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It's unavailable bruh :dramahog:
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Go to a YouTube channel named furless6660 and search this title : 2023 01 04 15 52 07
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Here's the link
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It's unavailable bruh :dramahog:
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Go to a YouTube channel named furless6660 and search this title : 2023 01 04 15 52 07
Thx for the video My friend
Here's the link
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It's unavailable bruh :dramahog:
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Go to a YouTube channel named furless6660 and search this title : 2023 01 04 15 52 07
Hell nah
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Here's the link
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It's unavailable bruh :dramahog:
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Go to a YouTube channel named furless6660 and search this title : 2023 01 04 15 52 07
I saw it
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tbh a thing i dislike about the mod is it requires lots of keys, all the main buttons plus all custom buttons. i know it's due to all modern sonic do, but if there wasn't that many buttons you could do a lightspeed dash without turning super, or im just sayin: having lightspeed dash and tricks button on same key, using tricks after bouncing off spring, like who would need to lightspeedash using a spring? note that im not asking these to be in V6 it's just me complaining about this problem and saying concepts to simplify it.
tbh a thing i dislike about the mod is it requires lots of keys, all the main buttons plus all custom buttons. i know it's due to all modern sonic do, but if there wasn't that many buttons you could do a lightspeed dash without turning super, or im just sayin: having lightspeed dash and tricks button on same key, using tricks after bouncing off spring, like who would need to lightspeedash using a spring? note that im not asking these to be in V6 it's just me complaining about this problem and saying concepts to simplify it.
More Keys = more abilities
More Keys = more abilities
i know but i know charachters who have lots of ability but with not lots of key to use, im thinking aether where you can just use spin button for various spell or weapon keys as a quicker alternative, or skip with different variation of his dive ability with shields. i know they work tottaly different from modern sonic but you see where im going: you can make a charachter with lots of abilities who requires not alot of keys.
tbh a thing i dislike about the mod is it requires lots of keys, all the main buttons plus all custom buttons. i know it's due to all modern sonic do, but if there wasn't that many buttons you could do a lightspeed dash without turning super, or im just sayin: having lightspeed dash and tricks button on same key, using tricks after bouncing off spring, like who would need to lightspeedash using a spring? note that im not asking these to be in V6 it's just me complaining about this problem and saying concepts to simplify it.
Sonic adventure 2 is evidence that binding unrelated actions to the same buttons is a slippery slope

I think I got it to work, It looks like Modern Sonic V6. I'm guessing that there was a speed bump, so they have to just a little bit more work before finally releasing V6. I'd say we'll probably hear something around the start of February. I'm not saying it'll release but we might find out what's been going on besides the creators having their own lives and projects to get back to.
tbh a thing i dislike about the mod is it requires lots of keys, all the main buttons plus all custom buttons. i know it's due to all modern sonic do, but if there wasn't that many buttons you could do a lightspeed dash without turning super, or im just sayin: having lightspeed dash and tricks button on same key, using tricks after bouncing off spring, like who would need to lightspeedash using a spring? note that im not asking these to be in V6 it's just me complaining about this problem and saying concepts to simplify it.
Have you played any Sonic games with the boost formula?

I think I got it to work, It looks like Modern Sonic V6. I'm guessing that there was a speed bump, so they have to just a little bit more work before finally releasing V6. I'd say we'll probably hear something around the start of February. I'm not saying it'll release but we might find out what's been going on besides the creators having their own lives and projects to get back to.
im somewhat more interested with the level shown its sweet mountain (but named different) i wanna play it aaaaa:wow:

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