I'm gonna be honest... i don't consider this to be one of the best map packs of Srb2. like... on paper it has so many cool concepts and ideas, but unfortunately the map pack has some bad qualities that holds it from being truly amazing (atleast for me)
1: The later levels get dragged for so long they become tedious after a while, like no joke. the last few levels can take from 6 - 8 minutes straight! and like... that's too long for the usual length the base levels tend to have. i get they were trying to be ambitious with this but i don't know, i didn't really work out that well on me.
2: Speaking of the last 3 zones, Liftoff Gantry/Spacewalk/Alien Armageddon have a sudden dificulty spike. i get they're the last zones but they're just so hard to beat the first time, and it's worse when you consider that these levels are VERY long. i'm glad you can skip Spacewalk Zone, because that's the worst zone of the game in my opinion. all the precise jumping and instakill floors and many dead pits are the worst combination in a level like this.
3: I wish there were custom bosses for this map pack, i mean... if they made some custom badniks here and there then what was stopping them from making unique bosses for this map pack? it ends up becoming repetitive and boring fighting the same bosses over and over again, and most of them repeat alot. it feels lazy to me.
4: The soundtrack has never been my cup of tea when playing this game, like... most of the songs sound pretty lowkey and not as catchy as the base game's ost. heck, they even paled in comparation to the 2.0/2.1 old ost! Alien Armageddon has the worst songs in the map pack in my opinion, since it's a bad remix of a song from the Sonic 2 game from game gear and master system, and it just sounds lame for a final zone as hard as this one. I really wish this soundtrack was better honestly, because this is just so forgettable and meh to me.
5: Some of the hazards can be unfair to deal with like... why are acid pits instakill instead of just hurting you normally? why those instakill floors from Spacewalk can kill you even as Super Sonic? shouldn't you be invencible at those?
6: The ending is so abrupt and doesn't even explain you what happened after the final boss. like... what happens next? i know eggman was defeated but what did the heroes did next? were they thanked by that alien civilization they've saved? the end feels rushed...
If only they made a full remake of this map pack with new level design, an all remixed soundtrack, new and original bosses, a more balanced dificulty spike and a more explained story this map pack could've been one of the best ever made for Sonic Robo Blast 2. i can understand why it turned out like this i mean, it was made during the 2.0 era. clearly it was pretty limited, but still... wouldn't it be cool if this map pack returned not as a remaster, but as a full reimagination/remake?
think about all the stuff that could be added!
Whatever. it's an ok map pack. but could've been waaay better than what it was.