Trip the Sungazer

Trip the Sungazer v1.2

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Trip is a sweet little lizard who'll do her best for her friends.

Basic abilities:

A simple but integral ability to Trip's kit is her double jump.
Simply pressing the jump button again midjump while give her a a second jump, which opens her up two two other abilities.
Your double jump is also refreshed upon hitting an enemy.​


Holding down the jump button after a double jump activates Trip's spike ability, which will allow her to cling to walls or ceilings, granting her the ability to cling to any climbable surface.​
Revving a Spindash near enough to a wall will also allow her to cling to it and scale at high speeds.
You can hold Left or Right while scaling a wall to slightly angle your direction.​


A new ability for Trip for her 3D adventure, simply hold the jump button after double jumping to enter spikes, colliding with the floor in this state will have you bounce forward keeping your momentum, or straight up if you release any movement keys before bouncing.​
Hold Spin while Spike Cling is active to stomp down, increasing your fall speed allowing you to bounce sooner and faster!​
After bouncing, you cannot bounce again until you've landed on the ground, if you press jump again midbounce, you'll activate Spike Cling which will allow you to cling to walls and ceilings, if you touch the floor after a bounce with Spike Cling active you'll roll instead.​


Trip also has the command t_omniclimb if you find climbing walls a little tricky in your control scheme. Check the bottom of the page for more commands!



Trip is not changed too much in Battlemod other than an exhaust timer for climbing walls and ceilings, but she does come with two abilities in her arsenal.

Fireball & Combustion​
Simply tapping the Battlemod has her spit out her signature Emerald Powermove, a small bouncing fireball.​
Hold down the BM to charge up to Combustion, which spits out a fan of fire used to wall off opponents.​


Use these commands to customize your experience! For more information on them simply type the command in the console with no extra arguments.
  • t_supermusic - Turns Super Trip's custom theme on or off
    • Default: ON
  • t_customteamcolor - Allows Trip to use custom team colors when in a team-based game mode
    • Default: ON
  • t_omniclimb - Allows Trip to climb up walls she is not directly facing. Useful for players using the automatic control scheme
    • Default: OFF
  • t_disablecredits - Whether or not the creator credits should appear when the character is first chosen. Can be toggled on, off, or kept on with the credits jingle muted
    • Default: OFF
  • t_fangmusic - Whether or not a special Sonic Superstars theme should play when Trip fight Fang in ACZ3
    • Default: ON
Spriters : Lightdasher, Ralphjeremy65
Spriting Assistance: Bendedede, MotorRoach, Inazuma, SanekoGato
Coding : JonBaxter, Snu, SMS Alfredo
Battle : Rush and CyanKnight
Testing : Sonicx8000, Combi-Rings, SRB2 Brasil


Thank you to all who got us this far!
light dasher
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    Hey all, this update took a bit longer to come out since we wanted to catch as many bugs as we...
  2. Assorted fixes and a small extra

    Hey all, it's been great seeing everyone enjoying Trip! We came across a handful of errors...

Latest reviews

9/10 Great Character to play with + Very Good Sprites, my only problem is that she can't get through tight places like the second path of ERZ1 But of outside of that, fun mod.
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Absolutely Loved playing this mod 👍

I never liked wall climbing abilities on the characters cuz they are kinda disorienting with the camera and stuff, but trip is just about right

Specially the ceiling climbing my god its amazing i cant believe the huge skips i made with this
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Trip is fun. Her spinny wall climb is implemented very well. The bounce has some interesting nuance that makes it feel rewarding without actually giving you any raw speed, which is welcome variety compared to many other characters, especially my somewhat superstars-like iteration of Amy I use. The fire effects are very pretty.

Despite how fast the wall climb is, Trip generally feels pretty balanced. On paper I'd prefer if her ceiling movement was similar to the wall movement, but I can see why free movement was chosen because I can't imagine many situations where it would be useful if you were forced to still move in a mostly straight line.

The only real complaint I have with her moveset is that the fastfall is pretty useless most of the time because the rebound ends up sending you so high up that you would have hit the ground much faster by not using it.
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I would like to start saying that I LOVED this mod so much!!!! ever since I've heard about a Trip Mod in development I was excited to play with her! and I must say that the abilities are well adapted from how she plays in superstars maybe a little simple but still fun to play and you can get creative with her abilities to make your way through the levels.
I think one of my favorite things to do is spin dash into a wall and climb it fast. Her super form is neat as well, it's really fun flying at full speed and it was surprising she has a Sol form as well.

Now as for some changes that I think would be good for her gameplay.

First being Her roll bounce that at the time of making the bounce you don't lose any momentum if you go at high speeds from for example a full spin dash a red spring, etc. this would combine well with the landing roll after bouncing to maintain the speed.

The second thing would be to increase the height of her second jump, I'm not only saying this so she can gain more height from it (which would not be bad for her) but I am mainly say it in a particular case where when you climb a wall and it has a fence, sometimes you really need that second jump to be able to go up. And it would also be handy to combine it with the bounce.

Third, although I said I like that she has a sol form, I wish she could do more things and not just being a standard super form, something that makes the player decide whether to use the super or sol form. maybe make use of fire since it's a sol form

And lastly i would like to see her having more interactions like for example reacting to a player hug instead of being exclusive to npc Amy or even have the ability to hug, or also that she can dance Milne's Kazotsky Kick, things like that to interact with other people on online servers.

These things are mostly quality of life changes that I would like but overall, I'm very pleased with what Trip has (gameplay, sprites etc.), and I am deeply grateful this was done in the first place since Trip is favorite character and it feels like a very special gift.

Thank you so much for the Addon and thank you for reading this! 🧡
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So Goodie , i think she fits verywell to the main cast in a unique way not seen on Another Official Sonic Character , i wonder if she is a mix-up between Vector and Knuckles but with better abilities? , meh i´ll let the girl to speak it for you (lol)
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Generally I'd consider this pretty quality. Nice sprites, abilities from Superstars is adapted faithfully (for the most part) and is in general fun to clear the main campaign with.

...However there is a lot looming over this character that seems to be neglegent of some things and unnecessary in other aspects. To many it may seem superfluous to address but it's glarring enough to me where it ultimately makes me have less fun with this character than I know she should be.

We'll start with her spinning because a part of me gets the pilosophy behind it but also feels more disingenuous to her Superstars counterpart. Her jump is a donut, similar to Vector's classic counterpart. May seem like a big woop on the surface, it's a reference to her species, something something Oroborus, it makes sense... Only here they make it so central to her gameplay to which she can't roll under things normally, which contradicts her Superstars counterpart.

In Superstars there were certain segments that Trip would curl up regularly so she could still engague with the level design without the donut becoming an issue, while there is a solution offered in an extra jump ability for Trip, I feel this ends up gimping what's otherwise a solid game flow for the character. It might make the donut redundant but at least it would have her be more inline with other spinning characters.

Another odd aspect is within the super forms. First off, and I will apologize if this is a "secret" but it still strikes as odd; why does she have a Sol form? Is it just to have her with some "regular" super that isn't a dragon form? It comes off as very contribed and unfaithful to the character who doesn't have any reason to use those emeralds.

But with her regular super form, why doesn't the game express to you that she has one? Superstars has been out for over a year and a thing that's now more commonly known is that Trip has a unique super form. Why is this the information you chose to keep discreet when getting all the regular emeralds? Sure it may be whatever to someone like me who already has that knowledge, but I think it's ridiculous to protect people from spoilers for a character ability from a game that has a pretty straightly presented story which also is straight forward enough to not be that hindered if spoilt in some small degree (her design here alone is technically a spoiler).

Lastly, her little easter egg... Was it really necessary? I get it that it's a play off the forefront but it's also irrelevent to how she played in Superstars. Maybe a cute reference to the cutscenes of that game but it had the context of her being armored up. Here she doesn't have that bulky armour and it makes less sense as a result. Sure a quick boss killer is fine but it's at the cost of sacrificing the character to have fanon traits her real one doesn't have.

"But Grayvy" you may ask "This is the creation of lightdashers and those she worked with". Sure. It is theirs. When it comes to official Sonic characters there is a level of authenticity I think should be respected. Some characters aren't lucky enough to have a lot of elaborate abilities where others may step in and do their own thing; Shadow, ChaotixChars, Ray, Silver, RushChars and Lightdashers other characters are excellent examples of this.

Trip however already has a very fleshed out moveset and way of interacting with the game she comes from. So seeing something so close yet so different in other aspects makes her come off more alien than what I would prefer. If there were other options or some other Trip mod aiming to be more faithful I'd probably wouldn't be as critical as I am now. But what I see as an opportunity to play a familiar game in a familiar style is not as familiar as I would assume.
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While playing Trip she kind of reminded me of Eggpack (and Omelette/Eggette) for the way the moveset is stylized, amalgamating various gimmicks together.
She can bounce around kind of like Fang (and get a lot of speed if you perform her bounce attack on a slope), climb around like Knuckles and even go on ceilings, and in general her gameplay felt more like I was playing Amy (if that makes sense).
I also like that she is forced to take the Amy/Fang paths, giving you the chance to find more content you normally wouldn't see.
Had the most fun with this character in the SUGOI trilogy for how she can easily break a lot of stages with her moveset, but I also had fun with the vanilla stages too.
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I played through the main campaign, some level packs, and online with Trip, and she's a pretty simple and fun character to play as.

Spritework is amazing as expected, but what I love about Trip is her simplicity. She has her basic moves from superstars and the new bounce ability.

In my first few levels with her, I thought bounce was kind of an odd ability to have but it ended up being pretty useful for things like keeping momentum and unlocking new paths with her.


I was already expecting it, but it was really cool to see that her dragon form was implemented too, it all controls well. My only nitpicks are that the Fang music and the super form music can't be disabled (Although I really loved the Fang music). There is also the credits pop-up that appears every time you load a save file with her, which honestly is not necessarily something that I would like to be taken away since it is good to know the people behind the mod and them getting credits for all their hard work, but it would be nice if, after the first time you see it, it could let you disable it. But the music and credits pop-up is just a small nitpick that does not take away from the whole mod.

In conclusion, Trip is a pretty good character mod. Really love how simple her moveset is, it makes her feel like she comes with the vanilla cast.

Congrats to the team for making such a cool character mod!
light dasher
light dasher
You can disable Trip's super form music using the command t_supermusic. We'll look into making other toggles as well so players can customize these small parts of their experience.
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Completed a vanilla game all emeralds campaign with her, it's super fun to play as her,10/10


Also the extra stuff that happens,like when you play in frozen hillside zone,trip blushes upon getting hugged by amy or
the music change on the fang bossfight
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I Played this add-on very Satisfied, her move set is SOOO convenient! this add-on clearly had lots of love put into it, just LOVE IT!
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