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I was gonna add more characters, but since today's a special occation, I added a Homestuck character!

Here's the only attraction - The reason why you came to download this.

he's so cute I CANT?Q?WRWE?FSD

Moo, a basic enemy from the Klonoa series, felt like getting it's nightmare-ish butt out and decided to take on a racing comptetition! Though, I'm unsure if it even KNOWS it's a competition...

With a pretty neutral speed and weight of 4, you could say they're akin to Knuckles in terms of stats, although just a small bit slower and lighter.

They use Red as their prefered skincolor.



Maurice (best described as an inside joke), is the greatest thing you will ever see in your entire life. The dude is Sonic but awesome - He's faster, stronger AND prettier than Sonic ever wishes to be!

Infact, he is so fast that he needed to be put in a kart - as such his incredible speed would make him win the entire course in a single blink.

As such, he shares the same stats as his progentitor (2,2), and his prefered skincolor is Blue.

So powerful he needed to be nerfed back to being a Sonic clone. Incredible.

Can barely be heard ingame? Good.

It being my own character pack, it's bound to have some (actual) original characters, yes?

Here's one of mine - Cube.
Cube, begging to be able to race, managed to get their supervisor to allow them to compete.

With a speed of 4, and a weight of 5, they're closer to Knuckles than Moo is.
Their prefered skincolor is Mint.



John Egbert.

I don't read Homestuck, so I don't have any flavor text for him.

He's 7 speed and 1 weight, using Mint as his default skincolor.

He's light and faster than average because apparently wind is his thing in the webcomic, so, there.


Sketchog and Sketchfox are lighter copies of Sonic and Tails, respectivebly. These two were stars of their own character pack before these 3 took the spotlight. Too bad!

Sketchog's prefered skincolor is Jaws, while Sketchfox's prefered skincolor is Orange.

This isn't Jaws, silly.
i don't think this is even me trying to fail

  • Platex for doing the voices of Maurice and Cube
  • The folks behind the Sound effects for the classic Sonic games (used in Sketchfox and Sketchfox)
  • Namco x Capcom for the Moo voice clips.
  • SwizzlyBubbles for the voice of John Egbert
v1.1: john egbert home stuck Is Here! Happy Homestuck!

v...1.0?: That's RIGHT! A rebrand! It includes 3 additional characters, turning this into a regular character pack!

v4.0: New friend Sketchfox!

v3.0: Entirely new set of sprites, new set of sounds, and giving him his proper name!

v2.1: Stat fixes.

v2.0: Sprite and sound changes. sometimes his head will be too big, but remember
He is just a sketch (lame excuse).

v1.0: Initial release.
  • kart0000.gif
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  • kart0002.gif
    3.5 MB · Views: 318
  • sonckartsv1.1iconegbert.gif
    387.3 KB · Views: 157
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1.9 MB
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  1. Happy Homestuck! Say hello to Egbert!

    I was gonna add more characters, but since today's a special occation, here's John! I don't...
  2. SoncKarts!

    The former Sketchog character pack now includes 3 more characters, which opens the possibility...
  3. Where's the "SEEEE" of my "GAAAA"?

    I added Sketchog's variant of Tails, Sketchfox! ...And that's it. Sketchfox's stats: Speed...

Latest reviews

SoncKarts is a character pack for SRB2 Kart which adds a variety of characters to the game. Unlike my (few) SRB2 reviews, I'll look over each character instead of the sprites and moveset.

Moo (5/5)
I'm mostly rating them this high because of their sprites and where they come from. I love Klonoa as a franchise. I also like their stats.

Maurice (3/5)
Despite me being scared of him knocking down my door and murdering me for rating him a 3 instead of a 5, I think Maurice is my least favourite. Sure his sprites are yet again great, I just dislike the fact he's a Sonic Clone.

Cube (4.8/5)
Same thing with Moo, it's just that they aren't from Klonoa so I'll use them less :DDDDD

John Egbert (4/5)
John is way too fast for my playstyle but I still like how he looks. I also have a friend who likes Homestuck (what the fuck is a Homestuck) so uhh yeah.

Sketchhog (3.8/5)
A lighter copy of Sonic. I don't like playing with fast characters because I always fuck up in the tracks. Yet again, in love with his sprites.

Sketchfox (4/5)
A lighter copy of Tails. They're alright, again I love their sprites.

In conclusion (4.7/5)
I think this is a great character pack for a casual game of SRB2Kart.
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Image this fox so funny
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