MetAlt - Now with more buttons you can press!

MetAlt - Now with more buttons you can press! 3

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MetAlt was a personal project I was making for fun. My friends liked it, alot, so I decided to toss em into the submissions.

MetAlt is an alternate version of Metal Sonic, with a moveset that hybrids Sonic, Amy and Fang.



MetAlt can freely swap between having a Homing Thok with Multiability or a short special Twinspin by pressing Custom 2



New to V2, the TwinVolt, an invincible Twinspin that only works when not in water!


When timed perfectly, you can use the TwinVolt to jump off harmful floors such as Lava or Electricity! But Water can still damage if not careful!


By pressing Custom 3, MetAlt can do the Quick Dash, which after a short charge up time, allows him to burst ahead into dashmode!


Instead of a Spindash, MetAlt can use Gunslinger to launch a laser, but be careful as it has a significant delay before you can do anything after!



MetAlt can go Super too! But with some extra bonuses whilst in Super..

MetAlt was also also developed after Metal, this means that one of Metal's greatest flaws has been fixed! MetAlt is waterproof and can breathe forever in water! (And Space, because beep boop)


MetAlt has Custom Music for many scenarios, none of which overwrite vanilla tracks!
MetAlt uses Vanilla sprites, with some being modified!
MetAlt is compatible with Super Run, and maybe more down the line

Tips and Tricks



A small sound is played when your Quick Dash is recharged!
Homing Thok can be cancelled by pressing jump again!
You can retain the momentum from the Homing Thok via the MomentumShift, which is done if you switch to TwinVolt just before you connect with the thing you're Homing on!
Switching back to Homing Thok after such will also allow you to use Homing Thok again!
You can retain homing momentum in super simply by cancelling before connecting!
Pressing Jump and Spin at the same time on the ground lets you shoot without having to deal with the post fire stun!
MetAlt is a neutral agent of chaos, you can get points by attacking your teammates with projectiles totally intentionally. Do this if you wanna lose friends :3


V1.0 - Release​

V2.0 - The TwinVolt Update​

Some sprite changes to Super and Normal​

Added in the TwinVolt, a change to the Twinspin that allows you to take no damage during it, as long as you're above water

Added in some different SFX

S_PLAY changes

Added in the TwinGlide, holding spin after a Twinspin in super allows you to glide similar to Metal Float, without carrying upward momentum

Added in a feature for getting stunned in Super forme (Such as damage in NiGHTS, or Corked by Fang)

V3.0 - The flow update​

BT_SPIN is now better used:
When you have homing selected, BT_SPIN will use the Momentum Shift Homing attack without the need to swap abilities, however it can only be used once per jump, and as the first homing attack.
If there's no nearby enemies and you have homing selected, BT_SPIN will launch you ahead with your current speed like a momentum based thok.
When you have TwinVolt selected, BT_SPIN will fire off a laser at the closest enemy without sacrificing momentum.
If there's no nearby enemies and you have TwinVolt selected, BT_SPIN will fire off a laser aimed at where you aim your camera, once again without any speed cost.
BT_SPIN tends to follow these rules, however now shields all act differently when used with MetAlt. The effects both depend on whether you have Homing or TwinVolt active. Play around with the shields!

The Quick Dash will allow you to keep your momentum when using it in DashMode, and also increases on said momentum.
The Quick Dash also adds onto the DashMode timer when in DashMode, meaning the more times you use Quick Dash in DashMode, the longer time you have to correct yourself if you, for example, have a head-on collision with a wall.
Another button now does strong attack stuff, at the cost of many rings. Try find a use for it! If you can find it!
Probably at least 1 bugfix! Wow so cool!

Other Notes

I do not own the sprites, they belong to STJR.
MetAlt has their own character slot, leaving Metal Sonic free to be used alongside.
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  1. "I totally didnt have this update ready several months ago and just forgot to upload it here" update

    OOPS LMAO Anyways changelog, featuring some stuff; V3.0 - The flow update BT_SPIN is now...

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how do you use it? when i put the mod the mod in addons and load it up like usual, there is no no new character. when i clicked on metal sonic, thinking he would be metalt, he was just normal metal sonic. can someone tell me how to use it? i gave it 5 stars because it looks like a really cool mod.
Upvote 2
Interesting concept, being able to swap between a few moves at once. You don't see a lot of mods incorporating interchanging mechanics like that. Fits the theme of Metal as well, imo
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