SRB2 Apologue - v2.1f Update

SRB2 Apologue - v2.1f Update 2021-10-22

Not bad at all, it's not perfect, but you seem to be dedicated to improving it and I like seeing user-made campaigns.

If you're looking for improvement ideas, you could perhaps look at making the level lengths more consistent with each other and fix the other spot in QCZ that still has the Hall of Mirrors effect (which I believe is near the stage's end). You could also look at making the difficulty curve a bit smoother (as it spikes in the second half of Frozen Hill Zone and slumps in Sunken Library Zone, though the former point is mainly true when playing with Sonic).

Again, just some ideas based on how the official campaign is put together.
Thanks! The HOM near the end of QCZ is caused by some slopes nearby apprently, sadly I couldn't figure out how to fix it, adding thok barriers there didn't do much so I have a feeling this is a bug in SRB2 itself but I could be wrong. I got some more time today and figured it would be nice to change a couple more things:
  • Removed the intro, outro and credits. Thanks Telnaior!
  • Moved MMZ to be a late game level and SLZ to be one of the early game levels, this is an attempt to make the difficulty curve more consistent, Thanks Ace Dragon!
  • Slightly extended FHZ near the end and added enemies to the level, should feel at least on par with the early levels of the campaign.
  • SLZ exit updated so it's not easy to miss.
  • SLZ bookcase flat near the end of the stage is now aligned properly.
  • Fixed some untagged death pits in SLZ.
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Hey guys, I just uploaded a new version, change of plans, I want to work on something fresh instead so this update focuses on tying some loose ends to make the whole thing feel cohesive:
  • Added 1 Hidden Chaos Emerald in Each Stage.
  • The Special Stages idea was scrapped, I want to dedicate that energy into making an all new original stage instead, so instead the Special Stage was slightly modified and turned into an unlockable stage as a reward for finding all Chaos Emeralds.
  • Various minor visual updates to all levels, especially MMZ starting area.
  • Updated the egg capsules in each boss act visually, this also fixes the slime trail issues.
  • QCZ now has a boss act, so we currently have 3 boss acts evenly spread across the campaign.
  • Cleaned up Level Headers a bit more to get rid of non-existent levels and fix issues of not being able to select some levels in the Multiplayer level selection screen.
This should hopefully be the last update if I don't find any major or progression-breaking bugs. Thank you all for playing, and I hope to see you again with better stuff in the future.
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Oops sorry about that :P I uploaded the wrong file, had to delete to reupload it, try now lol.
It's a very good pack. Maybe you could learn something from Zeno's pack. The level's are really fun. And it's very fun when you can platform while keeping your momentum. Keeping your momentum is very fun. And making shortcuts using the Whirlwind shield / Electric shield is pretty cool. And doing spindash jumps also to make shortcuts. Always try to keep the player's momentum going, you can have difficult platforming and still have it fun and challenging for the player, as long as they can keep the momentum going, they will have fun. That's what I think. Just skip the first 3 zones, they're not really good.

Sorry if this sounds like i'm comparing 2 mods. I'm just saying that you MIGHT could learn from this pack, and just try to add ways for the player to keep their momentum going, as I think that might be the way.

Again, very sorry if this sounds like a stupid comment.
Tracking down the chaos emeralds was a lot of fun, I think QCZ's hiding spot has to be my favourite! Spring Garden is a cute extra now for finding everything (though I don't know if it intentionally doesn't have an exit or if I'm just blind)

The QCZ2 boss was also a really clever way to up the ante with that boss design, and I actually found it rather challenging!

Looking forward to seeing what new work you create, this pack is rather nice for the first pack of 2.2 and now that it's complete I'll have some fun going for records. If you'd like some more detailed commentary on how I feel about the levels I can hit you up on discord as well :)
I didn't like Frozen Heights, it had lots of worse enemy placement and super small platforms of way too slippery ice... unless ice was always that slippery. Anyway platforms were small and exploration isnt really encouraged as the level is mostly a straight line with some curves, and the gimmicks arent really introduced well.

This is damn good for your first pack tho, I don't think i'd do any better, good job
Whats the point of spring garden? I unlocked it by getting all the emeralds and beating the game, but it just looks like a lobby.
It was a planned special stage that was dropped and turned into an extra when the other six special stages didn't materialise.
I think you'll be able to use level select after you finish the campaign, I can't remember, it's been a while since last time I checked. I don't know if I'll ever be able to update this again, I've largely moved on to some other projects unrelated to SRB2 so I don't think I'll have time to work on this, at least not yet.
I really think that this Level Pack should be updated, i really loved the levels, i would like to play more of them.
Hey Thanks for the kind words :) I don't know If I'll ever get the chance to update it again but I'll try.
2.1 is up! It's been a while, this is just a start but with enough luck I might be able to update the rest of the zones and extend some of the current ones a bit more aswell:
  • It is now possible to complete all levels with Amy and Fang.
  • Theme overhaul for GPZ, and a new little gimmick added to distinguish it a little more from other levels.
  • Minor gimmick added to the final section of TWZ (to be expanded in the future)
  • Removed unnecessary flow-breaking bustable block in QCZ, and fixed camera getting stuck in the first slope tunnel.
  • Several visual tweaks to multiple levels.
  • Restored 2.0 music for FHZ (without replacing current version) because it fits the level better.


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I got an error and no music plays on Green Paradise
iMNMazN (sorry, I don't know how to share images like everyone else does)
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Yep, I just tried that. Same error. The same thing happens with the snow level (I forget what it's called).
I couldn't re-produce it :( I even tried re-downloading it myself to a separate SRB2 installation folder and it seems to work fine here, I can't help you if I don't even know what's causing it for you.
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