Super in Ringslinger

[Open Assets] Super in Ringslinger V3

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Match Super - a Lua made to make the Powerstones more, powerful.


Collect all 7 Chaos Emeralds in a Ringslinger gametype (Whether that's all 7 by yourself or pick up the 7th on the team) to go Super.

In Super, you lack cooldowns on everything. You can spam pretty much any weapon with the only cost being your ring counter.

Using variables you can set this up in order to function with a Super timelimit.

Metal snags the 7th Emerald (Ignore the flashing)


The single Cvar: MP_PowerstoneTimer​
  • When set to a positive value, you will automatically de-transform after hitting the timelimit, which is when the bar above your life icon depletes, whether by actual timer or by ring drain.
  • When set to 0, the entire mod stops functioning.
  • When set to -1, the timer is removed, leaving your ring count the only timer left.
Console Commands:
  • MP_PowerstoneMusic_Active (BOOLEAN - Default Value: TRUE)
    • If active, when you go Super, the music will change to the value of MP_PowerstoneMusic_Music.
  • MP_PowerstoneMusic_Music (STRING - Default Value: "VSMETL")
    • Used to change the music that plays if MP_PowerstoneMusic_Active is true
  • MP_Powerstone_Sol (BOOLEAN - Default Value: TRUE)
    • When RushChars are loaded, and the current Skin has a Sol and Super forme, this will select between the two.
Functionality notes:

If MP_PowerstoneTimer is 0, the LUA will be disabled.
The LUA naturally is disabled when outside of RingSlinger gametypes (Such as Co-op and Race)
Note that any LUA that forces the Super Flag onto other characters will break this mod (Such as Super for all)

  • RushChars (Sol Formes)
  • RingSlinger Neo (Weapon stuff)
  • Comes with it's own rawset (Checking for MP_MatchSuper tells the game if this LUA is loaded or not - literally does nothing else lmao)
Sol and Neo support (via making a mess)
  • Cool!
Reactions: Biggy-π
Extension type
File size
14.2 KB
MD5 Hash
First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. The 'I stuffed it all in one update' update

    Added rawset MP_MatchSuper, purely so other mods can tell when it's loaded Added new command...
  2. Super Timelimit

    Added a 20 second time limit to staying super Added the ability to have music play whilst super...