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    • JonBaxter replied to the thread Trip the Sungazer.
      The next patch should fix this issue, it also happens with a few other characters like X Sonic
    • JonBaxter replied to the thread Trip the Sungazer.
      I doubt that'd be an issue, but if you wanna make sure then ask @RalphJeremy65 , who drew Trip's lovely CSS art
    • JonBaxter replied to the thread Trip the Sungazer.
      yeah. the sol emeralds only unlock Terra Trip, which is an alternative super form for people who don't like playing as the dragon form...
    • JonBaxter replied to the thread Trip the Sungazer.
      oh so it's just a small confusion with the rushchars transformation method, thank goodness. also thanks for the reminder about the...
    • JonBaxter replied to the thread Trip the Sungazer.
      please list any mods you may have loaded when this happened. if trip doesn't have enough space to transform you will get a warning...
    • JonBaxter replied to the thread Trip the Sungazer.
      It's a bug introduced somewhat recently, and I assume the culprit is frame interpolation. Regarding your review: we'll consider...
    • JonBaxter replied to the thread Trip the Sungazer.
      yep, being unable to fit through spin gaps is intentional. try exploring a bit to find alternate routes and using your spikes to bust up...
    • JonBaxter reacted to .Rush's post in the thread Trip the Sungazer with Cool! Cool!.
      No, The double jump sound being spammable is not a bug guys
    • JonBaxter replied to the thread Tortured Planet.
      JonBaxter updated Tortured Planet with a new update entry: Hotfix! Read the rest of this update entry...
    • JonBaxter updated the resource Tortured Planet with Hotfix!.
      Just a quick update to address a spingap softlock in DDZ2 Fixes: - Widened two spin gaps in DDZ2 that would softlock players that can't...
    • JonBaxter replied to the thread Tortured Planet.
      Oh I thought we had patched that in a previous version. I'll go ahead and roll out a hotfix
    • JonBaxter replied to the thread Tortured Planet.
      JonBaxter updated Tortured Planet with a new update entry: Zoomin' big guys Read the rest of this update entry...
    • JonBaxter updated the resource Tortured Planet with Zoomin' big guys.
      This update will address some zoom tubes impeding characters to properly progress through a few stages while also patching up some small...
    • JonBaxter replied to the thread Tortured Planet.
      noted. I managed to squeeze in somehow but I can see that being troublesome for some characters. when I have some free time I'll see if...
    • JonBaxter replied to the thread Tortured Planet.
      hm I was able to clear both acts as vector just fine, but I did spot a couple of tubes that could be troublesome to get into with larger...
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