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Maybe a 10% movement speed reduction while holding the flag is worth testing, too. Currently it feels extremely easy to juke 2-3 people chasing me with abilities, especially on large maps like silver cascade.
Version 5 is out!

  • Added a new stand-alone Battle/CP map: MAPB0, Indigo Park Zone
  • Added Thing Type 3640, allowing mappers to place Control Points directly into levels
  • Added several console commands for server hosts and mapper convenience
  • Minor balance tweaks to CTF modes
  • Swapped Tails' action commands; allowed first sentry to be activated via either tossflag or fire key

Version 5

	Updated version info and tweaked syntax

	Added server variable "ctf_flagdrop_graceperiod"
		Adjusts the length of intangibility (in seconds) for dropped flags in CTF
	Added server variable "ctf_flagrespawn_graceperiod"
		Adjusts the length of intangibility (in seconds) for CTF flags respawning at the base
	Modified the syntax for command "autoaim", now requires argument "1"/"on"/"yes" to enable, "0"/"off"/"no" to disable 
	Modified server variables "cp_radius", "cp_height", and "cp_meter" to make it easier to test CP parameter settings for map thing spawns.
		A value of 0 will default to the parameters specified by the object's thing placement, if applicable.
	Added server command "cp_shuffle"
		Shuffles the order in which the map's CP current objects are queued to activate.
	Added server command "cp_create"
		Creates a CP object at the console player's object location with parameters 'radius', 'height', 'meter', and 'flip' (value of 0 will use default parameters). Object is inserted at the end of the current queue.
	Added server command "cp_next"
		Moves onto the next CP object in the current queue and activates it.		

	Assigned MT_CONTROLPOINT to MapThingNum 3640, allowing it to be placed directly inside of levels.

	Added MAPB0, "Indigo Park Zone", for Battle and CP gametypes.

	Reduced default flag respawn intangibility time (10 -> 8)
	Imposed a small acceleration and top speed debuff to flag carriers (-5% normalspeed, -10% acceleration)

Capture Point
	Flattened the capture rate; no longer inversely scales with players on the point

	Swapped the key commands for spawning and firing a sentry
	Spawning a sentry can be executed with the "fire sentry" command if no sentry is currently out

I have also updated the opening post to reflect all of the recent changes since release.


It's at this point that I'm officially declaring a "version freeze" on the mod. This turned out to be a much more ambitious endeavor than I had originally anticipated, and there comes a point when it's time to move onto the next big thing. I will still try to work out any important bug fixes as needed, but for now this should be considered the last big update from me, at least for a little while. Thanks for all of your support, and I hope to see more battle netgames on the horizon!
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Version 5.1

Fixed an issue with CPs not registering all players inside the capture area.
This is the most broken update you've released yet. On several occasions people will just die randomly. Like if I twinspin someone, *I DIE* and i have rings, a shield, or even invincibilty. The user of the armageddon shield will just DIE when using it, even if they have rings or any other protection. Yes, this happened with Sonic and Amy. No, Mighty is not loaded, and why the heck does that matter. You may have been avoiding me, hoping you'll never have to touch this again. But these bugs have happened on several occasions, not the most replicatable due to you just dying for no reason. But it happens *A LOT*. This happened to me and others several times.
Version 5.2

Today's update features changes on behalf of SMS Alfredo, namely the battle priority system recognizing stomp jumps when above enemy players, and improvements to the CP gamemode HUD.

Added melee conditions for stomp damage on jump attacks.
Added matchfeed text for non-spinning jump attacks
Added default matchfeed text for any non-projectile attacks that haven't already had specified hit messages -- no more "tagging hand" nonsense

HUD: Added skin icons next to each percentage meter, improving readability and making it clearer which player is in the lead.


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Version 5.3

Fixed an issue with the HUD streaming lua errors when the leading cap player or player object is removed from the game
Nerf Fang's gun speed underwater, it's basically impossible to dodge, therefore impossible to approach him underwater. Maybe slightly nerf the speed in the air as well, it should still be very fast, just maybe a tiny debuff to the speed. Double the cooldown on the gun so it's not as spammable. It's very often spammed, if you'd play the game with others you would know. Buff Knuckles' rock blast, it doesn't last for long enough, so using it strategically on a wall to form a rockslide doesn't even work. That and it barely ever hits anything now. That and Knuckles is really bad at chasing others, and thok is very fast. Also this isn't your problem whatsoever but since it's related to battle i'll put it here: Everyone in this server agrees Yoshi is good, but he feels very weak. I agree and don't really want to play him due to him having such a hard disadvantage.

---------- Post added at 01:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:10 AM ----------

PLEASE make Fang not able to shoot immediately after he's hurt / in his invincibility frames, ffs even Yoshi cant shoot immediately after he's hurt / in his invincibility frames.
Definitely agree that fang feels kinda crazy right now, and that the knuckles rock nerfs were a tiny bit overboard (my b)
Version 5.4

Today's update is balance-focused. It's a bit larger than expected and features a few major overall changes:

  • Tweaks to which objects can be reticle-targeted
  • All projectiles will travel slower while underwater (lifetimes will be doubled where appropriate to keep the projectile's range the same)
  • Fang's popgun acts a bit more like a "melee" attack, uncurling and knocking back players before being able to deal damage
  • Balance tweaks to Fang's and Tag Egg Robo's bombs
  • Metal Sonic can now burst into dash mode while storing energy
  • Various minor tweaks to Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, and Metal Sonic's abilities
  • CTF grace period balance tweaks
  • All battle gametypes that did not have timelimits will now have a 10 minute timelimit by default

The two things I want to talk about are Metal's Dash Burst and Fang's popgun.

Metal Sonic now has the option of performing a dash while charging his energy blast. The goal of this change is to make Metal Sonic's dash mode a little more accessible in areas where wide open playing fields are not readily available. This will hopefully make his effectiveness a little more consistent and improve his depth of play.


Fang's changes are a little more experimental; prior to this update, Fang's popgun always dealt damage to enemy players, as is typical with most projectiles. One issue that has been brought up is that many players found it frustrating to play against Fang, as it often feels like taking damage is necessary in order to engage with him. At the same time, it was also found that the character had weak defenses, particularly against players who were already invulnerable due to taking damage, which means that Fang is often forced to retreat after engagements or risk becoming a punching bag.

The new changes are an attempt to resolve both issues. Popgun corks can now be aimed at invulnerable players and always deal knockback regardless of the player's invulnerability state. If the player is vulnerable, the popgun cork will only deal damage if the colliding player has no core defense priority (e.g. not spinning, hammering, etc.; sweetspot priority is ignored) -- otherwise, the popgun will knock the target player upward and uncurl them. The targeted player will be able to maneuver during this period, but they will also be susceptible to the next popgun cork.


The hope of this change is that Fang's popgun will feel more like it follows the rules of engagement that are usually applied to "melee" conflicts, giving opposing players more opportunities to avoid taking damage while also giving the Fang player a stronger means of defending oneself against retaliation.

I'll reiterate that this is a very experimental balance tweak, so I'm interested in hearing feedback from anyone who has a chance to play with or against the changes. Does this feel better, worse? Any adjustments that could be made to improve on the concept? Let me know your thoughts below.

	Z-targetting correctly follows players who are currently invulnerable
	Made it easier to manually override player.actiontextflags

	Players can be reticle-targeted by the popgun and homing attack while invulnerable
	Projectiles will have reduced speed and increased lifetime while submerged underwater (Fang's bomb's lifetime remains constant)
	Flame shield and bubble shield will send no-spin characters into a rolling state while the shield ability is active.
	Players will receive 50 points for knocking another player into a deathpit or crusher (-50 death penalty still applies for the victim)

	"Super Jump" action text now reads "Super Spin Jump"
	Raised defense priority to 2 while performing Super Spin Jump or Ground Pound

	Raised dig time limit (2s -> 2.2s)
	Raised rock blast projectile lifetime (40tic -> 47tic)
	"Rock Blast" indicator text is red if player does not have enough rings
	Knuckles goes into "fall" animation when resurfacing w/o using rock blast

	Using twinspin against another player will refresh Amy's ability to use twinspin again
	Love hearts now check to see if colliding player's base defense priority is 1

	Fang's popgun now uncurls players who are in a state with defensive melee priority, instead of always dealing damage
	Fang's popgun will push away players who are still invulnerable
	Bomb fuse lowered (10s -> 5s)
	Bomb cooldown lowered (1s -> 0.5s)
	Bomb explosion on contact against walls: threshold lowered (10fu -> 8fu)
	Bomb explosion on contact against floors: threshold raised (10fu -> 16fu)

Metal Sonic
	Added ability: Dash Burst
		Cost: 12
		Press TossFlag while charging the energy blast to perform a dash in midair
	"Cancel" action has been moved to the spin key
	Reduced cost of Energy Blast (10 -> 8)
	Raised energy blast recoil (4fu -> 6fu)

	Bomb fuse raised (10s -> 15s)

CP / Team CP
	Removed "aimable" property from the control point object
	Added a default time limit of 10 minutes

	Raised grace period on dropped flags (1s -> 2s)
	Lowered grace period on respawning flags (8s -> 5s)
	Added a default time limit of 10 minutes


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Version 5.5

Fixed an issue where all projectiles ended up using the popgun cork damage script
Version 5.6

  • Additional balance tweaks to Fang and Metal Sonic
  • Added a new function for modders, which provides a more reliable venue for altering a character's melee priority.

The first post has also been updated with a tutorial on how to create custom melee priority conditions for specific characters.

	Moved the code handling Sonic's increased defense priority during actionstates into the "abilities" priority script.
	Fixed an issue with Fang's corks occasionally turning Metal Sonic into a tomato while Metal is charging energy blast

	Added function CBW_Battle.AddCharPriority(skin,func,extfunc)
		Allows modders to more reliably specify the battle_func and battle_extfunc functions used to determine a skin's attack/defense priority.

	Popgun / Cork
		Removed popgun firing delay after taking damage
		Colliding player's vertical speed is reduced by 50% before applying additional vertical thrust
		Adjusted relative vertical thrust amount applied to colliding players (+10fu -> +8)
		Added a small amount of lift to invulnerable players hit by the cork (0fu -> 3fu)
		Lowered explode-on-contact threshold for bombs against floors (16fu -> 12fu)
		Reduced the upward thrust amount of dropped bombs (8fu -> 4fu)

Metal Sonic
	Melee attacks can disrupt Metal Sonic while charging energy blast
	Added 1 second of cooldown when Metal Sonic is disrupted while charging energy blast
Version 5.7

Summary of today's changes
  • Tails' sentries now have manual targetting in cases where a target can't be found or autoaim is disabled
  • Tails' sentries will bounce off of enemy players if both parties are in attack state
  • Rebalancing on Fang's cork to make it a little less extreme
  • Tweaks to collision priority
  • Bug fixes

	Disallowed Simple lock-on targeting for players who are out of line of sight
	Angled collision checks for Knuckles and Amy rely on sprite angle instead of camera angle
	Fixed Amy's charm beam not disabling ring-cost actions

	Buzz Sentries
		Sentries and colliding players will be knocked back and stunned by each other if both parties are in attack frames
		If no target is found when the attack key is pressed, sentries will fire in the direction the player is facing
		"Always manual" sentry aiming is now available by toggling off autoaim

	Ground Hammer
		Reduced priority when attacked from the sides or back (1 at / 1 df -> 1 at / 0 df)

	Popgun / Cork
		Reinstated a .33s firing delay after taking damage
		Re-upped vertical thrust amount on airborne players (+8 fu -> +10 fu)
		Reduced vertical knockback by 50% while underwater
		Grounded players will have a strictly horizontal knockback angle (12 fu)
		Removed lift from cork knockback on invuln players
		Cork horizontal knockback on invuln players now applies relatively


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File has been reuploaded to match current prefix conventions. Anyone who has already downloaded only needs to rename their file with the "ZBa_" prefix.

To match current conventions I'd also like to request that this thread be moved into the "Mods" category.
To be honest I think this mod is better than ringslinger. It is also what SRB2's multiplayer versus mode should've been at first too.
Version 6.0
(version freeze, my ass)

This update tweaks Tails sentries, fixes a couple bugs, and introduces a shield stacking mechanic, which allows players to keep pity shields in reserve. Pity shields will also reflect player skin color, and force shields will reflect team color.

	Fixed Tails sentries not awarding points
	Fixed player targeting in splitscreen mode
	Internal reorganization of function library

	Pity shields will be colored according to player skincolor
	Force shields will be colored in team gametypes

	Added Shield Stock mechanic
		If the player has a shield and obtains a new one, player will store a pity shield in reserve
		Up to two pity shields can be stored in reserve
			Modding: Custom reserve maximums can be defined via CBW_Battle.CharShieldMax[skin]
	Sentry spawning now respects action cooldown
	Action cooldown reduced (1s -> 0.5s)
	Lowered action cost (12r -> 10r)


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Some bugs and Sync

Just a few bits of feedback to give for V6!

Not sure if this is intentional but the stacked Pity Shield will not deploy if your shield fizzles out (Such as attraction in water), your shield is manually removed (Like the Armageddon blast), or you get no shield from a recycle monitor.

Since V6 (Albeit it may just be my mod list, though none of them changed much at all from 5.6 (Previous version I used) to 6), Sync issues seems to be, heavily present. I've noticed it occurs more frequently when a homing based attack, such as the attraction's ability. Even sometimes projectile attacks and abilities have this issue, although rare.

Something minor to note too, Metal loses his Super colours since V5.6, and only gets them back during his dash. (Most likely intentional, but) The Metal Boss now also has a more powerful energy attack, which either I'm bad at the game, or it predicts movements too. Sigsegv with the Metal Boss seems to also occur when they, presumably, hit a wall with the energy blasts, whilst the wall is between the player and Metal. Though this will, never happen in vanilla SRB2, custom maps may be an issue with Metal fights, though unlikely.

I typed somewhat of alot here, so, I hope this isn't off-putting to read! Also, I hope this helps in any way!
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I had noticed the shield issues just a little while ago; in the next update this should be fixed.

I'm still investigating the source of the sync issues. I believe it may have to do with a change made in 5.7, but I won't be able to confirm this until sometime later this weekend.

I will look into the colors situation and the Metal Sonic boss (I believe their projectiles are separate?).

Thank you for the feedback!
Version 6.1

This release disables a specific "simple" lock-on control mod which is suspected to be the source of some net consistency issues.

Additional changes include:
  • Adjustments to the shield stock system
  • Players always respawn with a pity shield
  • Sonic and Amy now have a max shield capacity of 1; Metal a capacity of 3
  • Refined charm beam's interaction with the shield stock system
  • Some various Metal Sonic tweaks and ring action buffs

	Disabled MF2_FRET for simple lockon controls (suspected to be causing cfails)

	Players will always respawn in pity shields (for gametypes that allow it)
	Reserve shield is used when player loses their current shield to water (or by using Armageddon's active)

	Reduced reserve shield count (2 -> 1)

	Reduced reserve shield count (2 -> 1)
	Charm Beam
		No longer rewards 10 rings to allies
		Shield stock cannot be used for the duration of Charm Beam's "disable"

Metal Sonic
	Increased reserve shield count (2 -> 3)
	Removed color changing functions from Metal Sonic's energy attacks
	Reduced charge time required to perform powered-up energy attacks (35 -> 25, 70 -> 50)
	Dash Burst
		Reduced ring cost (12 -> 8)

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