This character needs to be talked about more. I mean, his moves are SICK!
Not to mention the fact he can HUG!!!!
Is this going to be an official update?

Modern Sonic & Werehog.gif
So, idk what the deal is, but the Were-Claw is not working in regards to being able to break through cracked walls and floors. Because of that, I literally cannot progress in Arid Canyon Act 1, because the Werehog can't get enough speed to get up the ramp and now can't break the wooden planks covering the springs. I hope this can be resolved, cause it's genuinely annoying to have to use BuddyEX when I want to clear the game with just this character
If you ever updated the Werehog mod, which I think it won't be updated anytime soon even though there is some bugs like Were-claw isn't working properly and I'm Were-clawing at the cracked wall/floor but it doesn't work, can you add some Move and Techniques for the Werehog abilities? P.s. I know you don't take request
Even tho i still think it's a cool mod, i gotta say i had more fun playing Unleashed Night stages than playing the mod.

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