Added a new Boss Battle after QCZ, bringing the boss battles count to 3.
- The Boss battles are evenly spread across the campaign now, and each make use of different gimmicks to make them stand out against each other.
- Hid 7 Chaos Emeralds in the levels.
- Renamed the MAPSLOTS so they don't overwrite the default game levels, so those who like to have multiple levelpacks loaded in their servers can do so.
- Enabled Record Attack.
- Removed credits, intro and outro cutscenes so the players don't have to sit through them again after finishing the last level (Thanks Telnaior!)
- 2 cute small unlockables added, 1 for completing the game and 1 for finding all emeralds.
- 8 Unique platforming stages.
- 7 Hidden Chaos Emeralds.
- 3 Boss battles.
- ?
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