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    • SonicX8000 replied to the thread SUGOI.
      Sugoi v2.2a again. Finished the Emblem Hunt... but not fully since I ran into some stuff along the way. As usual, this contains...
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    • SonicX8000 replied to the thread SUGOI.
      Sugio v2.2a, did another runthrough to try to find all the emblems and left off at the last area for now. Here's what I ran into so far...
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    • SonicX8000 replied to the thread SUGOI.
      Got done with Sugio and got more bugs to mention, though some are prob known. Again, for those that have yet to play this, shield your...
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    • SonicX8000 replied to the thread SUGOI.
      Been playing this for quite awhile and I got some bugs to mention using the included Nightly Build. (Can prob happen in current build...
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