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Princess Plushima

Princess of Dreams

Redesigned and Rerendered with all the little improvements I've made to my workflow over the last year, Nasya 2.0 is here!


Nasya the Weightless is my super special snowflake original character. Nasya can't run or jump like a normal character. Instead she drifts around in low gravity, kicking bouncing off walls and tumbling through the air. Her gameplay is highly transformative, and difficult to master.


Nasya also comes with a set of cutscenes, and a bonus boss fight at the end of the game. I would love if this helped motivate you to face the challenge of clearing the game with her.

If you hate fanfiction, you can use the -nolore version instead, which removes all that.

  • If you tap the movement keys the moment you hit the ground, you will redirect your momentum towards your new direction, and gain a little speed. (You'll know you got the timing right if you see a bursting star effect)
  • If you hold the jump key instead, you will charge up a jump with your stored momentum. Time releasing the button with the direction indicator to control your jump angle. Gain stupid amounts of height by aiming straight up.
  • If you're too early or too late on either of these inputs, you will still move, but considerably slower, and you won't redirect your momentum.
  • If you hit a wall while in the air, you will cling to it. Touching a wall is the same as touching the ground to Nasya, and you can keep your movement chain going this way. (Though the timing for walljumps is a bit tighter...)
  • If you press the spin key in the air, you can perform a twirl attack. This is your only means of damaging enemies, and can also break blocks. (Nasya is considered a 'strong character,' and can also break blocks beneath her. The latter is necessary for DSZ2 to be beatable >.>)
  • If you press the jump key in the air, you will begin tumbling down at normal gravity. This is particularly useful if you find yourself slowly drifting high in the sky after botching your timing. You can't walljump while tumbling, but you can return to antigravity by pressing the jump key again.
  • As of 1.3, you can now bounce off of death pits up to three times per jump. Use this to tell Aerial Garden to go fuck itself.

Advanced Tips:
  • The difference between Nasya when you're flopping around unfamiliar with her and Nasya when you're using her tools effectively is huge. Don't be surprised if a section that seems impossible for her at first can actually be cleared in a few seconds.
  • Because of how she redirects momentum, Nasya doesn't need much space to get up to high speeds. Just bounce back and forth faster and faster before using jump to shoot off into sky.
  • "Unaffected by gravity" includes reduced or inverted gravity such as underwater or in Egg Rock. Nasya will control the same no matter the environment.
  • The tumble is your key to controlling your movement through the air. Time it correctly to land on platforms, hit the ground more often to gain more speed, or just avoid flying off into space.
  • Quickly double-tapping the jump key from a standstill is your most reliable way to inch forward. Also handy for if you need to fall down holes.
  • Switching between flying and tumbling is possible even when launched from things like springs. Use this to control how much height you get out of level objects. Just remember to be in flight mode when you hit the wall if you want to keep your speed.
  • Nasya thrives on disrespecting the level design. Use your jump at high speeds to soar right over that Doctor Wiley shit. Tails WISHES he was this nonsense.

Known Issues:
  • Because she basically has her own physics, a lot of level gimmicks will interact strangely with her. I've fixed most of what I know of, but always be on the lookout.
  • If you cling to a moving wall, and then it moves out of the way, you'll float. (Or is it actually a feature because antigravity? 🤔)

2.0 -

  • Completely rerendered Nasya with a new design, proportions that better match other SRB2 characters, and pants.
  • Added small extra animations, such as alternating feet with each step, and different wallcling angles.
  • Visually redesigned Super Nasya to take advantage of dynamic skincolors. Hyper Nasya and Mystic Star Nasya maintain their original designs.
  • WAD-ON TECHNOLOGY - Kirby can now become Weightless Kirby by snacking on a floatcat.
  • In social situations, it may now be possible to persuade Nasya to dance. Maybe.
  • A -nolore version is now available, which excludes Nasya's cutscenes and bonus bossfight.
  • Nasya can now survive in space for twice as long as other characters. ERZ2 is now slightly less impossible.
  • Nasya will now redirect her vertical momentum as well as horizontal with each step. This makes getting flung into orbit slightly less punishing, though it's suble enough I wouldn't blame you for not noticing...

1.3.1 -

  • Fixed a small animation glitch with the thoktwirl.

1.3 -

  • So much stuff holy crap. I've bolded what I consider the most important changes.
  • Improved analog/simple mode support thanks to a code snipped from Rumia. You can now Nasya diagonally.
  • Walljumping is now MUCH more consistent thanks to me finally figuring out how to make effective use of the MobjLineCollide hook. You should no longer get stuck on ceilings either.
  • Balance wise, you can no longer walljump off of thok barriers or anti-echidna walls.
  • Walljumping now gives you a full 360 degree angles to work with, making it much easier to recover from a bad wallcling. The angle indicator also more accurately reflects the angle and speed you'll travel at.
  • To make up for fixing clinging to skyboxes, you can now bounce off of death pits up to three times per jump. The counter is reset by landing or wallclinging.
  • SUPER NASYA - Collect emeralds and rings as usual, then press either jump+spin simultaneously or custom3 to go super. Super Nasya has dramatically increased midair control, infinite death pit bounces, and can smack enemies with the Sun.
  • Rumor has it that sharing power with a certain Mystic hedgehog might alter this form somewhat... (Thanks to Goldenshine for helping me figure out exactly which variables to play with for this!)
  • Added more frames to the tumble and twirl animations.
  • Tweaked a couple sprites to be slightly less crusty. Only slightly.
  • New Shield Abilities - Collecting most shields will alter Nasya's twirl ability slightly.
  • Elemental shields increase the radius of her twirl.
  • Electric shields make the twirl more spammable.
  • Double jump shields give Nasya a small amount of height with each twirl.
  • Force shields let Nasya thok.

  • Added real damage frames now that GET DOWN has stopped being funny. You can still escape out of your damage frames to quickly recover in midair with the jump key.
  • Fixed RVZ gimmicks for realsies this time.
  • Removed references to S_SKIN stats to improve compatibility with physics altering mods.
  • Fixed some obscure oddities by moving the twirling code to PlayercanDamage.
  • Nasya's ending is now a bit more interesting than the default emerald fireworks.
  • Some other nonsense not worth mentioning in this post.

1.2 -

  • Taking advantage of 2.2.1 features, Nasya now has 16 angles for most frames! Hurray for prerendered sprites!
  • This isn't actually a feature of the mod, but 2.2.1's drop shadows work super well with Nasya. If you had trouble with her before, I suggest trying her on the new version. It helps a lot!
  • As long as I was rerendering all the frames, I adjusted her colorability to work more like other characters.
  • Also added NIGHTS and Idle frames. Her hair now animates during some animations as well.
  • Implemented some of Rumia's suggestions for fixing stage gimmicks. Nasya now has the ability to just jump like a normal person when being pushed by DSZ currents, hanging from ACZ ropes, or standing on RVZ rocks. This should put most stage gimmicks in the "workable" category.
  • Because it's funny to me, she still reacts to tornadoes by GET DOWN Yureru mawaru fureru setsunai kimochi~
  • Attempting to walljump towards a wall will now cause you to jump parallel to the wall. This generally feels a lot better, but you may run into some weirdness when you appear to cling to a wall at the wrong angle.
  • Her midair control has been significantly increased. This should mitigate some of the frustration of losing all your speed and being stuck drifting in the air.

1.1 -

  • Doubled the timing window for keeping your speed while stepping or jumping.
  • Added a small graphical effect to indicate your charge level. (Thanks Ikkarou Tatsuru for the suggestion!)
  • Completely reworked the jumping. You now hold the button instead of tapping it, causing a direction indicator to bounce back and forth. It's a bit trickier to go the way you want now, but you don't have to mess with weirdness from the renderer.
  • Fixed a bug related to controller input. (Thanks Frostiikin for helping me test this!)

Special thanks to Kays on Discord for the linedef-detection code that forms the basis of the wallcling ability. (Why does an object that just hit a wall not know which wall it hit exactly??)


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This is a pretty nice job, congratulations!
She's a pretty challenging character to master, and while her gameplay is quite unpolished, it's still promising in concept and has a lot of potential to be fun, which is something I believe you can do as you learn more about Lua. Here's some suggestions on what you can do:

- Her time window for inputs is way too small, making it difficult to maintain speed. She's gonna get a lot of help from drop shadows in the upcoming patch, but I believe you could give the player a little more time after she touches the ground for the next input. This is specially important for netgames, where performing precise inputs is already pretty difficult. Which takes me to my next suggestion...

- Get rid of mouselook for jump scaling. It's very flimsy, uncomfortable to use due to software distortion and very difficult to control the strength of the jumps through it. Change jump scaling to how long you hold the jump button when you land, within the slightly larger time window. Her thrust could also be slightly raised in general, since she tends to fling very slowly into space and it eventually becomes annoying to wait for her to land without having to cancel her jump altogether.

- Use better graphic cues for the time window for the inputs. The star could appear large around her and close in according to the remaining time for the next jump, and her jump could release smaller, spinning star particles instead. Just make sure to communicate the time window better somehow.

- Finally, you need to remap her sprites' color scheme in SLADE so she can change colors. You can probably get some help with that in the official Discord server.

These are all issues I believe you can gradually fix with time, so don't get discouraged. Once again, nice job!
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I....have never....had this much trouble.....beating GFZ or THZ.

It took me a long time to figure out how to use this efficiently. Maybe it's because I didn't play Gravity Rush which this is probably inspired from? Main reason why was mostly because I had to figure out how the movement worked and use it efficiently...WHILE having to deal with the timing thing. Once I learned it, had momentum and consistently great timing, this actually felt pretty fun and I can see the potential, but starting from scratch is an absolutely agonizingly slow and awkward hell.

I think it's mostly because the timing thing is probably too much for most to process on top of the extremely committal movement.(plus her getting stuck on things like slopes) High skill ceilings are great, but I wouldn't make players practically start over from scratch with any wrong input. Maybe remove the timing system altogether for the current system, and give players EXTRA speed for perfect timing, because she's rather slow as it is.

Very cool idea, but awkward to play atm.
This is amazing... It was difficult to get used to.

"Janks" I encountered: Nasya can't jump off the ball in the Red Volcano (likely because her walking animation forces her into anti-gravity state where jump button makes her tumble);sinking and falling platforms - trying to gain speed by pressing forward on them will only halt you; Nasya can latch on to invisible walls (it actually saved me a lot of times...); apparently she can't escape from Amy's hug.

About DSZ slides - it seems she simply can't determine whether she must be in normal or anti-gravity state and keeps switching between both. While this looks silly this gives her almost no chance to jump out of watedslides... Actually the same thing happens in whirlwinds in ACZ but without any complications.

I'm actually against extending the timing since failing it is her only way to slow down. Extending the timing means you'll have to wait much longer till you'll be able to jump at a slower pace - or try to jump around bosses like crazy until eventually you hit them. Or they hit you.

The thing I find strange is if you fail the timing on wall-jump at least once or if you simply start wall-jumping from a standstill/low speed then it's actually better for you to keep failing - pressing forward will give you more speed this way than if you attempt to do a well-timed wall-jump.
Thanks everyone for all the great feedback both here and on Discord. I've uploaded v1.1 with a few changes:

  • Doubled the timing window for keeping your speed while stepping or jumping.
  • Added a small graphical effect to indicate your charge level. (Thanks Ikkarou Tatsuru for the suggestion!)
  • Completely reworked the jumping. You now hold the button instead of tapping it, causing a direction indicator to bounce back and forth. It's a bit trickier to go the way you want now, but you don't have to mess with weirdness from the renderer. I'm not 100% sure if I like this better than the old system, but enough people complained I figure I should do something.
  • Fixed a bug related to controller input. (Thanks Frostiikin for helping me test this!)

What animal is this character?
Don't worry about it.
Wow, this character is fun and fresh. I'd love to see some levels built around her abilities, not that I'm even close to mastering her play style as is. I hope people give this character a genuine try!
Oh my goodness this character idea has so much potential!! I love how this character plays in my mind but she's just so... non-noob friendly.

She is supposed to be like the ultimate flier because floating is literally her ability, and that already sounds like a great concept to me. Having her entire gimmic and the idea of her being that you have to play around with physics and timing to play with her correctly is such a cool concept and it could be so fun. I also like the idea of her design being a cat (Seriously why is every purple colored cat-themed character always so good?!) and having stars incorporated into her design is also a really cool tie in to the idea of her ability being gravity.

And yet, I hate to say it, but the core gameplay and even parts of the character design really need a lot of improvement. Now don't get me wrong, I really do like this character and she does a lot of things right, she feels fun as heck to play when you're good with her and her floatiness leads to some really cool moments in platforming but... when you suck at playing with her? It really isn't fun at all.
Firstly, Her jump sucks if you have no momentum, like... you can't even jump out of a pit as tall as the character herself if you don't have some speed going in. If it does get you out, it's abysmally slow to do. I know this is going to sound broken at first but please raise her default jump height, if you have to nerf the gains she gets from momentum that's fine, but it's so hard to deal with considering first time players won't have any speed going into this at all.
Secondly, despite her having the ability to manipulate gravity, she has absolutely no aerial mobility whatsoever. I don't mind her not being able to walk, I imagine walking would be pretty hard if you're weightless, but because her main method of getting around is through the air, she desperately needs to be able to move around in the air and accelerate through it like a normal character. Greenflower is passable but... Techno hill Zone with all its tight corridors and stairways is suffering.
Third, the speed punishment you get from missing your inputs really hurts, it feels really hard to work up speed with this character in the first place so the amount you lose when you miss makes the character feel sluggish and underpowered. I understand she's supposed to feel light on her feet but she needs to put some more spring in her steps.
I'd also like to see her be able to detatch from walls using spin or something, I often get stuck on uneven ceilings when clinging to walls by accident.

Now I know this is your first character but there's a couple things about her design that I would change.
She looks incredibly bored despite having the power she's been bestowed, either that or she has a bad case of resting... (can I say that phrase on the Message Board?) face. I know if I had the ability to literally bend gravity to my whims I would be the happiest girl you've ever seen. I would be flying around doing all sorts of tricks and stuff and bouncing off walls and having a grand old time. I think she needs to smile a bit more. Her eyes also lack a shine to them which I feel adds to the dead-inside vibe I get from her. Most characters in cartoons and anime have a small circle or oval or specks of light reflecting off their eyes and it aids in helping them look bright and cheery. In anime, a character not having light reflect off their eyes usually implies that they're either dead or are incredibly upset.
On the subject of her eyes, they happen to be the same color as her dress so they change color whenever the player changes the character color in multiplayer. I'm fairly certain that this is not intentional.

Finally, I have some glitches to report.
-Using zero gravity in goop will cause Nasya to sink, this can be remedied by checking ` & MFE_GOOWATER`, and disabling the gravity code from there.
-The rope hang issue can probably be fixed by giving her a normal jump height while `player.powers[pw_carry] & CR_ROPEHANG` is true and reverting back when it's no longer applicable.
-The waterslide issue could probably also be fixed by disabling various behaviors while `player.pflags & PF_SLIDING` is true
-Trying to jump off a wall will bring up the jump meter but most of the time, unless you're looking away from the wall (which is nearly impossible due to how the camera's coded) the game will not make you jump at all and you'll be stuck there. I think this could be fixed by making it so that she gets thrust in some way in the direction she's facing (using player.drawangle) plus 180 degrees, with some upward momentum as well.
-You can hold the spin button and nasya will continuously spin, I don't think this is a major issue but most character abilities are one-time-use per button press, you could fix this by checking if the player pressed the spin key last tic.

Funnily enough, I ended up testing this out with Classic.wad because I almost never have it unloaded from my game, and some of the things I suggested ended up happening, such as the greater speed when moving (although horrendously overpowered because of my momentum code probably) as well as being able to move in midair after jumping. I also caught footage of this

In summary, I like the character concept, and I suck at playing with her. Here's a couple gifs comparing what the character currently feels like to a somewhat exaggerated version of what I feel the character should like.
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Rumia1 said:
-Using zero gravity in goop will cause Nasya to sink

Although it does violate common sense, it was indirectly stated as intentional in the first post:

Draykon said:
"Unaffected by gravity" includes reduced or inverted gravity such as underwater or in Egg Rock. Nasya will control the same no matter the environment.
To take advantage of 2.2.1, Nasya has been updated!


Here's what's new:

  • Taking advantage of 2.2.1 features, Nasya now has 16 angles for most frames! Hurray for prerendered sprites!
  • This isn't actually a feature of the mod, but 2.2.1's drop shadows work super well with Nasya. If you had trouble with her before, I suggest trying her on the new version. It helps a lot!
  • As long as I was rerendering all the frames, I adjusted her colorability to work more like other characters.
  • Also added NIGHTS and Idle frames. Her hair now animates during some animations as well.
  • Implemented some of Rumia's suggestions for fixing stage gimmicks. Nasya now has the ability to just jump like a normal person when being pushed by DSZ currents, hanging from ACZ ropes, or standing on RVZ rocks. This should put most stage gimmicks in the "workable" category.
  • Because it's funny to me, she still reacts to tornadoes by GET DOWN Yureru mawaru fureru setsunai kimochi~
  • Attempting to walljump towards a wall will now cause you to jump parallel to the wall. This generally feels a lot better, but you may run into some weirdness when you appear to cling to a wall at the wrong angle.
  • Her midair control has been significantly increased. This should mitigate some of the frustration of losing all your speed and being stuck drifting in the air.
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Is it a bug that she naturally falls slowly even when I don't push the button to enable gravity? I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that—her gameplay is really cool and that mechanic does make sense—but you specifically said she's unaffected by gravity, which suggests that not even the small effect I'm seeing is supposed to happen. Speaking of which, when I do push jump and she falls, is there any way I can cancel that before I hit the ground, say, if I accidentally do it above a death pit?

I remember taking more than 10 minutes to complete Greenflower, then when it finally clicked that I'm supposed to build up momentum and use that to jump high, that changed everything.

Has anyone been able to push the buttons in Aerial Garden Zone as Nasya? I can't figure out how to get on top of the button without moving slow enough that the bees get me. I guess in hindsight I could have looked for and destroyed their spawners but meh.
Is it a bug that she naturally falls slowly even when I don't push the button to enable gravity? I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that—her gameplay is really cool and that mechanic does make sense—but you specifically said she's unaffected by gravity, which suggests that not even the small effect I'm seeing is supposed to happen. Speaking of which, when I do push jump and she falls, is there any way I can cancel that before I hit the ground, say, if I accidentally do it above a death pit?

I remember taking more than 10 minutes to complete Greenflower, then when it finally clicked that I'm supposed to build up momentum and use that to jump high, that changed everything.

Has anyone been able to push the buttons in Aerial Garden Zone as Nasya? I can't figure out how to get on top of the button without moving slow enough that the bees get me. I guess in hindsight I could have looked for and destroyed their spawners but meh.

The slow falling is deliberate. While the 'lore' is that she's completely unaffected by gravity most of the time, that didn't really make for fun gameplay.

Tapping they jump key again while you're 'falling' will bring you back to your normal, low gravity mode. You can go back and forth as often as you want, and can even restore low gravity out of your damage frames.
I remember her, it's kinda hard to get used to her gameplay but this is an interesting character.

PS: is she some kind of cat?
The slow falling is deliberate. While the 'lore' is that she's completely unaffected by gravity most of the time, that didn't really make for fun gameplay.

Do you mean that it was frustrating, or that there wasn't enough challenge? If the former, why not have it so you can hold spin in mid-air to disable it when it's convenient, for as long as it's held down? If you don't want to have it on the same button as her attack (which I don't think would get in the way, but you might disagree) you could use Custom 1 or something.

Or if you mean that removing it would make it so it's not challenging enough, then why even have the lore say she's totally unaffected by gravity? Whenever a limitation exists in gameplay that explicitly doesn't exist for the character in the lore, then to me it always feels cheap when said limitation gets in the way, like it's not an issue I'm supposed to have. And that's especially true if it was intended to make the game easier rather than harder, as would be the case if you meant it was frustrating.

It's not a big deal though; the mod is great either way.

Tapping they jump key again while you're 'falling' will bring you back to your normal, low gravity mode. You can go back and forth as often as you want, and can even restore low gravity out of your damage frames.

Huh, I thought I tried that and it didn't work. I'll try again next time I play; thanks.
Nasya 1.3 is now out! I put a lot of work into this one, so I hope you're willing to give it a try! Here's what's new:

1.3 -

  • So much stuff holy crap. I've bolded what I consider the most important changes.
  • Improved analog/simple mode support thanks to a code snipped from Rumia. You can now Nasya diagonally.
  • Walljumping is now MUCH more consistent thanks to me finally figuring out how to make effective use of the MobjLineCollide hook. You should no longer get stuck on ceilings either.
  • Balance wise, you can no longer walljump off of thok barriers or anti-echidna walls.
  • Walljumping now gives you a full 360 degree angles to work with, making it much easier to recover from a bad wallcling. The angle indicator also more accurately reflects the angle and speed you'll travel at.
  • To make up for fixing clinging to skyboxes, you can now bounce off of death pits up to three times per jump. The counter is reset by landing or wallclinging.
  • SUPER NASYA - Collect emeralds and rings as usual, then press either jump+spin simultaneously or custom3 to go super. Super Nasya has dramatically increased midair control, infinite death pit bounces, and can smack enemies with the Sun.
  • Rumor has it that sharing power with a certain Mystic hedgehog might alter this form somewhat... (Thanks to Goldenshine for helping me figure out exactly which variables to play with for this!)
  • Added more frames to the tumble and twirl animations.
  • Tweaked a couple sprites to be slightly less crusty. Only slightly.
  • New Shield Abilities - Collecting most shields will alter Nasya's twirl ability slightly.
  • Elemental shields increase the radius of her twirl.
  • Electric shields make the twirl more spammable.
  • Double jump shields give Nasya a small amount of height with each twirl.
  • Force shields let Nasya thok.

  • Added real damage frames now that GET DOWN has stopped being funny. You can still escape out of your damage frames to quickly recover in midair with the jump key.
  • Fixed RVZ gimmicks for realsies this time.
  • Removed references to S_SKIN stats to improve compatibility with physics altering mods.
  • Fixed some obscure oddities by moving the twirling code to PlayercanDamage.
  • Nasya's ending is now a bit more interesting than the default emerald fireworks.
  • Some other nonsense not worth mentioning in this post.
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glad to see Nasya being improved, is a very original character with a very original mechanic (for real)
I appreciate it

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