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    • HyperSonic replied to the thread The Sonic Megamix Pack.
      Oh, hey, look. It's July 18th. Officially 1 year since the mod's development began. Well, I'm glad to announce that the mod's first...
      • FULLLOGO.png
    • HyperSonic replied to the thread The Sonic Megamix Pack.
      Since this is a quick little update, I'm not going to bother with the well formatted post this time and simply show this GIF. This is...
      • srb20051.gif
    • HyperSonic replied to the thread The Sonic Megamix Pack.
      We're closing in on the 1 year anniversary of this mod's announcement. Time flies, I suppose. Sorry for the long wait in-between...
      • srb20042.gif
    • HyperSonic replied to the thread The Sonic Megamix Pack.
      Hi there. I've decided out of nowhere to record a small part of Greenflower Mountain Act 2 and show it off. (it's compressed from like...
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