
Welcome to Neo Palmtree Zone!

This is a level I've been cooking up for a while now. Originally an ULDC entry, I've decided that now is the time to release.


Traverse through the beach into the grassy heights and dark caves that await you.

  • Multiple paths.
  • 5 Global Emblems and 2 Record Attack emblems you can collect.
  • And, of course, a lot of palm trees.

Custom textures and objects created by GoldenB4.
Palmtree Panic JP (Present)'s music was composed by Naofumi Hataya and Masafumi Ogata.
Any of the original textures and sprites used were created by Sonic Team Jr.


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I'm guessing that the "Neo" in the name comes from "Neo AGZ" because holy HELL this is a huge stage. I could probably look for secrets for hours on this, and still find something new. Visually stunning as well, though the same-y wall textures somewhat contributed to me being lost at times (7 minutes on a map, wheee). Still, yet another vanilla 2.2-tier map, and I'm very glad this exists.

Welcome to Releases!
I've been getting lost way too often leading to me to get frustrated, and that's why I haven't even completed this stage yet.
This level is absolutely massive, and lots of fun as well. Plenty of slopes and hills to gain plenty of distance and height from, the flickies running around aimlessly, the "goal" sign at the end, lots of different ways to traverse the level... I could go on.
This feels like a level that came from the vanilla game. Serious props to you, you nailed it.
Tons of levels have been coming out lately; this looks like fun! Will definitely give it a try when I have some free time today :)
This and Azure Paradise are the largest custom zones I have seen for SRB2 2.2 so far. Like Azure Paradise, this too is an amazing level and despite all of the detail, it still runs just fine on my Ryzen 2700X processor. That is good, because the detail is well done and the massive rooms mean it does not feel like something made in the Doom engine.

I have only done an initial run-through as Sonic and got the other players and the emblem hints unlocked, it will probably take a little while to actually find the emblems, but I'm fine with that.
Of all the would've-been ULDC entries so far, this one is definitely my favorite! An immense, open level that can be explored endlessly, has incredible flow and looks absolutely beautiful. The only things that detracted from the experience for me were some visual glitches and noticeable frame drops in certain areas, but those are basically impossible to avoid in incredibly open maps like this. Also, for some reason the special stages are broken, which is a weird oversight for a map that actually includes emerald tokens. :p

Still, those issues can't prevent me from absolutely loving this map, and it has instantly become one of my favorite SRB2 maps ever. Keep up the great work!


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Just played. Awesome experience, it's like a friggin mini Breath of the Wild for Sonic in its vastness, haha.

A bit more telegraphing towards the main path and some more unique visuals throughout would go a long way, though. The level is HUGE (which is a great thing!), and would definitely benefit from some visual landmarks to help differentiate one section from the next.

I got one emblem, I will definitely try for all 5 plus the 2 Record Attack ones!


As an aside, I am really impressed with the fan contributions to this game. This level and Azure Paradise especially have blown me away in their ambitions. There is no doubt in my mind that this game, vanilla content or not, is becoming my favorite 3D Sonic game. It's such a wonderful experience with clear passion surrounding it, I absolutely love it. I can't wait to see it continue to evolve.
Neo Palmtree Zone has updated to v1.1

Removed a few badniks in some key areas.
Special Stages should be fixed.
Fixed missing textures outside a border near the beginning.
Neo Palmtree Zone has updated to v1.1

Removed a few badniks in some key areas.
Special Stages should be fixed.
Fixed missing textures outside a border near the beginning.

Great! That was quick. I def noticed some missing textures in areas; a small blight on an otherwise great level.

It's great to see some really colorful level mods here. One of the few issues I have with the vanilla game is that many levels are quite dark. The existence of levels like this one and Azure Paradise definitely help alleviate that concern, and are welcome additions.
Man, if this is what we've gotten in just the first few months of 2.2's release date, then the 2.3 vanilla-unlockable-extras selection process is going to have an absolute glut of potential levels to choose from.

This is outstanding!
Man, if this is what we've gotten in just the first few months of 2.2's release date, then the 2.3 vanilla-unlockable-extras selection process is going to have an absolute glut of potential levels to choose from.

This is outstanding!

Forreal. Not only is it an impressively made level, the use of slopes alone is just great and I think may eclipse much of the vanilla content. So many platforms where you need to pull off perfect jumps with just the right momentum built up and at the right angle. That, and I love how true the level design is to classic Sonic with virtually zero bottomless pits to be found.

Also, what dictates a level getting into the game and being warranted "vanilla" content?
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Also, what dictates a level getting into the game and being warranted "vanilla" content?

Whim of whoever's on the dev team at the time. It's not a "reward" or an established thing, it's just that on multiple occasions particularly famous, historically-relevant, or maps one of the current devs really likes have been added as an extra map in vanilla for fun.

I shouldn't have called it a "selection process". That implies a lot more than I meant for people who aren't already aware.
Whim of whoever's on the dev team at the time. It's not a "reward" or an established thing, it's just that on multiple occasions particularly famous, historically-relevant, or maps one of the current devs really likes have been added as an extra map in vanilla for fun.

I shouldn't have called it a "selection process". That implies a lot more than I meant for people who aren't already aware.

Cool! Either way I've played some damn fine modded levels and look forward to more.

The whole level is a massive place with tons of routes to take. I've yet to explore everywhere but just by taking common routes is great. Im a sucker for slope and the slope usage is amazing.

Nitpick and a half: the way the music loops is odd

Great work! Everyone.
This is a incredibly fun level to speedrun. There are so many routes, skips, etc; yet there are minimal bottomless pits. Such a joy to play. I really feel like Sonic from the intro to Sonic CD jumping through these sprawling landscapes.


The slopes and such really sell it too. I love how you went all in and put slopes on the sides of cliffs and such; makes for really tricky platforming but it's so fun to pull off. Awesome.

I'd love to see you try and tackle using other stages from Sonic CD as inspiration for future zones. It'd be cool to see Collision Chaos, Wacky Workbench, etc realized in 3D. The visuals of the stages from those games are so striking and would really set themselves apart from the other levels in this game. SRB2 seems to take more inspiration from the likes of Sonic 2 and 3, with a few abstract levels but many pseudo-realistic looking levels (e.g. Castle Eggman, Techno Hill, etc.). Sonic CD plays its visuals MUCH more abstract, which you captured well in this level.


My current best time is 2:57, I think. No idea how'll get to a minute and a half, but we'll see!
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Wow, the ULDC was shaping up to be a total knockout. Whackjood, if you're reading this, this is a good thing. These maps you motivated these people to finish would probably still be sitting in a dusty folder full of half-finished maps if it weren't for you.

Anyway, this map was awesome! It reminded me of the first time I played through the first zone of The Emerald Isles back in 1.09.4, and the people who were around back then can attest to this: the sense of freedom and mobility it provided were breathtaking. This map is the same way.

I'm happy that, even in the almighty version 2.2, we've moved past the idea that every level needs a "gimmick". This level's gimmick is rock-solid, flow-inducing level design. My first playthrough was a bit clunky, with me falling off ledges and getting smacked by demon crabs, but after I got used to your sense of spacing and scale, my second playthrough was an absolute blast. It really does feel like the GIF Solid Soap posted, i.e., Sonic going fast, but skillfully. I forgot I could blow through this much terrain so quickly! Thank you for reminding me!

It's crazy too, how quickly I was going, and how long the level still took me. I love how humongous this level is and if I had the time, I would explore every nook and cranny.

The visuals were great, too. There was lots of times where I'd reached the top of a giant room and was platforming along some floating platforms over the vast valley below and I could really feel the height and width of the room. It was exhilarating. I'm glad this isn't the early 2000's, where the only way I could experience this type of scale in the SRB2 engine would be to watch the level pass by like a slideshow as the framerate got squashed down to hell. I do wish, however, that your main wall texture had more contrast. It's bright and samey and lends the visuals a bit of a one-note flavor. Literally just more contrast in the colors would fix this for me.

Crazy fun map. I hope we get an act 2.
The large outside waterfall area towards the end of the zone has bad framerate issues for me, there's a lot of open space with layers of complex terrain (both above ground and under) being rendered at once.


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You all have blown me away with all of your feedback. Thank you.

I'm really happy to see some of you enjoyed my first actual level.
I have read your replies here and on Discord. I have created a list based on your feedback.
At the moment, my interests are placed on different projects, but I fully intend on improving NPZ in the future.
Personally, I believe some restructuring is in order, so don't expect an update anytime soon.

Your feedback is much appreciated. Again, thank you.

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