Sorry if you take offence, but maybe you should try being less blunt when it comes to these sorts of things. I know you're trying to be informative and you're setting people back on track when they're... off-track, but it would help to be nicer when it comes to it. It wouldn't be nice if feelings were inadvertently hurt when you did these things.

Kindly do not preach to me about being nice

I said what had to be said and that's that, I don't really see why I have to be nice about it especially since they said they knew it wasn't the right place to ask and yet they did it anyway.

Besides I was hardly being rude at all, if I was really rude about it I would've told them to fuck off and never speak here again.

If you have anything else to say to me, do it me in DMs and don't derail the thread
Kindly do not preach to me about being nice

I said what had to be said and that's that, I don't really see why I have to be nice about it especially since they said they knew it wasn't the right place to ask and yet they did it anyway.

Besides I was hardly being rude at all, if I was really rude about it I would've told them to fuck off and never speak here again.

If you have anything else to say to me, do it me in DMs and don't derail the thread
Ouch, okay. Apologies.
You don't even know your fate hedgehog......


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we need reskin of this mod to be eggman nega
dang this forum is dead
time to interrupt the silence to say that i just found out that "metal robotnic" is a reference to the OVA movie
yeah im so late to realize
I'm replying before I download this cause I had it on my other PC that was laggy and out of space because I downloaded too many mods but the gameplay is great
I'm replying before I download this cause I had it on my other PC that was laggy and out of space because I downloaded too many mods but the gameplay is great
no way, another person replied to this mod

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