I love this Modern Sonic mod. Very well done. I do have one criticism and that is why does Modern Sonic in boost mode can easily be stopped by walls? That used to not be a problem. Like if you are in boost mode and just barely touch a wall you instantly stop like why? Is it possible to not have that happen or is this because character balance? Also again probably the best character mod I discovered in 2.2 era and here have a Modern Sonic pic that came out much better than expected during game test.
The reason he stops is because the wall is "slowing" him down. There should be no reason you can continue boosting if you're hitting a wall...it just looks stupid. You would know what I mean if you ever played the 2.1 version of ModernAbilities I made.
I meant like it completely stops all movement like Silver when he runs into a wall. It used to be where if you hit a wall you would keep going depending on the angle of the wall hit. A 90 degree hit would stop you but a 15 degree hit would just not be noticeable but not even the slightest touch of the wall and you are reduced down to regular speed. Anyway wanted to get that cleared up.
I found a bug that happens when you hit spikes with the boost destroys it