The True Arena! (BOSS RUSH)

The True Arena! (BOSS RUSH) v3.4

This map is too sigma
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I Beat This Entire Boss Medley With My SauRou & PlushRou Char And My Giganticus Char. It's So Good, Gotta Say The Hardest Imo Is Eggfighter, Thok And Egg Anumis. Really Good, Loved All The Bosses
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It would be nice if the mod was compatible with other mods like the BuddyEX. I had a challenge in mind where every time I beat a boss, a new character shows up. But sometimes after beating a boss the game just crashes. Still pretty fun though.
Upvote 2
I already loved this mod back when it was like 16-23 Bosses, but this new update is outstanding! The fanmade bosses are all pretty cool, the only ones I didn't enjoy were Shadow and Egg Anumis (Latter being from Mystic Realm, go fig) But I know that's not the actual mod's fault. Also, I love the no-hit = Emerald system. It's challenging, but fair which is what I can honestly say about the whole mod. Heh heh, not to brag or anything, but I got good ending first try hyeh hyeh hyeh! Only bosses that felt unfair or too hard were Egg Anumis and Egg Fighter.
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Because who doesn't love getting crashed on out of nowhere for no reason after winning a boss :)))))))))))))
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Needs more bosses.
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i actually don't know
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cool crashes
cool sigsevs
Do you know what causes them?
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