Super Mario Bros.

Super Mario Bros. Version 2.3

Good mod mixed with Gaming den hangout.
But it's not the one I'm used to.
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One of (if not) the best and most polished character mods for SRB2! Mario and Luigi's movesets faithfully adapted to SRB2, drawing moves and attributes from all sorts of places in the Mario series. My one criticism is that when playing as Mario + Luigi (as a pair), you can't swap to controlling Luigi with Mario as a follower. That one change would bring this mod from a 10/10 to a 11/10 in my opinion. Nevertheless, If you love the Mario series, This is the mod for you!
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This rocks bro! keep up the good work :p
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This is a great mod that me and my cousin enjoy playing on I think that there could be some things added to it though like Mario 64 3d models
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This is actually fun! I also can feel some speedrun capability too!
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its mario in srb2 and it plays wonderfully
what else can i say? its just completely amazing no doubt about it
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This has to be the best character mod I've seen; it perfectly recreates a ton of Mario's iconic moves!
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Lets-a-go! I LOVE this (Super) mod. I can (Some-what) finally play Somari in SRB2!
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I love this mod for some reason. It reminds me of when I played on my DS. The only thing I wish to come is a crossover of the Yoshi mod. 10/10
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hopefully yoshi becomes a mount in this mod AND updated in his own mod to look like this mods style
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Nice work! This mod gives me serious Super Mario 64 DS vibes. I like it!
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These Are The Best Mario Brothers I Have Ever Played As!
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Great mod but why'd you have to change the super soundtrack.
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absolutely fantastic but i cant figure out the super form or im just forgetting 50 coins but yeah this pretty good
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I don't even like the Mario franchise but these characters are still rad af
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This is so good for the Mario people out there
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This is literally the best mod with no noticeable flaws. You play as Mario in a Sonic game with Mario's controls. No need to go too fast, take your time. Explore it like a Mario level and you'll have so much fun. This mod is perfect in my opinion. It's intuitive to play yet hard to master, but mastering it isn't even required. It literally turns this game into a Mario game and that's okay.
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An absolutely awesome Mario mod! I love how his moveset is from the entire series as a whole. :)
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one of the best mods ever
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Absolutely incredible. This is where SRB2 modding shines. The Bros. have so many moves that every time I found a new one, I grinned from ear to ear. It's so polished, so responsive, so diverse, and so fun. Excellent work!
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