Where in Emerald Flower is that?

You can Use Devmode to provide exact coordinates too.

Edit, Nevermind, I found them! They're from a deleted path that was closed off after taking feedback on how that path confused people.

You should also find some left behind spikes near by too. All will be deleted for the next update..

@birbhorse. A compatibility update for if all super is loaded? Sounds like a good idea to me.
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Was gonna propose to talk to you in DMs about this, but I ended up contacting the person who made every super to update the script, and they did! The only difference is that instead of running every tic, it just runs at when the player spawns; my MMT mod was updated for this accordingly to just wait a couple tics to then execute it's needed code.

in shell nut: it just work now

So uh, just check out https://mb.srb2.org/showthread.php?t=45712 for the updated file, that should work a treat for my mod.

@birbhorse. A compatibility update for if all super is loaded? Sounds like a good idea to me.
So that's what version 4 was about. I got an update notification about that mod but found no notes.
Music usually plays a part in my level design. So if it feels empty without it, that's probably why.

You are totally right my guy. I tried it with music, and now they only feel like what they just are, normal old srb2 level design. Loved it and got really angry with most of the levels; it's just a challenge for us the players of this amazing game.
Dimension Glaber has been updated to version 2.1

I had intended on this being 2.0.2, but 2 more unlockables were added in.
A Metal sonic Race in emerald coast and the prototype rebuild of Mystic Castle.

Other fixes include some clean up in levels like Emerald Flower
Dimension Glaber has been updated to version 2.1

I had intended on this being 2.0.2, but 2 more unlockables were added in.
A Metal sonic Race in emerald coast and the prototype rebuild of Mystic Castle.

Other fixes include some clean up in levels like Emerald Flower

So first of all, I could access Metal's race and the proto-remake from the level select of a normal completed save file. Second of all, the proto-remake's fans when you exit castle one, to get you out of the water, are too weak- I fell in and had to noclip out.
Accessing the new unlockables with a complete save is intended behavior.

The fans being weak is not. I'll fix that asap but earliest won't be until after 9pm est today.
Edit, Looks like emerald hunt is still broken. Dimension glaber has now been afflicted with the Emerald Shard Z Spawn bug


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I'm a bloody moron

I was using Neo Sonic and just tested the fans with both him and other character wads- it's an issue specific to him, not your map. Sorry about the worry I may or may not have caused!
updated the mod again.

Version 2.1.1
Rusty bucket Bay: Swapped in a Golden wind shield to account for emerald shard Z position bug
Swapped out a shard spawn thing for a match mode one, included a Special Stage Gem as compensation untill the bug is fixed.
Fixed issue in Mystic Castle act 1 getting stuck at spin booster
Fixed issue with Green Hill not being in record attack
So, while playing I got two SIGABRTs so far (HM3 and GC). The former was probably a fault in the code (as I got it after being knocked off and beating the boss at the same time), while the latter is a dead end. As I beat Green Christmas, I was obviously flung upwards by springs. Next thing that happens is a SIGABRT.

Edit: I just got to Magmor, and I have one more SIGABRT. When you unlock the Boombox, you can play the Continue tune to get this one (may be random). Also nice to see that some of your levels from the SUGOI trilogy have been put in!
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I wish I could fix these Sigabrts, but I have no idea what's even causing them in the first place. I'm starting to suspect it's the custom replacement music, but Maybe it's time to get a Devloper in on this one. This could be a hard code issue.

Nar, are you using the up to date mod with the Metal sonic Race unlockable?
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I wasn't even aware there was an update! I'll get it.

Also another note, the SIGABRTs are just random, as the Egg Flambe gave me one just as I was headed to it on my fifth(?) try.
Wow, this pack is a mess. I'm sure it's very interesting to you and people who know you as a sort of personal archive, but as I'm not you and I don't know you, it's bad.

If you're looking for good levels to play, look elsewhere. There is good stuff here, but you have to wade through a LOT of ancient, terrible Crawla army-type slogs to get to levels that even hit mediocre. Granted, when we do get to that point there's a huge jump up in quality, but it just takes too long to get there.

Also, you really need to give it a check over for errors. I haven't had any crashes yet, but I can understand why other people are - my console is full of "WARNING: constant 'blah' could not be parsed." On top of that, when we hit the era of slopes and more complex level design, the maps themselves start falling apart - there's little gaps in the floor all over the place, and one particular floating platform in Emerald Flower has some kind of texture error that makes it turn into roiling, seething vomit in OGL mode - I've attached a screenshot. It's less bad in Software but still clearly wrong.

I understand that you've been making levels for a long time, and it's been a journey for you as you developed your skills. To an extent, it's a cool idea to see that journey made manifest as one long level pack. However, that doesn't make up for a lot of those early levels just not being interesting or fun in themselves. It could really do with a way to skip ahead to the good stuff.

Good taste in music, though.


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I have to agree with the comment above. I would like to see remixed versions of the levels you've made back then, since they aren't that good (no offense). You're a good level designer now, so if you remix the old levels, I'm sure it would be much more fun. Do what Sonic Mania did with its levels. Maybe keep the original versions of the levels in the extras menu for historic purposes.
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Be patient, both of you. It's a massive undertaking for them and they don't have to do it. Do not pressure Glaber, please. Especially since new stuff comes out often while he's still gotta prepare things. Be. Patient.

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