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Was "Sector Flat Alignment" changed for 2.2? seems some of my 2.1 maps flat alignments broke even though they look fine in editor (and yes I am using the 2.2 config)

For some reason I can't test the map directly from the editor eventhough I have it set up correctly, both srb2.pk3 and my own custom resources are loaded in the resources under map options but I keep getting this:

Compiled for SDL version: 2.0.10
Linked with SDL version: 2.0.10
Setting up SRB2...

Sonic Robo Blast 2
Copyright (C) 1998-2019 by Sonic Team Junior

This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
See the 'LICENSE.txt' file for details.

Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are trademarks of SEGA.
We do not claim ownership of SEGA's intellectual property used
in this program.

Looking for WADs in: SRB2WADDIR,.
Z_Init(): Init zone memory allocation daemon. 
System memory: 2047MB - Free: 2047MB
W_InitMultipleFiles(): Adding IWAD and main PWADs.
Added file E:\SRB2\srb2.pk3 (12489 lumps)
Loading SOC from E:\SRB2\srb2.pk3|SOC/SOC_TITL
Loading SOC from E:\SRB2\srb2.pk3|SOC/SOC_LETR
Loading SOC from E:\SRB2\srb2.pk3|SOC/Tutorial
Added file E:\SRB2\zones.pk3 (141 lumps)
Loading SOC from E:\SRB2\zones.pk3|SOC/SOC_EMBM
Loading SOC from E:\SRB2\zones.pk3|SOC/SOC_HEAD
Loading SOC from E:\SRB2\zones.pk3|SOC/SOC_SECR
Added file E:\SRB2\player.dta (1816 lumps)
Loading SOC from E:\SRB2\player.dta|SOC_PLAY
Added file E:\SRB2\music.dta (170 lumps)
ERROR: E:\SRB2\srb2.pk3 is already loaded
Added file E:\SRB2\custom\ld_res.pk3 (445 lumps)
Loading SOC from E:\SRB2\custom\ld_res.pk3|soc/MAINCFG
Loading SOC from E:\SRB2\custom\ld_res.pk3|soc/OBJCTCFG
Added file E:\SRB2\custom\MAP09.wad (11 lumps)

I_Error(): A WAD file was not found or not valid.
Check the log to see which ones.

I_ShutdownGraphics(): graphics never started
I_ShutdownSystem(): end of logstream.

I had to manually set up a batch file to load both the resources file and the map file and warp to solve it. How do I fix this?

E: Looks like Zoom Tubes also changed in how they work, Man this is going to be fun to fix.


  • zb.png
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Will there be a Mac port?

I would love to use this software to make stages fro srb2 but it seems that this software is exclusive to windows, and I would like to know if you have plans to make a port for mac (I tried running it on wine but that does not work.)
Will a config for SRB2 Doom Builder be available? The inability to let me edit sectors within a sector is too grating for me to use this despite the enhanced performance.
Was "Sector Flat Alignment" changed for 2.2? seems some of my 2.1 maps flat alignments broke even though they look fine in editor (and yes I am using the 2.2 config)
It was changed so that the flats align to the location of the linedef's first vertex, and are rotated to match the linedef's angle. The editor doesn't reflect this change yet, so you'll have to test it in-game to see if the alignment works. The wiki might have already had its example map updated to reflect the change if you need a reference; if not, you can check any Kart map that uses flat alignment to see how it works.

For some reason I can't test the map directly from the editor eventhough I have it set up correctly, both srb2.pk3 and my own custom resources are loaded in the resources under map options but I keep getting this:
You need to go to the resource options for srb2.pk3 and enable "Exclude this resource from testing parameters". You're getting that error because SRB2 is being told by ZB to load the file again even though it already exists.
Wait, does this mean flats wouldn't be needed soon and maybe outright removed?
2.2.0 already has support for using textures in place of flats. It's the other way around (using flats in place of textures) that had been missing so far.

Was "Sector Flat Alignment" changed for 2.2? seems some of my 2.1 maps flat alignments broke even though they look fine in editor (and yes I am using the 2.2 config)
Yes. I haven't gotten around to updating ZB yet, so they display incorrectly in Visual Mode. The wiki page has already been updated:

I would like to know if you have plans to make a port for mac
No, sorry. This is just a fork of GZDoom Builder with some changes to make it more SRB2-friendly. I don't have the time or the knowledge to make a Mac port, so unless GZDoom Builder (or rather its successor, Ultimate Doom Builder) adds Mac support, there's nothing I can do.

Will a config for SRB2 Doom Builder be available?
No, at least not an official one.

The inability to let me edit sectors within a sector
I'm not sure what you mean by this.
2.2.0 already has support for using textures in place of flats. It's the other way around (using flats in place of textures) that had been missing so far.

Yes. I haven't gotten around to updating ZB yet, so they display incorrectly in Visual Mode. The wiki page has already been updated:

No, sorry. This is just a fork of GZDoom Builder with some changes to make it more SRB2-friendly. I don't have the time or the knowledge to make a Mac port, so unless GZDoom Builder (or rather its successor, Ultimate Doom Builder) adds Mac support, there's nothing I can do.

No, at least not an official one.

I'm not sure what you mean by this.

I mean when you create a Sector in Zone Builder, you can select the Sector height as well as the textures for the Linedefs as well as any special tags for that line. Making another Sector within a Sector, like a tree on a flat patch of land, doesn't give me that option. It just makes it, and I have to edit the settings manually.

I remember someone telling me it's a fault of the source engine, so I was wondering if the engine was updated enough to let this not be an issue.
I mean when you create a Sector in Zone Builder, you can select the Sector height as well as the textures for the Linedefs as well as any special tags for that line. Making another Sector within a Sector, like a tree on a flat patch of land, doesn't give me that option. It just makes it, and I have to edit the settings manually.

I remember someone telling me it's a fault of the source engine, so I was wondering if the engine was updated enough to let this not be an issue.

weird, does for me -

and turning off 'edit sector properties when drawing a new sector' changes the behavior in both cases. i don't know of any other options that would affect this. maybe try a fresh install? (your prefs are in the install folder if you want to back them up before doing this)
weird, does for me -

and turning off 'edit sector properties when drawing a new sector' changes the behavior in both cases. i don't know of any other options that would affect this. maybe try a fresh install? (your prefs are in the install folder if you want to back them up before doing this)

Sorry. I meant after you do what you showed in the image above. You can edit the sky and floors, but not the walls.
for walls you have to be in linedef mode.

I know. That's the same as in SRB2 Doom Builder. Wow that initial post of mine didn't detail my problems correctly

I mean that if I make say, a small hole in a field while in linedef mode, it only lets me select the ceiling and floor height and flats, then exits out to the base editor. I've always had the option to edit sector properties when creating a new sector active, but that doesn't automatically open up the linedef properties (tagging, textures etc) upon creation of the sector. I have to click on the sector manually, then highlight the lines i want to edit, then input the textures that way.
It sounds like you might be describing something from another Doom source port like maybe BOOM or GZDoom.

If you make a hole in a field, you should be in sector mode. Linedef mode will only give you the lines for the hole. Linedef mode also doesn't allow you to edit the floor nor ceiling.

If I want to make a tree, I have to draw the trunk in either linedef or sector mode, then the sector for the leaf FOF. the control sector for said fof, rais the floor of the trunk in sector mode, and apply the textures in either mode.

Or I just do the sector drawing stuff in sector/lindef modes and do my texturing and floor raising in 3dmode.
It sounds like you might be describing something from another Doom source port like maybe BOOM or GZDoom.

If you make a hole in a field, you should be in sector mode. Linedef mode will only give you the lines for the hole. Linedef mode also doesn't allow you to edit the floor nor ceiling.

If I want to make a tree, I have to draw the trunk in either linedef or sector mode, then the sector for the leaf FOF. the control sector for said fof, rais the floor of the trunk in sector mode, and apply the textures in either mode.

Or I just do the sector drawing stuff in sector/lindef modes and do my texturing and floor raising in 3dmode.

Ok I just went into SRB2 Doom Builder to remind myself what I'm talking about. It's been a while.

I make a sector, any sector, regardless of if I am in Linedef or Sector mode, after selecting the ceiling and floor flats, heights, and sector effects, I press OK, and the window immediately changes to the window that lets me select the textures for the walls, tags for the lines, and so on. I remember MascaraSnake telling me long back, I think two years ago, that the feature wasn't available at the time because it wasn't available in ZoneBuilder's source engine.
scratch that, i'm getting three errors at startup (that i ignored the first time cause its common for doom/zone builder to spit these in oe form or another. whoops) that all say a variant of "Unable to load the game configuration file "Srb2-21slopeszb.cfg". Error in file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Zone Builder\Configurations\Srb2-21slopeszb.cfg" near line 23: Spaces not allowed in key names."

the three files giving me this "spaces not allowed" error are all the ones specifically included with zone builder. all the doom builder defaults seem to be working fine. i'm guessing the spaces are making the game config files unrecognizable for the program but 1. i don't know why this is an issue and 2. i'm not sure how to fix it. only thing i can guess is that the program somehow isn't recognizing the three cfg files as legitimate c# files somehow but i can't figure out how to get it to do so. any help?

The problem is that those files have byte order markings (BOM).

You can remove them using

LC_ALL=C sed -i '1s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//' Srb2-21slopeszb.cfg SRB2Kart-10.cfg
Hi, i have an issue (ZB crashes on startup, also sorry for Hungarian language below)

***********SYSTEM INFO***********
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7480D
Zone Builder: v2.9

********EXCEPTION DETAILS********
System: A(z) „System.Xml.ValidationType” típus nem tölthető be a(z) „System.Xml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089” szerelvényből az értéktípus eltérése miatt.
a következő helyen: System.Uri.ParseConfigFile(String file, IdnScopeFromConfig& idnStateConfig, IriParsingFromConfig& iriParsingConfig)
a következő helyen: System.Uri.GetConfig(UriIdnScope& idnScope, Boolean& iriParsing)
a következő helyen: System.Uri.InitializeUriConfig()
a következő helyen: System.Uri.InitializeUri(ParsingError err, UriKind uriKind, UriFormatException& e)
a következő helyen: System.Uri.CreateThis(String uri, Boolean dontEscape, UriKind uriKind)
a következő helyen: System.Uri..ctor(String uriString)
a következő helyen: System.Drawing.Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(String filePath, Int32 index)
a következő helyen: System.Drawing.Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(String filePath)
a következő helyen: CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Data.EngineInfo.CheckProgramName()
a következő helyen: CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config.ConfigurationInfo..ctor(Configuration cfg, String filename)
a következő helyen: CodeImp.DoomBuilder.General.LoadAllGameConfigurations()
a következő helyen: CodeImp.DoomBuilder.General.Main(String[] args)

***********ACTIONS LOG***********
ERROR: System: A(z) „System.Xml.ValidationType” típus nem tölthető be a(z) „System.Xml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089” szerelvényből az értéktípus eltérése miatt.
Registered game configuration 'Hexen: Hexen (Hexen format)' from 'Hexen_HexenHexen.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Heretic: Heretic (Doom format)' from 'Heretic_HereticDoom.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Strife (UDMF)' from 'GZDoom_StrifeUDMF.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Strife (Hexen format)' from 'GZDoom_StrifeHexen.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Strife (Doom format)' from 'GZDoom_StrifeDoom.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Hexen (UDMF)' from 'GZDoom_HexenUDMF.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Hexen (Hexen format)' from 'GZDoom_HexenHexen.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Heretic (UDMF)' from 'GZDoom_HereticUDMF.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Heretic (Hexen format)' from 'GZDoom_HereticHexen.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Heretic (Doom format)' from 'GZDoom_HereticDoom.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Doom 2 (UDMF)' from 'GZDoom_DoomUDMF.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Doom 2 (Hexen format)' from 'GZDoom_DoomHexen.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Doom 2 (Doom format)' from 'GZDoom_DoomDoom.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Doom: Doom (Doom format)' from 'Doom_DoomDoom.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Doom: Doom 2 (Doom format)' from 'Doom_Doom2Doom.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Boom: Doom (Doom format)' from 'Boom_DoomDoom.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Boom: Doom 2 (Doom format)' from 'Boom_Doom2Doom.cfg'
Loading game configurations...
Loading plugin 'VisplaneExplorer' from 'VisplaneExplorer.dll'...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin 'TagRange' from 'TagRange.dll'...
Loading plugin 'TagExplorer' from 'TagExplorer.dll'...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin 'StairSectorBuilder' from 'StairSectorBuilder.dll'...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin 'SoundPropagationMode' from 'SoundPropagationMode.dll'...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin 'NodesViewer' from 'NodesViewer.dll'...
Loading plugin 'CommentsPanel' from 'CommentsPanel.dll'...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin 'ColorPicker' from 'ColorPicker.dll'...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin 'BuilderEffects' from 'BuilderEffects.dll'...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin 'BuilderModes' from 'BuilderModes.dll'...
Loading plugins...
Starting Direct3D graphics driver...
Showing main interface window...
Loading main interface window...
Binding static action methods for class General...
Starting action manager...
Loading program configuration...
Command-line arguments: ""
Local settings path: "C:\Users\Csombordi Tamás\AppData\Local\Zone Builder"
Temporary path: "C:\Users\Csombordi Tamás\AppData\Local\Temp\"
Application path: "C:\nonadprogrs\ZoneBuilder"
Zone Builder v2.9 startup

Now i want a computer/laptop/desktop. I can finally make a normal map without learning all the hassle. Thank you for making this and i can use this for making my dream game in srb2!
I finally got around to making some much-needed adjustments to the 2.2 config, such as adding two missing linedef types and adjusting a bunch of flag labels. You can download the updated config from the opening post.

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