You may have seen my Discussion post on this mod, so I'm not going to copy-paste what I said there.
First off, something that I never judged myself was the main page presentation. I like when people use the capabillities of the MB's style powers (thanks to its engine XenForo), but this is on a whole diffrent level. It looks pretty spot-on, is definetly most varied out of any add-on overview I saw, and it stays true to that BB charm.
Next is the gameplay. I said it once and I'll say it again: the aesthetic charm is fantastic. Everything around is accurate to how BB had in store, many little details like the posters around the school, those gates that come down all of a sudden, and those lamp sounds are all pretty unique. The level is a bit long, I'll admit, but is definetly enough content-rich to make it an excuse. Though if anything is to be a flaw though, those R.E emblems are not fun. At all.
I have no idea how would I finish this review, other than it being one of the best level maps based on other franchises. Guess I'll let it at that, would I?
2. Yeah, I feel that the "hub-world" area is my favorite area in this stage. It just radiates calm after the storm vibe. And I feel the proudest of this area's music too. :3 This area will be way larger in v2 by the way. With more silly stuff to check out. :D
3. I just hope I won't have the "If it ain't broke, not fix it." situation with v2. o_o'' But I feel that I'm on a good track right now. Also, I'll try to do something like that too.
Also, would you be interested in making a custom poster for this stage? And if you read the last update entry then you should know in what way, but if you don't, then I decided to make a small collab when people can make and submit their custom posters with them being added to the walls of the schoolhouse, along with all the posters being clumped into a big gallery area at the sunset hub-world.
And if you want to do this, then you could perhaps make the poster based of your works in Paint 3D, because the rather simplistic nature of the models in that program really fits with the 90's aesthetic of BB's graphics. :3