
  1. StellarStardust

    [CTF] Not Perfect

    Not Perfect. ...from Sally.exe or as it may otherwise be known as "Not Special" from another thing... which Sally.exe directly rips off. But we're not here to discuss that. The map is a simple layout inspired by Lime Forest, only with GFZ graphics instead and no real sky to speak of. Just a...
  2. StellarStardust

    Pasture Meadows Zone! (VM_PastureMeadows-v1.pk3)

    Are you sick of the same thok-fest known as Meadow Match? Do you want something a little less flat and maybe even with a little more extra to boot? No? Well if you do, meet Pasture Meadows Zone! Originally part of a match map pack inspired by MK's Alternate Match Maps, before I scrapped this...
  3. JABSphere94

    [Circuit] HydroWing Zone - VERSION 1.3 v1.3

    This was my submission for OLDC Summer 2020 Music used is Thermal Base 1 from Freedom Planet Replaces map R5 Should support Circuit Redux It has a lot of gimmicks... Hope you enjoy Version 1.2 changes
  4. JABSphere94

    [Open Assets] (Race) Lost Speedway Zone

    If you're using the map pack ChaosCircuit2 this map is already included in it you do not need this wad I haven't made a new map since 2.1 so here it is. Lost Speedway is an attempt to create a balanced race map for all 6 of the vanilla characters. Some other things I should note: The...
  5. JABSphere94

    [Open Assets] Chaos Circuit Map Pack (RL_ChaosCircuit2-v1.5.wad) 1.5.2

    With V2.2 out I thought I might as well port all 10 of my circuit maps and stick them all in one pack. They have all been updated with some routes changed and some new routes added. Crossing the finish line with 100 or more rings grants super speed and invincibility, replacing the emerald...
  6. Ian the Hedgehog

    NiGHTS Battle mode - Battle with NiGHTS physics!

    Welp. You all saw it coming. A NiGHTS Dream Battle mod. This does not interact with your game progress in any way, but it does add new multiplayer battle levels. These battle maps are different than the normal battle maps, because they use NiGHTS physics! Catch opponents in your Paraloop to...
  7. Zoraxua

    Dragon Maps V1.2

    Dragon Maps This is my map pack that I made, currently with 3 maps! MAP XA / XB - Poolside Panic Poolside Panic is a small casual map, made for relaxing on or battling in. Comes with 3 maps, the co-op version, Match version, and a Title screen version. This map is probably one of the ones I'm...
  8. SuperOfSrb2

    [Open Assets] CTF_Turbine - That one really small map from Team Fortress 2.

    I made turbine as a CTF map in srb2. I don't know why. Just because I was bored, and I wanted to make something to post to the message board. It features all ammo types, and correctly sized vents, which I thought was cool. HUUUUUUUUUUGE thanks too all the people in srb2 discord who helped me...
  9. Ezer'Arch

    ArchPack v2.4 (SRMF_ArchPack_v2.4.pk3) 2.4

    ArchPack - single player and multiplayer level pack for SRB2 v2.2.x version 2.4 stable ArchPack is a level pack addon for SRB2 with single player and multiplayer maps, including my very first map called Misc[ellaneous] Trip released in 2008, and the grinding (and OLDC winner) Mill Citadel...
  10. glaber

    Dimension Glaber 2.3.2 No zip

    Welcome back to Dimension Glaber. This time updated for 2.2! So what is Dimension Glaber? Dimension Glaber is primarily a recycle project that turned into a mod complete with singleplayer, match, CTF, and Circuit maps. Every stage is roughly organized in to "eras" and themes. Starting with my...
  11. Zippy_Zolton

    [Open Assets] [Tron] Desert Palace Zone

    A simple map, with some quicksand to spruce things up. I originally planned to make a full map pack, but lost the motivation to do so, so here is the only map I finished for it. Requires the base Tron gametype. Supports MapVote by Krabs, for the credit text.
  12. Zippy_Zolton

    Circuit Redux Map Pack [v2.4.1]

    This mod ports and touches up every vanilla Circuit mode map from 1.09.4 to 2.0! It also contains community maps, thanks to their cooperation. I hope to see a big effort in the future to make this mode more interesting because I see potential in increasing the interaction between other players...
  13. Revenge_of_Shadow


    My first map. I think it would be an interesting map to play on in Capture the Flag, even though it is not too long. It has three route types [globally four routes] with different hazards and bounties. I did not mean to collect Eggman monitors in rows. Minor stuff. Update 1: Renamed. Update...
  14. someone bad man

    Someone's Bus

    Not to be confused with SRB2 BUS Welcome to my bus, where it's always driving and it goes on forever. Strap your bones right to the seat because you're in for a wild ride! And now, a quick rundown of the maps: BUS ZONE The main attraction. It also doubles as a match map! BUS CLASSIC ZONE...
  15. Krabs

    The Community Battle Map Pack v13.3

    The BattleMod community has come together to create a huge map pack - The Community Battle Pack! Featuring maps by a large variety of creators! Please check the credits spreadsheet here: There are...
  16. Krabs

    [Open Assets] [Match] Frigid Mountain Zone 1

    I tried to design this one with both Match and Battle in mind, and attempting to adhere to 2.2's style of level design. I also made an original music track for it.
  17. Krabs

    [Open Assets] [CTF] Blazing Precipice Zone 1

    I tried my hand at making a map based on the 2.2 RVZ artstyle. It's got a giant chain thing in the middle and you can do some cool tricks with it.
  18. Rolly Polly Pal

    [Open Assets] Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff - the moive (2.2) 1.1.1111111111111

    This here is a port of the fantastic Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff mod, originally ported to 2.1 by Boincel, for version 2.2. Since I am no good with BBCode, I will spare you the migraine myself and suggest you read the original port's description for an insight onto what this mod entails while I go...
  19. Rolly Polly Pal

    [Open Assets] Match Special Stages - Old Stages, New Tricks! 2021-03-04

    Tired of the same old boring 2.0 special stages in your multiplayer Co-op servers? Well, why not mix things up with these new special stages! Each of the 7 Match Maps based on the already existing Campaign levels have been modified to function at Multiplayer Special Stages for your server. Work...
  20. Othius

    [Open Assets] [v2.2] CTF Big Arch 2.2

    I've had this updated version for quite a while now. In fact, it's already been a part of Krabs' battle pack for quite a few months now. This scored last place in the Summer OLDC CTF division 😎. The stage was too laggy to be playable. I fixed the lag in this version, however. I honestly only...