Heya! This is my first ever srb2 level, so it may be a tad rough around the edges, so sorry for any weirdness. Anywho, the idea for this level came when I found that emblem room with amy, and was thinking "Why isn't there an entire level that uses these trees?" Well, now there is. Big thanks to the users of the #mapping channel in the official discord, and major thanks to DylanDude#1286 for not only teaching me how zonebuilder works, but also helping fix up the level and even adding some extra stuff to it. Wouldn't have been possible without them. I also put act 1 in the title because I may decide to make an act 2 at some point. If you see anything that you think should be improved, don't be afraid to tell me, I'm open to any and all criticism. The music is Relic Maze 1 from freedom planet btw, If you haven't checked out that game you really should.
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