This is a dedicated server script which records damage dealt between characters and saves the output in the form of a text file: luafiles/hitstats.txt
hitstats - Version info and console command help
printhitstats <skin1> <skin2> - Prints stats for the specified skins. Leave skin1/2 blank to print all stats.
resethitstats - Wipes all server statistics to 0. Note that the server must trigger the end of the level afterward to write over the text file.
Please note that this script will only run for dedicated server hosts; attempting to run this script outside of a dedicated server setting will do nothing. Additionally, the hazardlog must be enabled for the game to add hits to the stats.
- Supports any gametype (including custom modes) in which the hazardlog is enabled
- Hits are recorded as 1 point, and kills as 2 points.
- All statistics are stored in a text file and saved at the end of each round. Previously saved statistics will be automatically loaded when the script is rehosted on the server.
- Tracks and saves statistics for custom characters as well!
hitstats - Version info and console command help
printhitstats <skin1> <skin2> - Prints stats for the specified skins. Leave skin1/2 blank to print all stats.
resethitstats - Wipes all server statistics to 0. Note that the server must trigger the end of the level afterward to write over the text file.
Please note that this script will only run for dedicated server hosts; attempting to run this script outside of a dedicated server setting will do nothing. Additionally, the hazardlog must be enabled for the game to add hits to the stats.