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    • sonc reacted to Joschurale's resource Jysh Pack with Cool! Cool!.
      A continuation of Joschurale's Funky Bunch of Dudes with a less stupidly long name. • RACERS • CHUCK E. CHEESE DONKEY KONG...
    • sonc reacted to MotorRoach's post in the thread Thank you all for the wonderful years with Cool! Cool!.
      Sorry to shock all of you, but today I announce that I'm leaving the SRB2 team and community as a whole. I never thought this day would...
    • sonc reacted to DaJumpJump's resource Hakune the Lynx with Cool! Cool!.
    • sonc reacted to light dasher's resource Trip the Sungazer with Cool! Cool!.
      Trip is a sweet little lizard who'll do her best for her friends. Basic abilities: DOUBLE JUMP A simple but integral ability...
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