I wasn't even trying to implying it, I was literally just wondering why the green eyes wasn't included, I said nothing about the sprites itself also that's your opinion btw
I know it's my opinion, and I never said you were implying it.

Anyways, will there be a code to do tricks after running ground like in Frontiers? And will there be Sonic Rivals HUD?
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And will there be Gens 3DS hud? And Lost World HUD? Sorry if I'm asking too much questions for you to answer, but I just have a lot of questions.... ;-;
I know it's my opinion, and I never said you were implying it.

Anyways, will there be a code to do tricks after running ground like in Frontiers? And will there be Sonic Rivals HUD?
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And will there be Gens 3DS hud? And Lost World HUD? Sorry if I'm asking too much questions for you to answer, but I just have a lot of questions.... ;-;
Or Sonic rivals 2 hud i think?
Or Sonic rivals 2 hud i think?
As someone who played alot the rivals series as a kid, that would at least make me want to smile.
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I think the lack of green eye is fine. Yeah, sure, maybe some of his tricks sprites are inconsistent, but it isn't really noticeable. And since when was Adventure Sonic Younger????
I mean idk, age in Sonic is really confusing, and with Ian Flynn saying everything since adventure 1 has happened during a year and a half dosen't help, but Like the boost games are after the adventure games sooooooooo... eh Sonic canon and time bla bla bla is such a mess, at this point i would start think way more about fnaf lore.

Anyways to stay on-topic: Remember when i asked which vanilla level was most fun to play with it? Well let's do it reverse!
Which vanilla level you had the least fun with it?
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As someone who played alot the rivals series as a kid, that would at least make me want to smile.
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I mean idk, age in Sonic is really confusing, and with Ian Flynn saying everything since adventure 1 has happened during a year and a half dosen't help, but Like the boost games are after the adventure games sooooooooo... eh Sonic canon and time bla bla bla is such a mess, at this point i would start think way more about fnaf lore.

Anyways to stay on-topic: Remember when i asked which vanilla level was most fun to play with it? Well let's do it reverse!
Which vanilla level you had the least fun with it?
Wdym "it"? Your talking about Modern Sonic, Right?
If I'm being honest, you can try to find it (with help), but I recommend you don't post pics of V6 here.

The mod it's suppose to be a surprise, and no offense. but like @ChispiBlast said:

Just remember that it's best to keep stuff somewhere else then to let it be seen in other places.
I'm just asking where are the Modern Sonic V6 teasers at in the SRB2 Discord Server.
As someone who played alot the rivals series as a kid, that would at least make me want to smile.
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I mean idk, age in Sonic is really confusing, and with Ian Flynn saying everything since adventure 1 has happened during a year and a half dosen't help, but Like the boost games are after the adventure games sooooooooo... eh Sonic canon and time bla bla bla is such a mess, at this point i would start think way more about fnaf lore.

Anyways to stay on-topic: Remember when i asked which vanilla level was most fun to play with it? Well let's do it reverse!
Which vanilla level you had the least fun with it?
I'd go with tropical jungle
If we aren't counting stuff like Rush (Or for the sake of it, Frontiers), and the fact that there were already plans for v6, no, he won't.
Yeah, plus tbh spindash has nothing to do in the boost formula, at all. It was in frontiers just for open world. And in srb2 we already have the boost who kill enemies unlike frontiers, so adding spindash would be kinda stupid.
I wonder if he'll be able to have some kind of spindash command...
Yeah, plus tbh spindash has nothing to do in the boost formula, at all. It was in frontiers just for open world. And in srb2 we already have the boost who kill enemies unlike frontiers, so adding spindash would be kinda stupid.
It'll be useless because there is a frontiers sonic mod coming so..
It's actually pretty suspicious to say your not gonna tell us where you got this from, because this could mean the mod creators weren't the one who gave you those screenshots at all, and I'm not even sure if your suppose to be sending those screenshots here anyways.
I think it came from a youtube video

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